

namespace LiabraryClasses.Library

// General Events Handler Class
class GEVENTS 
public override void textBox_GotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Increase font size  and background color 




public class MySpecialTextBox : TextBox
public Font FontIfFocussed {get; set;}            // TODO: assign default values
public Font FontIfNotFocussed {get; set;}
public Color BackColorIfFocussed {get; set;}
public color BackColorIfNotFocussed {get; set;}
protected override OnGotFocus(Eventargs e)
// TODO: set font size and background color of this TextBox
protected override OnLostFocus(Eventargs e)
// TODO: set font size and background color of this TextBox

通过这种方式,您可以在visual studio设计器中选择您想要的TextBox类型:普通的,或者改变颜色和喜好的。


class MyWindow
private myTextBox;
private Font fontIfFocussed = ..
private Font FontIfNotFocussed = ...
private Color BackColorIfFocussed = ...
private color BackColorIfNotFocussed = ...
public MyWindow()
this.myTextBox = new TextBox();
this.fontIfFocussed = new Font(this.myTextBox.Font.FontFamily, 16);
this.backColorIfFocussed = Color.AliceBlue;
this.myTextBox.GotFocus += this.OnGotFocus();
public void OnGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender as Control control != null)
control.Font = this.fontIfFocussed;
control.BackColor = this.backColorIfFocussed;
