PHP URL 参数重定向 - 使用通配符/正则表达式

我最近找到了这个解决方案,用于执行php url变量到标头位置的重定向。

与用于大规模重定向的 htaccess 相比,它更易于管理,但是我接下来想解决的一件事是,我如何使用正则表达式来实现您可以使用 htaccess 执行的操作,其中请求/(.*) 转到目的地/$1。


preg_match($redirects['request(.*)'] = "$domain/destination/1");


然后使用脚本我有一行类似$redirects['pics'] = "$domain/pictures";,其中$domain变量与http://domain.tld相关联。



$redirects['request'] = "$domain/dest";
$redirects['request2'] = "$domain/dest2";
$redirects['request3'] = "$domain/dest3";


if(isset($_GET['req']) && isset($redirects[$_GET['req']])) {
$loc = htmlspecialchars($redirects[$_GET['req']]);
header("Location: " . $loc);
header("Location: $domain");



我认为ltrim()是我想要的,在其他答案上看到,例如,如果我指定 0 作为要删除的内容,01 将变为 1,001 将变为 01,10 将保留为 10,100 为 100,依此类推。然而,事实并非如此。相反,它将剥离所述字符的所有实例。虽然它不是用斜杠做的,所以很困惑。


if (strpos($get, $req) === 0) {
$get = substr($get, strlen($req));
return $get;




$req = "pics/";
$get = $_GET['req'];
$wild = strpos($get, $req) === 0
? substr($get, strlen($req))
: $get;
$redirects["pics/$wild"] = "$domain/pictures/$wild";

这需要pics/*stuff*并删除pics/,因此$wild的值等于*stuff*,所以我只是在重定向中使用它来制作通配符和 taadaa。



function wildcard($req) {
$get = $_GET['req'];
return strpos($get, $req) === 0
? substr($get, strlen($req))
: $get;



$req = "pics/";
$wild = wildcard($req);
$redirects[$req.$wild] = "$domain/pictures/$wild";


function wild() {
$get = $_GET['req']; global $req;
return strpos($get, $req) === 0
? substr($get, strlen($req))
: $get;


$req = "pics/";
$redirects[$req.wild()] = "$domain/pictures/".wild();


$req = "pics/";    $redirects[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/pictures/".wild($req);


附言,此方法,您希望在参数中包含尾部斜杠,以便结果不会变得混乱。 为了实现能够将pics发送到$domain/pictures,我们希望在参数的末尾有一个尾部斜杠。在 htaccess 中的重定向规则中,要将请求作为参数发送到脚本,请在末尾添加尾部斜杠。因此,如果您使用的是 Apache 或 Litespeed,则可以在 htaccess 中执行以下操作,将所有请求作为参数发送到您的脚本,并带有尾部斜杠,如下所示:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?req=$1/ [R=301,L]




function wild($req) {
$get = $_GET['req'];
return strpos($get, $req) === 0
? substr($get, strlen($req))
: $get;
$domain = "http://domain.tld";
// Redirects
$req = "request1/";    $redirects[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/dest1/".wild($req);
$req = "request2/";    $redirects[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/dest2/".wild($req);
$req = "request3/";    $redirects[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/dest3/".wild($req);
// Run Script
if (isset($_GET['req'], $redirects[$_GET['req']])) {
$loc = htmlspecialchars($redirects[$_GET['req']]);
header("Location: " . rtrim($loc,"/"));
// If no match in the redirects, redirect to this location.
header("Location: $domain");


我解决此问题的方法是将?referer=doma.in添加到标头位置的末尾,并在 domain.tld 上的 htaccess 中,排除具有该查询字符串的不存在的请求,使其重定向回脚本。


$loc = htmlspecialchars($redirects[$_GET['req']]).'?';

在 domain.tld 的 htaccess 中,在现有规则上方放置一个重写,如下所示以排除查询字符串:

# Ignore these referer queries
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ! [NC]
# Send dead requests to with uri as query
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1/ [R=301,L]

为了更好地衡量,我还在 domain.tld 的重定向中添加了一个引用。


# Send dead requests with referer query to home (or 404 or wherever)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "referer=" [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) /?req=$1 [R=301,L]
# Remove referer query from requests
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "referer=" [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) /$1/? [R=301,L]

在删除查询之前,我们需要在某个地方发送死引用查询请求,否则我们将回到第一步。我将死请求发送到我的主页,并将请求 uri 作为参数,以便仍然可以知道请求 url 是什么。


$get = $_GET['req'];
$loc = $redirects[$get];
$wildloc = $wildcards[$get];
// Run Script
if(isset($get) && isset($loc) || isset($wildloc)) {
if(isset($wildcards[$get])) {
$loc = rtrim($wildloc,'/').'?'; }
$loc = rtrim(htmlspecialchars($loc),'/');
header("Location: ".$loc);





// Wildcard function
function wild($req) {
$get = $_GET['req'];
return strpos($get, $req) === 0
? substr($get, strlen($req))
: $get;
$domain = "http://domain.tld";
// Redirects
$req = "request1/";   $wildcards[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/dest1/".wild($req);  // A wildcard redirect
$req = "request2/";    $wildcards[$req.wild($req)] = "$domain/dest2/".wild($req);  // A wildcard redirect
$redirects['request3/'] = "$domain/dest3/"; // Not a wildcard redirect
$get = $_GET['req'];
$loc = $redirects[$get];
$wildloc = $wildcards[$get];
// Run Script
if(isset($get) && isset($loc) || isset($wildloc)) {
if(isset($wildcards[$get])) {
$loc = rtrim($wildloc,'/').'?';}
$loc = rtrim(htmlspecialchars($loc),'/');
header("Location: ".$loc);
// If no match in the redirects, redirect to this location.
header("Location: $domain/?req=$get");






function redirects($config) {                           // Create a redirects(); function with the inputted array set as $config
// Config Variables
$req = $config['param'];                                // Assign $req to the $config param value 
$dir = $config['dir'];                                  // Assign $dir to the $config dir value
$domain = $config['domain'];                            // Assign $domain to the $config domain value
$_404   = $config['404'];                               // Assign $_404 to this $config 404 value
$_referer = $config['referer'];                         // Assign $referer_ to the referer value
$referer = 'referer='.$_referer;                        // Assign $referer to the full referer param
if (isset($_GET[$_referer])) {
if ($_GET[$_referer] == $_referer) {                    // If this script's referer exists,
echo "Do not loop back to the script!";             // Throw a warning
exit();                                             // & exit
}                                                       // Otherwise continue
if (isset($_GET[$req]) && !empty($_GET[$req])) {                // If a req parameter exists & isn't empty, continue
$req = $_GET[$req];                                         // Assign $req to $_GET[$req]
// Create the arrays
$redirects = $wildcards = $halfwilds = array();             // Create the arrays needed, so if there's not at least one redirect done, which would be what creates the array otherwise, there won't be a 500 error due to it. 
// Redirect includes
foreach (glob($dir) as $filename) {                         // Search for all redirect php files at $dir location
include $filename;                                      // Include those files
// Leading & Trailing Slashes
$req = '/'.trim($req, '/').'/';                             // Add a leading & trailing slash to $req param if non existent

function redir_editkeys($array) {                           // Create an editkeys(); function and pass the specified array as $array
$keys = array_keys($array);                                 // Extract the keys of the array as values of $keys array
foreach ($keys as &$value) {
$value = '/'.trim($value, '/').'/';                     // Add a leading & trailing slash to $keys values if non existent
return array_combine($keys, $array);                        // Replace the original array's keys with the modified keys & return
// Referer
function referer($redir, $referer, $domain) {               // Create a referer(); function and pass to it $redir, $referer, & $domain.
if (strpos($redir, $domain) !==false) {                     // Using $domain, check $redir for a match.
$redir = $redir.'?'.$referer;                           // If there's a match, add the referer param
}   return $redir;                                          // Return the edited $redir, or if no match, return without editing
// Redirects
$redirects = redir_editkeys($redirects);                    // Edit $redirects keys using editkeys();
if (isset($redirects[$req])) {                              // Check that $redirects[$req] exists
$redir = $redirects[$req];                              // Assign $redir to $redirects[$req];
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);            // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                             // & Redirect
// Wildcards
$wildcards = redir_editkeys($wildcards);                    // Edit $wildcards keys using editkeys();
foreach ($wildcards as $key => $value) {                    // Assign variables to $wildcards keys & values
if (strpos($req, $key) !== false) {                     // Using $key, check $req for a match
$wild = substr($req, strlen($key));                 // Extract everything after the match as $wild
$req = substr($req, 0, strlen($key));               // Extract the matching part at the beginning as $req
if (isset($wildcards[$req])) {                      // Check that $wildcards[$req] exists
$redir = $wildcards[$req];                      // Assign $redir to $wildcards[$req]
$redir = $redir.$wild;                          // Attach $wild onto $redir
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);    // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                     // & Redirect
// Half Wilds
$halfwilds = redir_editkeys($halfwilds);                    // Edit $halfwilds keys using editkeys();
foreach ($halfwilds as $key => $value) {                    // Assign variables to $halfwilds keys & values
if (strpos($req, $key) !== false) {                     // Using $key, check $req for a match
$req = substr($req, 0, strlen($key));               // Extract the matching part at the beginning as $req
if (isset($halfcards[$req])) {                      // Check that $halfwilds[$req] exists
$redir = $halfwilds[$req];                      // Assign $redir to $halfwilds[$req]
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);    // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                     // & Redirect
// 404
$req = "req=".trim($req,'/')."&";                           // Attach the param name to the $req value for the 404 redirect if it's not empty and remove the slashes.
else { $req = ''; }                                         // If no req param, or if empty, unset $req
header("Location: ".$domain.$_404."?".$req.$referer);       // If there's no match, redirect to this location.


array( // Config
'param'   => 'req',                   //  Param name                 ||  Set the name of the url param. Here it is "req".
'dir'     => 'redirects/*/*.php',     //  Redirect file(s) location  ||  Set the location to look for the file(s) you store your redirects. Here I have my files in sub folders of a rediects folder. Do not put a leading slash infront, use "../" etc as it must be relative, not absolute..
'domain'  => 'http://domain.tld',     //  Your domain                ||  Set your website's domain name here. This'll be used to check whether redirects go to it and if the referer is needed.
'404'     => '/',                     //  404 location               ||  Set the location 404s will go to. Hereit is just my homepage, so I've put "/".
'referer' => 'redirector'             //  Referer param              ||  Set the value of the referer param that will be used in redirects to the same site so we can stop 404s resulting in a loop.


$redirects['request1'] = "$domain/dest1";
$redirects['request2'] = "$domain/dest2";


$wildcards['request3'] = "$domain/dest3/";
$wildcards['request4'] = "$domain/dest4/";


$halfwilds['request5'] = "$domain/dest5";
$halfwilds['request6'] = "$domain/dest6";


<小时 />
  1. 配置:


function redirects($config) {                           // Create a redirects(); function with the inputted array set as $config
// Config Variables
$req = $config['param'];                                // Assign $req to the $config param value 
$dir = $config['dir'];                                  // Assign $dir to the $config dir value
$domain = $config['domain'];                            // Assign $domain to the $config domain value
$_404   = $config['404'];                               // Assign $_404 to this $config 404 value
$_referer = $config['referer'];                         // Assign $referer_ to the referer value
$referer = 'referer='.$_referer;                        // Assign $referer to the full referer param


  1. 引用检查

我首先检查了请求中是否存在此脚本的引用参数,只需简单地说"Do not loop back to the script!",然后exit();脚本。

if (isset($_GET[$_referer])) {
if ($_GET[$_referer] == $_referer) {                    // If this script's referer exists,
echo "Do not loop back to the script!";             // Throw a warning
exit();                                             // & exit
}                                                       // Otherwise continue

  1. 数组和包含

接下来,如果请求中的引用参数不匹配,当 req 参数存在且不为空时,我们打开一个 if,创建空数组,然后包含我们在配置中声明的位置我们放置重定向。

if (isset($_GET[$req]) && !empty($_GET[$req])) {                // If a req parameter exists & isn't empty, continue
$req = $_GET[$req];                                         // Assign $req to $_GET[$req]
// Create the arrays
$redirects = $wildcards = $halfwilds = array();             // Create the arrays needed, so if there's not at least one redirect done, which would be what creates the array otherwise, there won't be a 500 error due to it. 
// Redirect includes
foreach (glob($dir) as $filename) {                         // Search for all redirect php files at $dir location
include $filename;                                      // Include those files

根据我对 php 工作方式的理解,这实际上有一个好处,将包含放在 if 中,如果不满足条件,当请求没有 req 参数时就是这种情况,包含甚至不会被处理。

  1. 前导和尾随斜杠


// Leading & Trailing Slashes
$req = '/'.trim($req, '/').'/';                             // Add a leading & trailing slash to $req param if non existent

function redir_editkeys($array) {                           // Create an editkeys(); function and pass the specified array as $array
$keys = array_keys($array);                                 // Extract the keys of the array as values of $keys array
foreach ($keys as &$value) {
$value = '/'.trim($value, '/').'/';                     // Add a leading & trailing slash to $keys values if non existent
return array_combine($keys, $array);                        // Replace the original array's keys with the modified keys & return

在这里,我们创建了一个名为editkeys();的函数,该函数创建您传递给它的任何数组的键的新数组,执行 foreach 修改这些键,然后将它们放回原始数组中,替换原始键。

  1. 目标域 检查是否需要引用参数

如果我们将目标的 404 请求发送到脚本,我们希望停止重定向到以 404s 结尾的该目标的重定向循环。我们可以始终添加引用参数,但这可能会根据该目的地的网站配置对查询字符串的处理而冒着窃听的风险。因此,让我们做一个函数来检查传递的目的地是否转到$domain,如果为 true,则向其添加引用器并将其返回。

// Referer
function referer($redir, $referer, $domain) {               // Create a referer(); function and pass to it $redir, $referer, & $domain.
if (strpos($redir, $domain) !==false) {                     // Using $domain, check $redir for a match.
$redir = $redir.'?'.$referer;                           // If there's a match, add the referer param
}   return $redir;                                          // Return the edited $redir, or if no match, return without editing

  1. 重定向


// Redirects
$redirects = redir_editkeys($redirects);                    // Edit $redirects keys using editkeys();
if (isset($redirects[$req])) {                              // Check that $redirects[$req] exists
$redir = $redirects[$req];                              // Assign $redir to $redirects[$req];
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);            // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                             // & Redirect

其次是通配符。我们通过editkeys();函数运行$wildcards数组,在数组上运行foreach();以查找匹配的键,获取匹配后的所有内容作为$wild,仅获取匹配项作为$req,检查数组中作为键存在的$req值,获取该键的目的地,附加$wild, 然后运行检查是否需要引用,重定向和BAM。

// Wildcards
$wildcards = redir_editkeys($wildcards);                    // Edit $wildcards keys using editkeys();
foreach ($wildcards as $key => $value) {                    // Assign variables to $wildcards keys & values
if (strpos($req, $key) !== false) {                     // Using $key, check $req for a match
$wild = substr($req, strlen($key));                 // Extract everything after the match as $wild
$req = substr($req, 0, strlen($key));               // Extract the matching part at the beginning as $req
if (isset($wildcards[$req])) {                      // Check that $wildcards[$req] exists
$redir = $wildcards[$req];                      // Assign $redir to $wildcards[$req]
$redir = $redir.$wild;                          // Attach $wild onto $redir
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);    // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                     // & Redirect


// Half Wilds
$halfwilds = redir_editkeys($halfwilds);                    // Edit $halfwilds keys using editkeys();
foreach ($halfwilds as $key => $value) {                    // Assign variables to $halfwilds keys & values
if (strpos($req, $key) !== false) {                     // Using $key, check $req for a match
$req = substr($req, 0, strlen($key));               // Extract the matching part at the beginning as $req
if (isset($halfcards[$req])) {                      // Check that $halfwilds[$req] exists
$redir = $halfwilds[$req];                      // Assign $redir to $halfwilds[$req]
$redir = referer($redir, $referer, $domain);    // If it does, run referer();
header("Location: $redir");                     // & Redirect


<小时 />
  1. 404

然后我们有 404 重定向,它将任何请求发送到脚本,这些请求要么与作为 req 参数的请求不匹配,要么在没有 req 参数或为空的情况下仅与引用参数匹配。

// 404
$req = "req=".trim($req,'/')."&";                           // Attach the param name to the $req value for the 404 redirect if it's not empty and remove the slashes.
else { $req = ''; }                                         // If no req param, or if empty, unset $req
header("Location: ".$domain.$_404."?".$req.$referer);       // If there's no match, redirect to this location.



Apache/Litespeed/Openlitespeed (htaccess)

在 htaccess 的底部,添加以下内容:

############# Rewrite dead requests to redirector with uri as query
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !referer=redirector [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /redirect.php?req=$1 [R=301,L]



############# Send dead requests to redirector with uri as query
error_page 404 = @redirects;
location @redirects {
if ($query_string !~ referer=redirector {
rewrite ^/(.*)(.php?) /redirect.php?req=$1 redirect;

我现在正在使用Nginx,远离OpenLitespeed,因为出现了一个奇怪的问题,而Nginx根本没有。所以弄清楚 Nginx conf 做事的方式很有趣。我注意到的一件事是,通过将扩展请求重写为无扩展,发送到您注意到的其他请求.php末尾添加。所以我在这里的重写中排除了扩展名。同样在error_page 404的位置执行这些通配符重定向,比尝试在if中设置以忽略存在的文件/文件夹要容易得多。


在尝试用nginx做同样的事情时,我用htaccess做了同样的事情,删除了引用参数,我试图这样做很有趣,我意识到无论如何这是一个有缺陷的解决方案,因为它删除了整个查询。 使用 PHP 代替,这个函数来实现这一点,删除单个参数:

function strip_param($url,$param) {
if (isset($_GET[$param])) {                     // Check that param exists
$base_url = strtok($url,'?');                 // Get the base url
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);                // Parse it
$query = $parsed_url['query'];                // Get the query string
parse_str($query,$params);                    // Convert parameters into array
unset($params[$param]);                       // Delete the one you want
$new_query = http_build_query($params);       // Rebuild query string
$new_url = $base_url.'?'.$new_query;          // Rebuild the url
$url = rtrim($new_url,'?');                   // If now no query, remove ending ?
return header("Location: $url");              // Redirect
//  How to use
//  Place the above function anywhere you include above content of where you need it, such as a functions file.
//  The below, put this somewhere at the top before content.
// Strip params from requests
strip_param($webpage_URI,'referer');              // The $webpage_URI value is:    "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

这个功能我们可以给这个人提供道具。 这就是导致我开始克隆它被评论的方式的原因。这是一种整洁、可读的做事方式。尽管我之前的剧本很短,但它并不整洁,而且并不完全甜蜜。但是哦,我很高兴现在获得功能。值得推荐!!

再次感谢米克的一些改进技巧。 对 500 个错误有点乐趣,因为当我决定将半通配符命名为$half_wildcards而不是$wildcards_half时,我搞砸了,我没有更新所有这些,哈哈。我现在把它改成$halfwilds,因为我突然想到了它,这是相同数量的字符$wildcards$redirects所以这是甜蜜的一致性。它也使它更加与众不同,这反过来又使事情变得不那么混乱。

这也带来了一个问题,如果有人使用它只是说$wildcards,或$redirects,或者在我的情况下,两者兼而有之,但不是$halfwilds..如果没有重定向,则不会创建关联的数组存在,这将导致 500。所以我创建了空数组,以便它们将始终存在并且不会导致错误。

更新了脚本,稍微移动了数组键变量分配,因此如果您没有将它们设置为忽略未定义的数组和变量等的警告,它们就不会向日志发送垃圾邮件。我现在将这些日志设置为关键,因为它很烦人,但在这里懒惰这个脚本。还编辑了编辑键函数名称,以便在意识到嵌套函数仍然很好地作为全局定义明智地使用它们时redir_editkeys。GRR PHP有它的怪癖。


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