

import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { ProjectList } from "../helpers/ProjectList";
import GitHubIcon from "@mui/icons-material/GitHub";
import LanguageIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Language";
import "../styles/ProjectDisplay.css";
//useParams returns an object key/value pairs of the dynamic params from the current URL that were matched by the <Route path>
function ProjectDisplay() {
const { id } = useParams();
const project = ProjectList[id];
return (
<div className="project">
<img src={project.image} alt="portfolio-projects" />
<GitHubIcon />
<LanguageIcon />
export default ProjectDisplay; 
*//projectlist below*
export const ProjectList = [
name: "SquareSpace Website Homage",
image: squarespace,
skill: "HTML, CSS, JavaScript",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/Portoflio-Website",
website: "https://mysquarespacehomage.netlify.app/",
name: "HarryPorter theme TODO CRUD app",
image: harryporter,
skill: "HTML, CSS, JavaScript",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/TO-DO-APP",
website: "https://gabriellatodoapp.netlify.app/",
name: "Restaurant Reservation System",
image: reservation,
skill: "React, Redux Toolkit and TypeScript",
name: "Deposit/Withdraw system",
image: depositWithdraw,
skill: "React, JavaScript, Redux: reducers/store/action-creators",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/React-with-redux-deposit-withdraw-",
name: "Four-card landing page feature",
image: fourcardfeature,
skill: "HTML, CSS, JavaScript",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/Four-card-feature-design-file",
name: "Vancouver Sleep Clinc website",
image: vancouver,
skill: "HTML, CSS",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/Vancouver-Sleep-Clinc-PROJ",
name: "Intro component with SignUp form",
image: signupForm,
skill: "HTML, CSS, JavaScript",
github: "https://github.com/LouisNzavi/Intro-Signup-form",


import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { ProjectList } from "../helpers/ProjectList";
import GitHubIcon from "@mui/icons-material/GitHub";
import LanguageIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Language";
import "../styles/ProjectDisplay.css";
//useParams returns an object key/value pairs of the dynamic params from the current URL that were matched by the <Route path>
function ProjectDisplay() {
const { id } = useParams();
const project = ProjectList[id];
return (
{ProjectList.map((project, index) =>
<div key={index} className="project">
<img src={project.image} alt="portfolio-projects" />
<a href={project.github} rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">
<GitHubIcon />
<LanguageIcon />
export default ProjectDisplay;

