
input_list=[[('This civilisation flourished between 2500 __________________ and 1900 __________________ in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'This civilisation flourished between 2500 BCE and 1900 BCE in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.'),
[('Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from __________________ Asia in several waves of migration.',
'Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from Central Asia in several waves of migration.'),

output= [{'question': 'This civilisation flourished between 2500 __________________ and 1900 __________________ in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'context':'This civilisation flourished between 2500 BCE and 1900 BCE in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'answer': 'BCE'},
{'question': 'Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from __________________ Asia in several waves of migration.',
'context': 'Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from Central Asia in several waves of migration.',
'answer': 'Central'}]


generated_answer=[{'question': l[0], 'context':l[1],'answer': l[2]} for l in input_list]




input_list=[[('This civilisation flourished between 2500 __________________ and 1900 __________________ in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'This civilisation flourished between 2500 BCE and 1900 BCE in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.'),
[('Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from __________________ Asia in several waves of migration.',
'Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from Central Asia in several waves of migration.'),
generated_answer=[{'question': l[0][0], 'context':l[0][1],'answer': l[1]} for l in input_list]


[{'question': 'This civilisation flourished between 2500 __________________ and 1900 __________________ in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'context': 'This civilisation flourished between 2500 BCE and 1900 BCE in what today is Pakistan and northwestern India and was noted for its urban planning baked brick houses elaborate drainage and water supply.',
'answer': 'BCE'}, 
{'question': 'Around the same time IndoAryan tribes moved into the Punjab from __________________ Asia in several waves of migration.',
'context': 'Around the same time IndoAryan 
tribes moved into the Punjab from Central Asia in several waves of migration.', 
'answer': 'Central'}]


output = [{'question': q, 'context': c, 'answer': a} for (q, c), a in input_list]
