Guid | event | timestamp
1236| page-view | 1234
1236 | product-view | 1235
1236 | page-view | 1237
2025 | add-to-cart
2025 | purchase
GUid | page-view | product-view | add-to-cart | purchase
1236 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0
2025 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
下面是一个使用case when
select Guid
,count(case event when 'page-view' then 1 end) as 'page-view'
,count(case event when 'product-view' then 1 end) as 'product-view'
,count(case event when 'add-to-cart' then 1 end) as 'add-to-cart'
,count(case event when 'purchase' then 1 end) as 'purchase'
from t
group by Guid
Guid | 页面视图 | 产品视图添加到购物车购买 | |||
1236 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0||
2025 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
SELECT a.Guid ,
ifnull ((SELECT count (Guid ) from table_a where event in('page-view') and Guid = a.Guid GROUP by Guid ),0) as [page-view] ,
ifnull((SELECT count (Guid ) from table_a where event in('product-view') and Guid = a.Guid GROUP by Guid ),0) as [product-view] ,
ifnull((SELECT count (Guid ) from table_a where event in('add-to-cart') and Guid = a.Guid GROUP by Guid ),0) as [add-to-cart] ,
ifnull((SELECT count (Guid ) from table_a where event in('purchase') and Guid = a.Guid GROUP by Guid ),0) as [purchase ]
FROM table_a a
GROUP by Guid