c-Struct Array打印了最后一个元素



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 1
struct Number
char name[100];
void read(struct Number *data);
void show(struct Number *data);
int main()
int i, j;
struct Number data[MAX];
int option; 
printf("Choose 1 to Read data or Choose 2 to Show Data");
{ printf(" nChoose ");
scanf("%d", &option);
else if(option==2)
printf("Error! n");

void show(struct Number *data)
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAX; i++)
printf("%s n", data[i].name);
void read(struct Number *data)
int j;
for (j=0; j<MAX; j++)
printf("Name: ");
scanf("%s", data[j].name);


Choose 1 to Read data or Choose 2 to Show Data 
Choose 1
Name: ted   

Choose 1
Name: alex

Choose 2


问题的简单答案是您已经定义了#define MAX 1,因此结构体struct Number data[MAX];的数组中只有1个元素,这意味着您只能读取一个名称。

除此之外,你还有许多领域遇到了麻烦。进行用户输入时,除非检查输入函数的返回以确定输入是成功还是失败,否则无法正确进行输入。使用scanf("%s", ...读取名称时会遇到问题,因为"%s"格式说明符会停止读取遇到的第一个空白。这意味着您将永远无法将"Siam C."作为名称读取。



while (1) { /* loop continually */
/* make your menu readable */
fputs ("nPress 'Enter' on a blank line when donenn"
" 1) Read datan"
" 2) Show Datann"
"Choice: ", stdout);

当您必须根据多个输入值来确定采用哪个分支时,请考虑使用switch()语句,而不是长链的if ... else if ... else。它的功能相同,但提供了一种更结构化的方法,例如

/* use a switch to control */
switch (option) {
case 1:     read (data, &nelem); break;
case 2:     show (data, nelem); break;
default:    fputs ("error: invalid choice.n", stderr); break;



/* update the number of elements filled through the nelem pointer */
void read (struct Number *data, size_t *nelem)
putchar ('n');                                     /* newline separator */

while (*nelem < MAX) {                              /* check array not full */
char *p = data[*nelem].name;                    /* pointer to cut down typing */

fputs ("enter name: ", stdout);                 /* read with fgets() */
if (!fgets (p, MAX, stdin) || *p == 'n')       /* check return & blank line */
p[strcspn (p, "n")] = 0;                       /* trim 'n' from end of name */

(*nelem)++;                                     /* increment name count */



/* pass the number of filled struct as parameter */
void show (struct Number *data, size_t nelem)
size_t i;

putchar ('n');                                     /* newline separator */

if (nelem == 0) {                                   /* check if list is empty */
puts ("  (list-empty)");

for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++)                         /* output all names */
printf("  Name:  %sn", data[i].name);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 100     /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
struct Number {
char name[MAX];
/* pass the number of filled struct as parameter */
void show (struct Number *data, size_t nelem)
size_t i;

putchar ('n');                                     /* newline separator */

if (nelem == 0) {                                   /* check if list is empty */
puts ("  (list-empty)");

for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++)                         /* output all names */
printf("  Name:  %sn", data[i].name);
/* update the number of elements filled through the nelem pointer */
void read (struct Number *data, size_t *nelem)
putchar ('n');                                     /* newline separator */

while (*nelem < MAX) {                              /* check array not full */
char *p = data[*nelem].name;                    /* pointer to cut down typing */

fputs ("enter name: ", stdout);                 /* read with fgets() */
if (!fgets (p, MAX, stdin) || *p == 'n')       /* check return & blank line */
p[strcspn (p, "n")] = 0;                       /* trim 'n' from end of name */

(*nelem)++;                                     /* increment name count */
int main (void) {

char line[MAX];                     /* buffer to hold line of input */
struct Number data[MAX] = {{""}};   /* initialize all name to empty-string */
size_t nelem = 0;                   /* number of filled struct */
int option;

while (1) { /* loop continually */
/* make your menu readable */
fputs ("nPress 'Enter' on a blank line when donenn"
" 1) Read datan"
" 2) Show Datann"
"Choice: ", stdout);

/* read entire line of input into line, break on EOF or blank line */
if (fgets (line, MAX, stdin) == NULL || *line == 'n')

/* parse integer from line */
if (sscanf (line, "%d", &option) != 1) {
fputs ("  error: invalid integer input.n", stderr);

/* use a switch to control */
switch (option) {
case 1:     read (data, &nelem); break;
case 2:     show (data, nelem); break;
default:    fputs ("error: invalid choice.n", stderr); break;



$ ./bin/structnumber
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: 2
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: 1
enter name: Mickey Mouse
enter name: Minnie Mouse
enter name:
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: 2
Name:  Mickey Mouse
Name:  Minnie Mouse
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: 1
enter name: Donald Duck
enter name: Pluto (the dog)
enter name:
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: 2
Name:  Mickey Mouse
Name:  Minnie Mouse
Name:  Donald Duck
Name:  Pluto (the dog)
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data


$ ./bin/structnumber
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data
Choice: banannas
error: invalid integer input.
Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done
1) Read data
2) Show Data

(注意:您可以将"Press 'Enter' on a blank line when done"移出循环,因此它只显示一次——它是有意重复的,以提醒用户如何结束数据或菜单项(

