我正在尝试在AWS EC2上实现PJSUA2 python来进行调用.如何访问本地音频媒体,如麦克风和扬声器


ua_cfg = pj.UAConfig()
ua_cfg.stun_host = "XX.XX.XXX.XX"
my_media_cfg = pj.MediaConfig()
my_media_cfg.enable_ice = True
log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=5, callback=log_cb)
lib.init(ua_cfg=ua_cfg, media_cfg=my_media_cfg, log_cfg=log_cfg)


transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, pj.TransportConfig(0))





class AudDevManager
#include <media.hpp>
Audio device manager.
Public Functions
int getCaptureDev() const
Get currently active capture sound devices.
If sound devices has not been created, it is possible that the function returns -1 as device IDs.
Device ID of the capture device.
AudioMedia &getCaptureDevMedia()
Get the AudioMedia of the capture audio device.
Audio media for the capture device.
int getPlaybackDev() const
Get currently active playback sound devices.
If sound devices has not been created, it is possible that the function returns -1 as device IDs.
Device ID of the playback device.
AudioMedia &getPlaybackDevMedia()
Get the AudioMedia of the speaker/playback audio device.
Audio media for the speaker/playback device.
void setCaptureDev(int capture_dev) const
Select or change capture sound device.
Application may call this function at any time to replace current sound device. Calling this method will not change the state of the sound device (opened/closed). Note that this method will override the mode set by setSndDevMode().
capture_dev: Device ID of the capture device.
void setPlaybackDev(int playback_dev) const
Select or change playback sound device.
Application may call this function at any time to replace current sound device. Calling this method will not change the state of the sound device (opened/closed). Note that this method will override the mode set by setSndDevMode().
playback_dev: Device ID of the playback device.
const AudioDevInfoVector &enumDev()
Warning: deprecated, use enumDev2 instead.
This function is not safe in multithreaded environment.
Enum all audio devices installed in the system. This function is not safe in multithreaded environment.
The list of audio device info.
AudioDevInfoVector2 enumDev2() const
Enum all audio devices installed in the system.
The list of audio device info.
void setNullDev()
Set pjsua to use null sound device.
The null sound device only provides the timing needed by the conference bridge, and will not interract with any hardware.
MediaPort *setNoDev()
Disconnect the main conference bridge from any sound devices, and let application connect the bridge to it’s own sound device/master port.
The port interface of the conference bridge, so that application can connect this to it’s own sound device or master port.
void setSndDevMode(unsigned mode) const
Set sound device mode.
