将小写"i"转换为大写"İ"时会出现不同的字符(Wordpress Gravity)


add_action('gform_pre_submission_1', 'capitalize_fields_1');
function capitalize_fields_1($form){
// add all the field IDs you want to capitalize, to this array
$fields_to_cap = array('input_1');
foreach ($fields_to_cap as $each) {
// for each field, convert the submitted value to uppercase and assign back to the POST variable
// the rgpost function strips slashes

$_POST[$each] = strtoupper(rgpost($each));
// return the form, even though we did not modify it
return $form;



function mb_strtoupper_tr($metin){
$metin=str_replace('i', 'İ', $metin);


add_action('gform_pre_submission_1', 'capitalize_fields_1');
function capitalize_fields_1($form){
// add all the field IDs you want to capitalize, to this array
$fields_to_cap = array('input_1');
foreach ($fields_to_cap as $each) {
// for each field, convert the submitted value to uppercase and assign back to the POST variable
// the rgpost function strips slashes

$_POST[$each] = strtoupper(str_replace('i', 'İ', rgpost($each)));
// return the form, even though we did not modify it
return $form;
