



  1. 我是否正确实现了路径约束?有更聪明的方法吗?

  2. 我得到了一个收敛的解决方案,但就我的一生而言,我无法获得与之匹配的倾斜角度。它有时会非常接近(尤其是当你考虑180=-180时(,但在其他时候肯定会偏离。关于如何达成更好的协议,有什么建议吗?



from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import pandas as pd
pi = math.pi
rotating_earth = 0 #### 0 = 'no' 1 = 'yes'####

#Gekko setup
m = GEKKO() # initialize GEKKO
tfin    = 200
nt      = 201 #simulation time is 2500 seconds
gekkoTime = np.linspace(0,tfin,nt) #time array
m.time = gekkoTime
r_earth     = m.Param(value=6378.137) #radius of the earth
g0          = m.Param(value=9.80665/1000) #acceleration of gravity
ro_s        = m.Param(value=1.225e9) #atmospheric density at sea level
beta        = m.Param(value=0.14) #inverse scale height
omega       = m.Param(value=0) #rotation of the earth, rad/sec
mass        = m.Param(value=5498.2) # mass at reentry
S           = m.Param(value=12.02e-6) #reference area km^2
Cl          = m.Param(value=0.4082) #coefficient of lift
Cd          = m.Param(value=1.2569) #drag
CS          = m.Param(value=Cl) #coeff of sideslip
T       = m.Param(0)           #N, thrust of satellite
pcsi    = m.Param(0)           #rad, "Vertical" thrust vector angle
epsilon = m.Param(0)           #rad, "Horizontal" thrust vector angle
#Initial Conditions
#States at entry 
Re = 6498.270 #km
flp_e= -6.6198381*(pi/180) #flight path angle at entry 
psi_e = 18.0683*(pi/180) #heading angle 
V_e = 11.06715 #velocity km/sec
theta_e = 174.24384*(pi/180) #longitude east
phi_e = -23.51457*(pi/180) #latitude south 

if rotating_earth == 1: # if the rotating Earth is turned on
V_e   = m.Param(10.6589) #entry Velocity, km/sec
flp_e = m.Param(-6.87459*pi/180) #initial flight path angle
psi_e = m.Param(19.9425*pi/180) #initial heading angle
Azi_e = m.Param(psi_e+(pi/2-2*psi_e)) #intial azimuth angle
omega = m.Param(value=7.2921159e-5) #rotation of the earth, rad/sec

# #state variables
# r = m.Var(value=Re, lb=6378.137, ub=Re)
# V = m.Var(value=V_e, lb=0, ub=V_e)
# phi = m.Var(value=phi_e, lb=-90*pi/180, ub=70*pi/180)   #latitude
# theta = m.Var(value=theta_e, lb=-pi, ub=pi)             #longitude
# flp = m.Var(value=flp_e, lb=-90*pi/180, ub=10*pi/180)
# psi = m.Var(value=psi_e)
#state variables
# r = m.Var(value=Re, lb=6378.137, ub=Re)
# V = m.Var(value=V_e, lb=0, ub=V_e)
# phi = m.Var(value=phi_e, lb=-25*pi/180, ub=-13*pi/180)   #latitude
# theta = m.Var(value=theta_e, lb=150*pi/180, ub=220*pi/180)             #longitude
# flp = m.Var(value=flp_e, lb=-90*pi/180, ub=10*pi/180)
# psi = m.Var(value=psi_e)
#state variables
r = m.Var(value=Re)
V = m.Var(value=V_e)
phi = m.Var(value=phi_e)   #latitude
theta = m.Var(value=theta_e)             #longitude
flp = m.Var(value=flp_e)
psi = m.Var(value=psi_e)
#control variables
bank    = m.MV(value=0, lb=-180*pi/180, ub=pi)    # bank angle, rad
# bank    = m.MV()    # bank angle, rad
bank.STATUS = 1
apolloAlt = np.array(pd.read_excel('ApolloData.xls', sheet_name="Altitude"))
apolloVel = np.array(pd.read_excel('ApolloData.xls', sheet_name="Velocity"))
apolloLat = np.array(pd.read_excel('ApolloData.xls', sheet_name="Latitude"))
apolloBank = np.array(pd.read_excel('ApolloData.xls', sheet_name="Bank"))

def lin_interp(gekkoTime, ApolloData):
return np.array(np.interp(gekkoTime, ApolloData[:,0], ApolloData[:,1]))
# alt_desired = lin_interp(gekkoTime, apolloAlt)
# r_desired   = alt_desired+r_earth.value
Vel_desired = lin_interp(gekkoTime,apolloVel)
# lat_desired = lin_interp(gekkoTime,apolloLat)
bankTime = np.linspace(0,500,2000)
bank_desired = lin_interp(bankTime,apolloBank)
#curve fit
x1 = apolloAlt[:,0]
y2= apolloAlt[:,1]
p30 = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x1, y2, 30))
alt_desired = p30(gekkoTime)
r_desired = alt_desired+r_earth.value

# x1 = apolloVel[:,0]
# y2 = apolloVel[:,1]
# p30 = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x1, y2, 30))
# # Vel_desired = p30(gekkoTime)
x1 = apolloLat[:,0]
y2 = apolloLat[:,1]
p30 = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x1, y2, 30))
lat_desired = p30(gekkoTime)
path = m.Param(value=alt_desired)
#Intermediate Variables
g = m.Intermediate(g0*(r_earth/r)**2) #calculate gravity
ro = m.Intermediate(ro_s*m.exp(-beta*(r-r_earth))) #calculate ro
D = m.Intermediate(((ro*Cd*S)/2)*V**2) #calculate drag
L = m.Intermediate(((ro*Cl*S)/2)*V**2) #calculate lift
# error = m.Intermediate(m.abs3(path-r))
m.Equation(r.dt() == V*m.sin(flp)) #calculate r.dt()
m.Equation(theta.dt() == (V*m.cos(flp)*m.cos(psi))/(r*m.cos(phi))) #calculate theta .dt()
m.Equation(phi.dt() == (V*m.cos(flp)*m.sin(psi))/r) #calculate phi .dt()
m.Equation(V.dt() == (T/mass)*(m.cos(pcsi)*m.cos(epsilon))-(D/mass) - g*m.sin(flp)+r*omega**2*m.cos(phi)
*(m.cos(phi)*m.sin(flp)-m.sin(phi)*m.sin(psi)*m.cos(flp))) #calculate V.dt()
m.Equation(flp.dt() == ((T/mass)*(m.sin(pcsi)*m.sin(bank)+m.cos(pcsi)*m.sin(epsilon)*m.cos(bank))+(L/mass)
*(m.cos(phi)*m.cos(flp)+m.sin(phi)*m.sin(psi)*m.sin(flp)))/V) #calculate flp .dt()
m.Equation(psi.dt() == ((1/(mass*m.cos(flp)))*(T*(m.cos(pcsi)*m.sin(epsilon)*m.sin(bank)-m.sin(pcsi)
*m.cos(phi)*m.cos(psi))/V) #calculate psi .dt()
# m.Equation(r.dt() == V*m.sin(flp)) #calculate r.dt()
# m.Equation(theta.dt()*(r*m.cos(phi)) == (V*m.cos(flp)*m.cos(psi))) #calculate theta .dt()
# m.Equation(phi.dt()*(r) == (V*m.cos(flp)*m.sin(psi))) #calculate phi .dt()
# m.Equation(V.dt() == -D/mass-g*m.sin(flp)) #calculate V.dt()
# m.Equation(flp.dt()*V == ((L/mass)*m.cos(bank) - g*m.cos(flp)+((V**2)/r)*m.cos(flp))) #calculate gamma .dt()
# m.Equation(psi.dt()*V == ((L*m.sin(bank))/(mass*m.cos(flp))-((V**2)/r)*m.cos(flp)*m.cos(psi)*m.tan(phi)))  #calculate psi .dt()
p = np.zeros(nt) # mark final time point
p[-1] = 1.0
final = m.Param(value=p)
r_desired= m.Param(value=r_desired)
V_desired= m.Param(value=Vel_desired)
lat_desired = m.Param(value=lat_desired*pi/180)
# m.Minimize(final*r)
# m.Minimize(error)
# m.Minimize(.5*bank**2)
# m.Minimize(m.abs(r_desired-r))
# m.Minimize(m.abs(bank))
# m.options.MAX_ITER=1000
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.SOLVER = 3
alt         = np.array(r.value)
alt         = alt-r_earth.value
vel         = np.array(V.value)
latitude    = np.array(phi.value)*180/pi
longitude   = np.array(theta.value)*180/pi
fpa         = np.array(flp.value)*180/pi
psi         = np.array(psi.value)*180/pi
bank        = np.array(bank.value)*180/pi
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(421)
ax1.plot(m.time,alt_desired,label='Nasa Alt')
# ax1.title.set_text('Altitude (km)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(422)
ax2.plot(m.time,V_desired,label='Nasa Vel')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Vel (km/sec)')
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(423)
ax3.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax3.set_ylabel('Latitude (deg)')
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(424)
ax4.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax4.set_ylabel('Longitude (deg)')

ax5 = fig.add_subplot(425)
ax5.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax5.set_ylabel('FPA (deg)')
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(426)
ax6.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax8 = fig.add_subplot(427)
ax8.plot(m.time, bank, label='Bank')
ax8.plot(bankTime, bank_desired,label='Nasa Bank')
ax8.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
ax8.set_ylabel('Bank (Deg)')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.suptitle("Apollo 10 Trajectory Matching")

# plt.subplot(4,2,1)
# plt.plot(m.time,alt,label='alt')
# plt.plot(m.time,alt_desired, label='Nasa Alt')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,3)
# plt.plot(m.time,latitude,label='lat')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,4)
# plt.plot(m.time,longitude,label='lon')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,2)
# plt.plot(m.time,vel,label='vel')
# plt.plot(m.time,V_desired,label='Nasa Vel')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,5)
# plt.plot(m.time,fpa,label='fpa')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,6)
# plt.plot(m.time,psi,label='heading')
# plt.legend()
# plt.subplot(4,2,7)
# plt.plot(m.time,bank,label='bank')
# plt.plot(m.time,bank_desired,label='Nasa Bank')
# plt.xlabel('Time')
# plt.legend()
# plt.show()


Time    Altitude    Time    Velocity    Time    Latitude    Time    Bank Angle
0   123.936 11.8033 11.0962 0.101882    -23.4628    0   0
1.85811 118.083 19.6721 11.0962 9.63964 -23.1728    1   0
5.57432 112.761 33.4426 11.0962 19.1774 -22.8829    2   0
9.29054 108.502 41.3115 11.046  30.6196 -22.5514    3   0
13.0068 103.711 47.2131 10.9958 43.9818 -22.0959    4   0
16.723  99.4519 53.1148 10.8954 55.4318 -21.7231    5   0
18.5811 95.7267 57.0492 10.7448 64.9853 -21.3505    6   0
22.2973 92.5316 62.9508 10.5941 78.3318 -20.9776    7   0
26.0135 88.8046 66.8852 10.4435 85.973  -20.6878    8   0
29.7297 85.6095 70.8197 10.1925 95.4951 -20.4804    9   0
31.5878 82.4163 72.7869 9.94142 105.025 -20.2318    10  0
35.3041 80.285  74.7541 9.74059 112.651 -20.0246    11  0
37.1622 76.5598 78.6885 9.48954 120.284 -19.7761    12  0
40.8784 73.3647 84.5902 9.23849 127.902 -19.6102    13  0
46.4527 70.6998 86.5574 9.08787 135.527 -19.403 14  0
50.1689 67.5047 92.459  8.78661 141.248 -19.2373    15  0
53.8851 64.8415 98.3607 8.53556 148.866 -19.0715    16  0
57.6014 62.1783 104.262 8.28452 154.587 -18.9057    17  0
61.3176 60.0471 112.131 8.03347 160.316 -18.6987    18  0
63.1757 58.9815 118.033 7.88285 173.639 -18.4498    19  0
65.0338 57.3839 125.902 7.6318  183.169 -18.2011    20  0
66.8919 56.8502 131.803 7.48117 192.691 -17.9938    21  0
70.6081 56.3147 141.639 7.23013 202.205 -17.8278    22  0
74.3243 55.2473 149.508 7.02929 209.823 -17.6619    23  0
78.0405 54.7118 159.344 6.77824 219.353 -17.4133    24  0
81.7568 54.7082 169.18  6.42678 226.97  -17.2474    25  0
85.473  54.7046 177.049 6.27615 234.596 -17.0402    26  0
89.1892 55.7648 184.918 6.0251  244.11  -16.8742    27  0
92.9054 56.2931 192.787 5.82427 255.529 -16.6668    28  0
98.4797 57.3516 202.623 5.67364 265.059 -16.4181    29  0
100.338 57.8817 214.426 5.57322 276.477 -16.2106    30  0
107.77  58.4064 224.262 5.4728  289.793 -16.003 31  0
109.628 58.4046 238.033 5.37238 299.307 -15.837 32  0
115.203 58.9311 247.869 5.27197 306.924 -15.6712    33  0
118.919 58.9275 259.672 5.17155 316.423 -15.5878    34  0
122.635 58.392  267.541 5.02092 325.922 -15.5044    35  0
130.068 57.321  275.41  4.9205  331.627 -15.4214    36  0
135.642 57.3156 283.279 4.82008 339.229 -15.3381    37  0
143.074 56.2446 293.115 4.66946 344.927 -15.2964    38  0
148.649 55.7073 300.984 4.46862 352.529 -15.2132    39  0
156.081 55.7001 306.885 4.21757 358.218 -15.2128    40  0
161.655 55.6947 312.787 4.01674 365.82  -15.1295    41  0
169.088 55.6875 316.721 3.91632 371.51  -15.1291    42  0
178.378 56.2105 322.623 3.66527 379.112 -15.0459    43  0
185.811 56.7352 328.525 3.46444 388.603 -15.0039    44  0
191.385 57.2617 334.426 3.16318 396.197 -14.962 45  0
198.818 57.7864 338.361 2.91213 403.783 -14.9614    46  0
206.25  58.8431 342.295 2.7113  413.274 -14.9194    47  0
213.682 59.3678 346.23  2.46025 426.55  -14.9184    48  0
222.973 59.3588 354.098 2.20921 447.412 -14.9168    49  0
226.689 59.8871 356.066 2.05858 466.386 -14.8741    50  0
234.122 59.88   363.934 1.85774 483.455 -14.8728    51  0
243.412 60.4029 369.836 1.60669 504.318 -14.8712    52  0
247.128 59.8674 373.77  1.45607 519.49  -14.8701    53  0
250.845 59.3319 381.639 1.20502 536.559 -14.8688    54  0
256.419 59.3265 387.541 1.00418 549.835 -14.8678    55  0
261.993 58.7892 391.475 0.953975            56  0
269.426 57.7182 399.344 0.803347            57  0
271.284 57.1844 407.213 0.65272             58  0
276.858 56.1152 419.016 0.502092            59  0
282.432 55.5779 430.82  0.401674            60  0
288.007 53.9768 434.754 0.351464            61  0
293.581 52.9076 442.623 0.301255            62  0
297.297 51.3082 452.459 0.251046            63  0
304.73  49.7053 462.295 0.200837            64  0
308.446 48.106  474.098 0.200837            65  0
315.878 46.503  485.902 0.200837            66  0
319.595 45.4356 493.77  0.200837            67  0
321.453 43.8381 503.607 0.200837            68  0
325.169 42.7706 521.311 0.150628            69  0
330.743 41.7014 535.082 0.150628            70  0
334.459 40.634  546.885 0.150628            71  0
341.892 39.563  550.82  0.150628            72  0
349.324 39.0239                 73  0
353.041 37.9564                 74  0
358.615 36.3553                 75  0
364.189 35.2861                 76  0
371.622 33.6832                 77  0
373.48  33.1494                 78  0
377.196 32.6139                 79  0
382.77  30.4809                 80  0
390.203 28.8779                 81  0
395.777 27.8087                 82  0
403.209 25.6739                 83  0
410.642 24.6029                 84  0
416.216 23.0017                 85  0
421.791 21.9325                 86  0
429.223 20.3296                 87  0
431.081 18.732                  88  22.9
438.514 16.5972                 89  22.9
445.946 15.5262                 90  82.1
453.378 14.4551                 91  82.1
458.953 12.854                  92  90
464.527 11.7848                 93  90
468.243 11.2493                 94  90
475.676 9.64635                 95  90
483.108 8.57533                 96  180
488.682 7.50611                 97  180
497.973 6.43329                 98  180
503.547 5.89599                 99  180
512.838 4.82317                 100 180
518.412 4.28587                 101 180
523.986 3.21665                 102 180
531.419 3.20946                 103 180
538.851 3.20227                 104 180
542.568 2.13485                 105 180
550 1.06383                 106 180
107 180
108 180
109 180
110 180
111 180
112 180
113 180
114 180
115 180
116 180
117 180
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342 63
343 63
344 63
345 63
346 63
347 63
348 63
349 63
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377 72.5
378 72.5
379 72.5
380 64.1
381 64.1
382 57
383 57
384 -48.9
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428 93.5
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  1. 使用STATUS=0插入最优轨迹以固定MV,并查看目标函数是否减小。如果求解器报告成功求解,则满足KKT条件,并且如果问题是凸的,则该解是最优的
  2. 如果问题是非凸的,那么尝试多起点方法。多启动方法使用不同的初始条件进行初始化,以查看是否获得了不同或更好的局部解决方案
  3. 尝试使用m.options.NODES=3增加时间步长的数量或这些时间步长的精度。默认情况下,Gekko每个时间步长使用2个节点。以下是有关APMonitor和Gekko中节点的更多信息。这种网格独立性研究对于验证不存在对时间离散化的解依赖性非常重要

