
当我点击Play Unity时,我会在开始场景之前等待无限长的时间。Hold-On窗口中的消息是";Application.EnterPlayMode等待Unity的代码完成执行";。URP中只有一个场景具有全局体积、定向光和具有此脚本的平面:

using UnityEngine;
public class PerlinNoise : MonoBehaviour
public int width = 256;
public int heigth = 256;
public float scale = 20;
public float xOffset = 10;
public float yOffset = 10;
void Update()
Renderer renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
renderer.material.mainTexture = GenerateTexture();
Texture2D GenerateTexture()
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(width, heigth);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; x < heigth; y++)
Color color = GenerateColor(x, y);
texture.SetPixel(width, heigth, color);
return texture;
Color GenerateColor(int x, int y)
float xCoord = (float)x / width * scale + xOffset;
float yCoord = (float)y / width * scale + yOffset;
float perlinNoise = Mathf.PerlinNoise(xCoord, yCoord);
return new Color(perlinNoise, perlinNoise, perlinNoise);



for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; x < heigth; y++) // x < height SHOULD BE y < height
Color color = GenerateColor(x, y);
texture.SetPixel(width, heigth, color); // this should probably be (x, y, color)
