

Sub Test2()
Dim vInArrayF As Variant
Dim vInArrayV as Variant
vInArrayF = Range("B13:M55").Formula
vInArrayV = Range("B13:M55").Value
Dim OutRange As Range
Dim R As Long
Dim C As Long
For R = 1 To UBound(vInArrayF, 1) ' First array dimension is rows.
For C = 1 To UBound(vInArrayF, 2) ' Second array dimension is columns.
If Left(vInArrayF(R, C), 3) = "=+S" Then
vInArrayF(R, C) = vInArrayV(R, C)
End If
Next C
Next R
'Set OutRange = Range("AB13:AM55")
Set OutRange = Range("B13:M55")
OutRange = vInArrayF



  • Range.Formula将第一个公式应用于整列
  • CCD_ 3将公式应用于阵列中的每个元素

Sub ReplaceSomeFormulas()
Dim vInArrayF As Variant
Dim vInArrayV As Variant
With Range("B13:M55")
vInArrayF = .Formula2
vInArrayV = .Value
Dim R As Long
Dim C As Long
For R = 1 To UBound(vInArrayF, 1)
For C = 1 To UBound(vInArrayF, 2)
If Left(vInArrayF(R, C), 3) = "=+S" Then
vInArrayF(R, C) = vInArrayV(R, C)
End If
Next C
Next R
.Formula2 = vInArrayF
End With
End Sub
