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<title>Frontend Mentor | Huddle landing page with alternating feature blocks</title>
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<h1>Build The Community Your Fans Will Love</h1>
<p>Huddle re-imagines the way we build communities. You have a voice, but so does your audience.
Create connections with your users as you engage in genuine discussion.
<a href="">Get Started For Free</a>
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<h1>Grow Together</h1>
<p>Generate meaningful discussions with your audience and build a strong, loyal community.
Think of the insightful conversations you miss out on with a feedback form.</p>
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<img src="./images/illustration-flowing-conversation.svg" alt="illustration-flowing-conversation">
<h1>Flowing Conversations</h1>
<p>You wouldn't paginate a conversation in real life, so why do it online? Our threads
have just-in-time loading for a more natural flow.</p>
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<h1>Your Users</h1>
<p>It takes no time at all to integrate Huddle with your app's authentication solution.
This means, once signed in to your app, your users can start chatting immediately.</p>
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<h1>Ready To Build Your Community?</h1>
<a href="">Get Started For Free</a>
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<p class="copyright">© Copyright 2018 Huddle. All rights reserved.</p>
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Challenge by <a href="https://www.frontendmentor.io?ref=challenge" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>.
Coded by <a href="https://www.frontendmentor.io/profile/vitorlfaria" target="_blank">Vitor Lacerda</a>.