
这是一个问题:您需要一个算法,该算法向用户询问方形矩阵的行数,然后用计数整数填充矩阵的上三角。您的矩阵应该是一个2D Numpy数组。







  • 用值1填充整个矩阵(在循环中(
  • 打印一个正方形矩阵,其中整个矩阵都填充了递增的整数



#input size of matrix from the user
M = int(input('Enter Matrix size: '))
N = M
#The dimension of the matrix in nXm 
dimension = (M, N)

#form a matrix of size nXm
matrix = np.zeros(dimension, dtype=int)
#use the num for filling the values in the matrix
num = 1
#for every row
for i in range (M):
#the elements before the diagonal are 0 
for j in range (i+1):

#print ("The value at row  " + str(i) + " and column " + str(j) + " is 0", end = 'n')
#the elements after the diagonal are num
for j in range (i,N):
#print ("The value at row " + str(i) + " and column " + str(j) + " is " + str(num), end = 'n')
matrix[i][j] = num
#increase num by 1
num = num + 1
#print the upper triangular matrix
print (matrix)




import numpy as np

#input size of matrix from the user
n = int(input('Enter Matrix size: '))

#form a matrix of size nXn
matrix = np.zeros((n,n), dtype=int)
#use the num for filling the values in the matrix
num = 1
for i in range(n):
#the elements before the diagonal are 0 
for j in range(i):
print (f"The value at row  {i} and column {j} is 0")
for j in range (i, n):
print (f"The value at row  {i} and column {j} is {num}")
matrix[i][j] = num
num = num + 1
print (f"matrix=n{matrix}")


Enter Matrix size: 4
The value at row  0 and column 0 is 1
The value at row  0 and column 1 is 2
The value at row  0 and column 2 is 3
The value at row  0 and column 3 is 4
The value at row  1 and column 0 is 0
The value at row  1 and column 1 is 5
The value at row  1 and column 2 is 6
The value at row  1 and column 3 is 7
The value at row  2 and column 0 is 0
The value at row  2 and column 1 is 0
The value at row  2 and column 2 is 8
The value at row  2 and column 3 is 9
The value at row  3 and column 0 is 0
The value at row  3 and column 1 is 0
The value at row  3 and column 2 is 0
The value at row  3 and column 3 is 10
[[ 1  2  3  4]
[ 0  5  6  7]
[ 0  0  8  9]
[ 0  0  0 10]]
