为了学习关于优化的强化学习,我写了一些代码来尝试在图中找到最大基数匹配。它不仅不能很好地工作,当我设置它使done = True
import igraph as ig
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import spaces
from math import exp
import random
from sb3_contrib import TRPO
from stable_baselines3 import PPO, DQN, A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
class MaxMatchEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {'render.modes': ['console']}
def __init__(self, array_length=10):
super(MaxMatchEnv, self).__init__()
# Size of the 1D-grid
self.array_length = array_length
self.agent_pos = [0]*array_length
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(array_length)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(array_length,), dtype=np.uint8)
self.matching = set() # set of edges
self.matching_nodes = set() # set of node ids (ints)
self.matching_size = len([v for v in g_matching.matching if v < num_variables and v != -1])
self.best_found = 0
def reset(self):
# Initialize the array to have random values
self.time = 0
self.agent_pos = [0]*self.array_length
self.matching = set()
self.matching_nodes = set()
return np.array(self.agent_pos)
def step(self, action):
self.time += 1
#print("Current state:", self.agent_pos)
#print("Edges included", self.matching_nodes)
assert(2 * sum(self.agent_pos) == len(self.matching_nodes)) # should be twice as many nodes in the matching as edges
reward = 0
edge = g.es[action]
if not(edge.source in self.matching_nodes or edge.target in self.matching_nodes):
#print("Adding edge", action)
self.agent_pos[action] = 1
if sum(self.agent_pos) > self.best_found:
self.best_found = sum(self.agent_pos)
print(max(env.get_attr("best_found")), end=" ")
reward = 1
elif self.agent_pos[action] == 1:
#print("Removing edge", action)
self.agent_pos[action] = 0
reward = -1
if self.time == 1000:
done = True
done = False
# done = sum(self.agent_pos) == self.matching_size
info = {}
return np.array(self.agent_pos), reward, done, info
def render(self, mode='console'):
def close(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_variables = 1000
g = ig.Graph.Random_Bipartite(num_variables, num_variables, p=3/num_variables)
g_matching = g.maximum_bipartite_matching()
print("Matching size", len([v for v in g_matching.matching if v < num_variables and v != -1]))
env = make_vec_env(lambda: MaxMatchEnv(array_length=len(g.es)), n_envs=12)
model = PPO('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=1).learn(10000000)
| rollout/ | |
| ep_len_mean | 1e+03 |
| ep_rew_mean | 399 |
| time/ | |
| fps | 3071 |
| iterations | 1 |
| time_elapsed | 8 |
| total_timesteps | 24576 |
| rollout/ | |
| ep_len_mean | 1e+03 |
| ep_rew_mean | 347 |
| time/ | |
| fps | 927 |
| iterations | 2 |
| time_elapsed | 52 |
| total_timesteps | 49152 |
| train/ | |
| approx_kl | 0.13847528 |
| clip_fraction | 0.646 |
| clip_range | 0.2 |
| entropy_loss | -7.19 |
| explained_variance | 0.00317 |
| learning_rate | 0.0003 |
| loss | 0.307 |
| n_updates | 10 |
| policy_gradient_loss | -0.125 |
| value_loss | 2.81 |
| rollout/ | |
| ep_len_mean | 1e+03 |
| ep_rew_mean | 306 |
| time/ | |
| fps | 740 |
| iterations | 3 |
| time_elapsed | 99 |
| total_timesteps | 73728 |
| train/ | |
| approx_kl | 0.1270247 |
| clip_fraction | 0.765 |
| clip_range | 0.2 |
| entropy_loss | -4.77 |
| explained_variance | 0.604 |
| learning_rate | 0.0003 |
| loss | 0.0528 |
| n_updates | 20 |
| policy_gradient_loss | -0.124 |
| value_loss | 1.16 |
| rollout/ | |
| ep_len_mean | 1e+03 |
| ep_rew_mean | 279 |
| time/ | |
| fps | 671 |
| iterations | 4 |
| time_elapsed | 146 |
| total_timesteps | 98304 |
| train/ | |
| approx_kl | 0.09246389 |
| clip_fraction | 0.69 |
| clip_range | 0.2 |
| entropy_loss | -4.13 |
| explained_variance | 0.875 |
| learning_rate | 0.0003 |
| loss | 0.0912 |
| n_updates | 30 |
| policy_gradient_loss | -0.104 |
| value_loss | 0.757 |
| rollout/ | |
| ep_len_mean | 1e+03 |
| ep_rew_mean | 227 |
| time/ | |
| fps | 631 |
| iterations | 5 |
| time_elapsed | 194 |
| total_timesteps | 122880 |
| train/ | |
| approx_kl | 0.07252013 |
| clip_fraction | 0.596 |
| clip_range | 0.2 |
| entropy_loss | -3.67 |
| explained_variance | 0.944 |
| learning_rate | 0.0003 |
| loss | 0.0491 |
| n_updates | 40 |
| policy_gradient_loss | -0.0927 |
| value_loss | 0.61 |
if self.time == 1000:
done = True
方法中添加self.best_found = 0