通过匿名自执行函数调用 Testcafe 't'处理程序

我有一个情况,我想使用调用t测试处理程序与test()函数之外可用的t.ctx上下文。这可能吗?从我运行这个脚本时看到的情况来看,我确实看到控制台向我输出了所有可用的处理程序选项,但是试图创建一个空的用户表单t.ctx.userForm = {}会抛出错误:

Cannot implicitly resolve the test run in the context of which the test controller action should be executed. Use test function's 't' argument instead.

import { t } from 'Testcafe';
const setFormContext = (t) => {
t.ctx.userForm = {};
export const intializeEmptyForm = (async(t) => {
await setFormContext(t)

我基本上希望能够有这样的代码,但没有过度膨胀的POM AccountPage对象与自定义函数无关的页面上的东西,或者依靠像firstName这样的东西被调用,以便使t.ctx.userForm可用。

export const AccountPage = {
enterFirstName: async (firstName) => {
let firstNameField = Selector('#firstName');
await t.typeText(firstNameField, firstName);
// t.ctx.userForm = {}; <- ideally not here as it's tied to enterFirstName
t.ctx.userForm.firstName = firstName;
enterLastName: async (lastName) => {
let lastNameField = Selector('#lastName');
await t.typeText(lastNameField, lastName);
t.ctx.userForm.lastName = lastName;
// ... some logic that maps t.ctx.userForm values to an assertion that checks all form values after clicking 'Save' are actually present.
import { AccountPage } from 'AccountPage';
test('User form successfully saves and updates correctly', async () => {
await AccountPage.enterFirstName('First');
await AccountPage.enterLastName('Last');
await AccountPage.clickSave()

import {t} from 'testcafe'语句在调用堆栈中查找test(),beforeEach(),afterEach()或其他测试函数,并从其参数中获取t实例。当导入的t在没有从测试或钩子调用的函数中使用时,会发生此错误。这就是在您的例子中发生的情况,因为在initializeEmptyForm中导出承诺的箭头函数是自调用的。



import { t } from 'testcafe';
export const initializeEmptyForm = async () => {
await setFormContext(t);

. js

import { initializeEmptyForm } from './helper.js';
fixture 'fixture 1'
.beforeEach(async t => {
await initializeEmptyForm();
test('test 1', async t => {
// ...



export const initializeEmptyForm = async t => {
await setFormContext(t);

. js

import { initializeEmptyForm } from './helper.js';
fixture 'fixture 1'
.beforeEach(async t => {
await initializeEmptyForm(t);
test('test 1', async t => {
// ...


import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe';
export const AccountPage = {
clickEditForm: async () => {
let editButton = Selector('button').withText('Edit');
await t.click(editButton);

// guarantees on a click form we have setup the userForm object;
t.ctx.userForm = {};
enterFirstName: async (firstName) => {
let firstNameField = Selector('#firstName');
await t.typeText(firstNameField, firstName);
t.ctx.userForm.firstName = firstName;
enterLastName: async (lastName) => {
let lastNameField = Selector('#lastName');
await t.typeText(lastNameField, lastName);
t.ctx.userForm.lastName = lastName;
// map t.ctx.userForm values to assertions that checks all form values after clicking 'Save'.
verifyAccountFormDetails: async(expectFormValue = []) => {
// Grab form values
// Then map them to parameters desired or something.


import { AccountPage } from 'AccountPage';
test('User form successfully saves and updates correctly', async () => {
await AccountPage.enterFirstName('First');
await AccountPage.enterLastName('Last');
await AccountPage.clickSave();
// After doing something like account form save then verify values 
persist based on what you want to check
await AccountPage.verifyAccountFormDetails(['firstName', 'email'])
