
我需要一个内存& &;在Python中计算1到10维中大约50000个点之间的距离的省时方法。到目前为止,我尝试的方法都不是很好;到目前为止,我尝试了:

  • scipy.spatial.distance.pdist计算全距离矩阵
  • scipy.spatial.KDTree.sparse_distance_matrix计算稀疏距离矩阵直到阈值


在这一点上,我只会坚持使用pdist,但对于50000点,它将使用2.5 x 10^9个条目的numpy数组,我担心它是否会过载运行时(?)内存。



import numpy as np
import math
import time
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.spatial import KDTree as kdtree
# Generate a uniform sample of size N on the unit dim-dimensional sphere (which lives in dim+1 dimensions)
def sphere(N, dim):
# Get a random sample of points from the (dim+1)-dim. Gaussian.
output = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(dim+1), cov=np.identity(dim+1), size=N)
# Normalize output
output = output / np.linalg.norm(output, axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
return output
# Generate a uniform sample of size N on the unit dim-dimensional ball.
def ball(N, dim):
# Populate the points on the unit sphere that is the boundary.
sphere_points = sphere(N, dim-1)
# Randomize radii of the points on the sphere using power law to get a uniform distribution on the ball.
radii = np.power(np.random.random(N), 1/dim)
output = radii.reshape(-1, 1) * sphere_points
return output
N = 5000
dim = 5
r_cutoff = 0.1
# Generate a sample to test
sample = ball(N, dim)
# Construct a KD Tree for the sample
sample_kdt = kdtree(sample)
# pdist method for distance matrix
tic = time.monotonic()
toc = time.monotonic()
print(f"Time taken from pdist = {toc-tic}")
# KD Tree method for distance matrix
tic = time.monotonic()
sample_kdt.sparse_distance_matrix(sample_kdt, r_cutoff)
toc = time.monotonic()
print(f"Time taken from the KDTree method = {toc-tic}")
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
tic = time.monotonic()
tree = BallTree(sample, leaf_size=10)       
d,i = tree.query(sample, k=1)
toc = time.monotonic()
print(f"Time taken from Sklearn BallTree = {toc-tic}")

这个程序在我的机器上执行Time taken from Sklearn BallTree = 0.30803330009803176pdist只做了一秒钟多一点。注意:我正在做一些繁重的计算,我的机器上有3/4个内核。



import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
tic = time.monotonic()
tree = BallTree(sample, leaf_size=10)       
i = tree.query_radius(sample, r=0.1)
toc = time.monotonic()
print(f"Time taken from Sklearn BallTree Radius = {toc-tic}")


Time taken from Sklearn BallTree Radius = 0.11115029989741743
