

smallerDF <- structure(list(category = c("Opponent", "Opponent", "Opponent", 
"Opponent", "P1", "P2", "P3", "P2", "P2", "Opponent", "Opponent", 
"P1"), Event = c("Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Turnover", 
"Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Bad Pass", 
"Intercepted Pass", "Bad Pass", "Good Pass"), Value = c(2, 2, 
2, -3, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, 1, -2, 2), `Score Sum` = c(2, 4, 6, 3, 
2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 1, -1, 2)), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))



for (i in 1:nrow(smallerDF)) {
if (smallerDF$Event[i] == "Good Pass") {
smallerDF$Value[i] <- 2

if (smallerDF$Event[i] == "Bad Pass") {
smallerDF$Value[i] <- -2

if (smallerDF$Event[i] == "Intercepted Pass") {
smallerDF$Value[i] <- 1

if (smallerDF$Event[i] == "Turnover") {
smallerDF$Value[i] <- -3

if (smallerDF$category[i] == "Opponent") {
if (i != 1 && smallerDF$category[i-1] == "Opponent") {
smallerDF$`Score Sum`[i] <- smallerDF$Value[i] + smallerDF$`Score Sum`[i-1]
else if (smallerDF$category[i] %in% dfList) {
if (i != 1 && smallerDF$category[i-1] %in% dfList) {
smallerDF$`Score Sum`[i] <- smallerDF$Value[i] + smallerDF$`Score Sum`[i-1]

这一直工作到第10行,因为我使用[I -1],但我不知道如何让第10行引用回第4行(最后一次使用对手),将单元格[10,3]添加到单元格[4,4]上。


category Event            Value `Score Sum`
<chr>    <chr>            <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Opponent Good Pass            2           2
2 Opponent Good Pass            2           4
3 Opponent Good Pass            2           6
4 Opponent Turnover            -3           3
5 P1       Good Pass            2           2
6 P2       Good Pass            2           4
7 P3       Good Pass            2           6
8 P2       Good Pass            2           8
9 P2       Bad Pass            -2           6
10 Opponent Intercepted Pass     1           4
11 Opponent Bad Pass            -2           2
12 P1       Good Pass            2           8


dt <- data.table(smallerDF)
newDT <- dt[ , .SD[.N] ,  by = c("category") ]





smallerDF <- structure(list(category = c("Opponent", "Opponent", "Opponent", "Opponent", "P1", "P2", "P3", "P2", "P2", "Opponent", "Opponent", "P1"), Event = c("Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Turnover", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Good Pass", "Bad Pass", "Intercepted Pass", "Bad Pass", "Good Pass")), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))


smallerDF$time <- seq_len(nrow(smallerDF))




values <- data.frame(
Event = c("Good Pass", "Bad Pass", "Intercepted Pass", "Turnover"),
Value = c(2, -2, 1, -3)
smallerDF2 <- merge(smallerDF, values, by = "Event", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
## feel free to verify that `smallerDF2` is no longer in the original order,
## despite `sort=FALSE`. Order is not guaranteed with `base::merge`, period.
smallerDF2 <- smallerDF2[order(smallerDF2$time),]
#               Event category time Value
# 1         Good Pass Opponent    1     2
# 2         Good Pass Opponent    2     2
# 3         Good Pass Opponent    3     2
# 9          Turnover Opponent    4    -3
# 5         Good Pass       P1    5     2
# 6         Good Pass       P2    6     2
# 7         Good Pass       P3    7     2
# 4         Good Pass       P2    8     2
# 10         Bad Pass       P2    9    -2
# 12 Intercepted Pass Opponent   10     1
# 11         Bad Pass Opponent   11    -2
# 8         Good Pass       P1   12     2
smallerDF2$`Score Sum2` <- ave(smallerDF2$Value, smallerDF2$category == "Opponent", FUN = cumsum)
#               Event category time Value Score Sum2
# 1         Good Pass Opponent    1     2          2
# 2         Good Pass Opponent    2     2          4
# 3         Good Pass Opponent    3     2          6
# 9          Turnover Opponent    4    -3          3
# 5         Good Pass       P1    5     2          2
# 6         Good Pass       P2    6     2          4
# 7         Good Pass       P3    7     2          6
# 4         Good Pass       P2    8     2          8
# 10         Bad Pass       P2    9    -2          6
# 12 Intercepted Pass Opponent   10     1          4
# 11         Bad Pass Opponent   11    -2          2
# 8         Good Pass       P1   12     2          8


smallerDT <- as.data.table(smallerDF)
smallerDT[values, Value := Value, on = .(Event)]
smallerDT[, `Score Sum2` := cumsum(Value), by = .(category == "Opponent")]


left_join(smallerDF, values, by = "Event") %>%
group_by(g = (category == "Opponent")) %>%
mutate(`Score Sum` = cumsum(Value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%


smallerDF %>% 
#Removing original values from your data
select(-Value,-`Score Sum`) %>% 
#Creating Value variable with case_when
Value = case_when(
Event == "Good Pass" ~ 2,
Event == "Bad Pass" ~ -2,
Event == "Intercepted Pass" ~ 1,
Event == "Turnover" ~ -3
#Creating auxiliar logical variable (opponent or not oppponent)
Opponent = if_else(category == "Opponent",TRUE,FALSE)
) %>% 
#Creating cumulative sum by either Opponent or not oppponent
group_by(Opponent) %>% 
mutate(`Score sum` = cumsum(Value))


A tibble: 12 x 4
category Event            Value `Score Sum`
<chr>    <chr>            <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Opponent Good Pass            2           2
2 Opponent Good Pass            2           4
3 Opponent Good Pass            2           6
4 Opponent Turnover            -3           3
5 P1       Good Pass            2           2
6 P2       Good Pass            2           4
7 P3       Good Pass            2           6
8 P2       Good Pass            2           8
9 P2       Bad Pass            -2           6
10 Opponent Intercepted Pass     1           1
11 Opponent Bad Pass            -2          -1
12 P1       Good Pass            2           2

