

这个例子来自Golang文档。https://pkg.go.dev/net/http example-FileServer-DotFileHiding

更具体地说,在"阅读目录"中。方法,语句files, err := f.File.Readdir(n)有n个int值,但从它传递的位置和它是如何工作的。"Readdir"方法不能在程序的任何地方调用。

类似于"Open"包装器file, err := fsys.FileSystem.Open(name)

package main
import (
// containsDotFile reports whether name contains a path element starting with a period.
// The name is assumed to be a delimited by forward slashes, as guaranteed
// by the http.FileSystem interface.
func containsDotFile(name string) bool {
parts := strings.Split(name, "/")
for _, part := range parts {
if strings.HasPrefix(part, ".") {
return true
return false
// dotFileHidingFile is the http.File use in dotFileHidingFileSystem.
// It is used to wrap the Readdir method of http.File so that we can
// remove files and directories that start with a period from its output.
type dotFileHidingFile struct {
// Readdir is a wrapper around the Readdir method of the embedded File
// that filters out all files that start with a period in their name.
func (f dotFileHidingFile) Readdir(n int) (fis []fs.FileInfo, err error) {
files, err := f.File.Readdir(n)
for _, file := range files { // Filters out the dot files
if !strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), ".") {
fis = append(fis, file)
// dotFileHidingFileSystem is an http.FileSystem that hides
// hidden "dot files" from being served.
type dotFileHidingFileSystem struct {
// Open is a wrapper around the Open method of the embedded FileSystem
// that serves a 403 permission error when name has a file or directory
// with whose name starts with a period in its path.
func (fsys dotFileHidingFileSystem) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
if containsDotFile(name) { // If dot file, return 403 response
return nil, fs.ErrPermission
file, err := fsys.FileSystem.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dotFileHidingFile{file}, err
func main() {
fsys := dotFileHidingFileSystem{http.Dir(".")}
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(fsys))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))



因为这两个结构类型嵌入了包装的值,所以包装值上的所有方法都被提升为包装器类型上的方法,除非包装器类型本身实现了该方法。如果您不熟悉嵌入的概念,请阅读Effective Go关于嵌入的部分。

. net/http文件服务器调用http。文件系统和http。文件接口。


如果文件是一个目录,文件服务器调用file Readdir方法来获取目录中文件的列表。文件服务器设置为"n"。Readdir方法的dotFileHidingFile实现通过包装文件Readdir方法调用,并从结果中过滤点文件。

