

laptops = pd.read_csv('laptops.csv',encoding="Latin-1")
laptops["Operating System"].value_counts()
Windows      1125
No OS          66
Linux          62
Chrome OS      27
macOS          13
Mac OS          8
Android         2
Name: Operating System, dtype: int64

我想把macOS和Mac OS的变化合并到一个值"macOS"


mapping_dict = {
'Android': 'Android',
'Chrome OS': 'Chrome OS',
'Linux': 'Linux',
'Mac OS': 'macOS',
'No OS': 'No OS',
'Windows': 'Windows',
'macOS': 'macOS'
laptops["Operating System"] = laptops["Operating System"].map(mapping_dict)
laptops["Operating System"].value_counts()
Windows      1125
No OS          66
Linux          62
Chrome OS      27
macOS          21
Android         2
Name: Operating System, dtype: int64


laptops['Operating System'] = laptops['Operating System'].str.replace(r'(?i)(mac|mc).*os', 'macOS', regex=True)


df['Operating System'][df['Operating System'].str.lower().isin(['mac', 'osx', 'macos'])] = 'Mac OS'


laptops['Operating System'] = laptops['Operating System'].replace('Mac OS', 'macOS')


# Generate a dict of list, where each key is the name you want
# to assign and the lists contain the variations of the main name
aliases = {
"macOS": ["mac", "osx", "Mac OS"],
"Windows": ["win", "windows", "Windows"],
# Create a map so it's easier to lookup all the names
aliases_map = {v: k for k, v in aliases.items() for v in v}
# Replace all of the aliases with its respective main name
laptops["Operating System"] = laptops["Operating System"].replace(aliases_map)

laptops["Operating System"].value_counts()输出:

Windows      1125
No OS          66
Linux          62
Chrome OS      27
macOS          21
Android         2
Name: Operating System, dtype: int64
