

let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hohol', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }


const getType = books.map(({type}) => type.toLowerCase())



let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hoho', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
const romans = books.filter(book => book.type.toLowerCase() == 'roman') 
const romansTotalPrice = romans.reduce((a, {price}) => a + price, 0)
const romansAvaragePrice = (romansTotalPrice / romans.length).toFixed(2);




For Loop

let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hoho', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }

let TotalPrice = 0;
let romanPriceLength = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < books.length; i++) {
if ((books[i].type).toLowerCase() === "roman") {
TotalPrice += books[i].price
console.log(TotalPrice / romanPriceLength)
console.log((TotalPrice / romanPriceLength).toFixed(0))


let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hoho', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }

let TotalPrice = 0;
let romanPriceLength = 0;
books.forEach(book => {
if((book.type).toLowerCase() === "roman"){
TotalPrice += book.price
romanPriceLength ++

console.log(TotalPrice / romanPriceLength)
console.log((TotalPrice / romanPriceLength ).toFixed(0))


let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hoho', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
let romanPriceLength = 0;
let TotalPrice = 0;
for(let book of books){
if(book.type.toLowerCase() === "roman"){
TotalPrice += book.price
console.log(TotalPrice / romanPriceLength)
console.log((TotalPrice / romanPriceLength).toFixed(0))


let books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hoho', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
let TotalPrice = 0;
let count = 0;
books.forEach(book => {
if (book.type.toLowerCase() == 'roman') {
TotalPrice += book.price;
console.log((TotalPrice / books.length).toFixed(2))


let books = [{
name: 'Some-1',
author: 'Puskin',
type: 'roman',
price: 204.5
name: 'Some-2',
author: 'Tolstoy',
type: 'ROMAN',
price: 321.0
name: 'Some-3',
author: 'Pero',
type: 'tale',
price: 211.0
name: 'Some-4',
author: 'Koelyo',
type: 'roman',
price: 204.5
name: 'Some-5',
author: 'Christie',
type: 'Roman',
price: 245.5
name: 'Some-6',
author: 'Hoho',
type: 'tale',
price: 366.0
var total = 0,
romans = books.filter(book => book.type.toLowerCase() === 'roman');
for (var roman of romans) total += roman.price;
var average = (total / romans.length).toFixed(2);


books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hohol', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
// find categories
index = books.map(item => item.type.toLowerCase() ).filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
// init category object with parameters: sum, count, average
const obj = {}
index.forEach(i => {
obj[i] = {sum: 0, count: 0, average: 0}
// iterate bookObject and calculate values
books.forEach(book => {
const sum = obj[book.type.toLowerCase()].sum + book.price
const count = obj[book.type.toLowerCase()].count + 1  
const average = sum / count

obj[book.type.toLowerCase()].sum = sum
obj[book.type.toLowerCase()].count = count
obj[book.type.toLowerCase()].average = average


const books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hohol', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
// Round a number to a precision. Default 2 decimal places.
const round = (n, p = 2) => (e => Math.round(n * e) / e)(Math.pow(10, p));
// This is a "generic" average calculation
const calcAvg = (dataList, producer, predicate) =>
(filtered =>
filtered.reduce((sum, item) => sum + producer(item), 0) / filtered.length)
(predicate ? dataList.filter(predicate) : dataList);
// Computed average of books with type="roman" (case-insensitive)
const avg = calcAvg(
books, // list of items to filter on and compute average
({ price }) => price, // producer or data accessor
({ type }) => type.toLowerCase() === 'roman', // predicate or filter callback
); // 243.875
// Currency formatter
const cf = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' });
// Average price; rounded up to nearest cent
console.log(cf.format(round(avg))); // $243.88


const books = [
{ name: 'Some-1', author: 'Puskin', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-2', author: 'Tolstoy', type: 'ROMAN', price: 321.0 },
{ name: 'Some-3', author: 'Pero', type: 'tale', price: 211.0 },
{ name: 'Some-4', author: 'Koelyo', type: 'roman', price: 204.5 },
{ name: 'Some-5', author: 'Christie', type: 'Roman', price: 245.5 },
{ name: 'Some-6', author: 'Hohol', type: 'tale', price: 366.0 }
// 158 bytes
console.log(`$${r(f(books, 'roman'))}`) // $243.88
