

A     B       X    Y     Id1
0  cat  cat1  catabc  0.1  uuid01
1  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  uuid02
2  cat  cat2  catpqr  0.5  uuid01
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  0.3  uuid03
4  dog  dog2  dogpqr  0.2  uuid02
5  dog  dog2  dogabc  0.8  uuid01


A     B       X    Y   Id2
0  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  nx01
1  cat  cat1     NaN  NaN  nx02
2  cat   NaN     NaN  NaN  nx03
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  NaN  nx04
4  dog   NaN     NaN  NaN  nx05

列的映射优先级为:['A', 'B', 'X', 'Y']

因此,如果一行map_df的所有单元格与main_df的任何一行匹配,则应将Id2的相应元素添加到main_df。如果不存在Y,则映射应当继续进行['A', 'B', 'X'];如果X也不存在,则应继续执行['A', 'B'],依此类推。


main_df = main_df.merge(map_df, how='left', on=['A', 'B', 'X', 'Y']))



A     B       X    Y     Id1   Id2
0  cat  cat1  catabc  0.1  uuid01  nx02
1  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  uuid02  nx01
2  cat  cat2  catpqr  0.5  uuid01  nx03
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  0.3  uuid03  nx04
4  dog  dog2  dogpqr  0.2  uuid02  nx05
5  dog  dog2  dogabc  0.8  uuid01  nx05



正向传递以逐渐降低的优先级解决合并,从而从数据结构中消除匹配。它使用inner merge策略。


merge_on = ['A', 'B', 'X', 'Y']
tot_cols = len(merge_on)
operation_main_df = main_df.copy()
outputs = []
# forward pass on progressively smaller sets
for first_idx in range(len(merge_on)):

merged_id2 = operation_main_df.merge(map_df, how='inner', 

# the relevant output has the right number of NaN columns, the rest is garbage.

# backward updating pass
reverse_it = iter(outputs[::-1])
out = next(reverse_it)[['A','B','X','Y','Id1','Id2']].copy()
for el in reverse_it:


A   B   X   Y   Id1 Id2
0   cat cat1    catabc  0.1 uuid01  nx02
1   cat cat1    catxyz  0.4 uuid02  nx01
2   cat cat2    catpqr  0.5 uuid01  nx03
3   dog dog1    dogxyz  0.3 uuid03  nx04
4   dog dog2    dogpqr  0.2 uuid02  nx05
5   dog dog2    dogabc  0.8 uuid01  nx05


# change
out = next(reverse_it)[['A','B','X','Y','Id1','Id2']]
# into
out = next(reverse_it)[['A','B','X','Y','Id1','Id2']].copy()



result_df = (main_df
# minimum match - just A, effectivaly a partial catersian producr
.merge(map_df, on=["A"], suffixes=("","_m"))
# calculate weight of match.  NaN is neutral, different penalise, same reward
B_w=lambda dfa: np.where(dfa["B_m"].isna(), 0, np.where(dfa["B"]==dfa["B_m"],1,-1)*1000),
X_w=lambda dfa: np.where(dfa["X_m"].isna(), 0, np.where(dfa["X"]==dfa["X_m"],1,-1)*100),
Y_w=lambda dfa: np.where(dfa["Y_m"].isna(), 0, np.where(dfa["Y"]==dfa["Y_m"],1,-1)*10),
w=lambda dfa: dfa.loc[:,["B_w","X_w","Y_w"]].sum(axis=1)
# biggest weight is one we want
.sort_values(["A","B","X","Y","w"], ascending=[True,True,True,True,False])
#  # cleanup and don't show workings...


main_df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("""     A     B       X    Y     Id1
0  cat  cat1  catabc  0.1  uuid01
1  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  uuid02
2  cat  cat2  catpqr  0.5  uuid01
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  0.3  uuid03
4  dog  dog2  dogpqr  0.2  uuid02
5  dog  dog2  dogabc  0.8  uuid01"""), sep="s+")
map_df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("""     A     B       X    Y   Id2
0  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  nx01
1  cat  cat1     NaN  NaN  nx02
2  cat   NaN     NaN  NaN  nx03
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  NaN  nx04
4  dog   NaN     NaN  NaN  nx05"""), sep="s+")
# result_df = 
result_df = (main_df
# minimum match - just A, effectively a partial catersian product
.merge(map_df, on=["A"], suffixes=("","_m"))
# simpler to use empty string for NaN
# synthetic column of rest of key and length
.assign(c=lambda dfa: dfa["B_m"]+dfa["X_m"]+dfa["Y_m"].astype(str),
l=lambda dfa: dfa["c"].str.len())
# longest synthetic key is one we want
.sort_values(["A","B","X","Y","l"], ascending=[True,True,True,True,False])
# cleanup and don't show workings...


A     B       X    Y     Id1   Id2
0  cat  cat1  catabc  0.1  uuid01  nx02
1  cat  cat1  catxyz  0.4  uuid02  nx01
2  cat  cat2  catpqr  0.5  uuid01  nx03
3  dog  dog1  dogxyz  0.3  uuid03  nx04
4  dog  dog2  dogabc  0.8  uuid01  nx05
5  dog  dog2  dogpqr  0.2  uuid02  nx05
