AppleScript:如何结束repeatwhile true循环



tell application "Amphetamine" to start new session with options {duration:5, interval:minutes, displaySleepAllowed:false}
repeat while true
tell application "Amphetamine" to start new session with options {duration:5, interval:minutes, displaySleepAllowed:false}
set lid to do shell script "ioreg -r -k AppleClamshellState -d 4 | grep AppleClamshellState"
if lid contains "no" then
set notification to display alert "Keep Mac Awake" message "The lid is opened. Would you like to stop?" buttons ["Continue", "Stop"] default button 2
if button returned of notification is equal to "Stop" then
tell application "Amphetamine" to end session
exit repeat
end if
end if
delay 290
end repeat

这种情况下的最佳解决方案不是使用无限重复循环,而是使用on idle((onquit((理程序来保持应用程序的打开状态。将以下脚本保存为保持打开的应用程序,然后尝试。我无法测试,因为我的Mac上没有安装。

on idle {}
tell application "Amphetamine" to start new session with options {duration:5, interval:minutes, displaySleepAllowed:false}
set lid to do shell script "ioreg -r -k AppleClamshellState -d 4 | grep AppleClamshellState"
if lid contains "no" then
tell application "System Events" to set frontProcess to 1st process whose frontmost is true
tell frontProcess to set notification to display alert "Keep Mac Awake" message "The lid is opened. Would you like to stop?" buttons ["Continue", "Stop"] default button 2
if button returned of notification is equal to "Stop" then quit {}
end if
return 290
end idle

on quit {}
tell application "Amphetamine" to end session
continue quit
end quit
