

public class FirstLvl {
protected List<SecondLvl> list;

public static class SecondLvl {
protected FirstLvl.SecondLvl.ThirdLvl thirdLvl;
public static class ThirdLvl {
protected FourthLvl fourthLvl;
public class FourthLvl {
protected FourthLvl.FithLvl fithLvl;
public static class FithLvl {
protected String str1;
protected String str2;


public class FirstLvlDTO {
protected FirstLvlDTO.SecondLvlDTO secondLvlDTO ;
public static class SecondLvlDTO  {
protected FirstLvlDTO.SecondLvlDTO.ThirdLvlDTO thirdLvlDTO ;

public static class ThirdLvlDTO {
protected FourthLvlDTO fourthLvlDTO;
public class FourthLvlDTO  {
protected String str1;
protected String str2;


@Mapper(uses = { ObjectFactory.class })
public interface FirstLvlDTOtoFirstLvl  {


FirstLvl toFirstLvl (FirstLvlDTO firstLvlDTO );

public class ObjectFactory {
public FirstLvl createFirstLvl() {
return new FirstLvl();

public FirstLvl.SecondLvl createFSLvl() {
return new FirstLvl.SecondLvl();

问题是我不知道如何获得List的第一个元素(在mapstruct中没有使用[]表示法(。我可以将方法getlist0/setlist0添加到类FirstLvl中,只需返回List的第一个元素(return List.get(0((,并在list0.thirdLvl.fourthLvl.fithLvl.str2这样的映射器中使用它,但我不知道这是个好主意吗,还有可能做得更好吗List在FirstLvlDTO(源代码(中不存在,所以我真的不明白如何将其映射并将这个嵌套结构设置为List的第一个元素


public interface TestMapper {
@Mapping(target = "list0", ignore = true)
@Mapping(target = "list", ignore = true)
A toA(A1 a1);
default void mapperCode(@MappingTarget A a, A1 a1) {
List<A.B> list = a.getList(); // target list requiures Type A.B 
A1.B1 b1 = a1.getB1(); // source does have A1.B1 and not A.B as type
// if your Types match set the list here manually like 
// a.setList(List.of(a1.getB()));




public interface TestMapper {
@Mapping(target = "list", ignore = true)
FirstLvl map(FirstLvlDTO firstLvlDTO);
default void mapperCode(@MappingTarget FirstLvl firstLvl, FirstLvlDTO firstLvlDTO) {
String str1 = firstLvlDTO.getSecondLvlDTO().getThirdLvlDTO().getFourthLvlDTO().getStr1();
String str2 = firstLvlDTO.getSecondLvlDTO().getThirdLvlDTO().getFourthLvlDTO().getStr2();
FirstLvl.SecondLvl secondLvl = new FirstLvl.SecondLvl();
FirstLvl.SecondLvl.ThirdLvl thirdLvl = new FirstLvl.SecondLvl.ThirdLvl();
FourthLvl fourthLvl = new FourthLvl();
FourthLvl.FithLvl fithLvl = new FourthLvl.FithLvl(str1, str2);
public class FourthLvl {
protected FourthLvl.FithLvl fithLvl;
public static class FithLvl {
public FithLvl(String str1, String str2){
this.str1 = str1;
this.str2 = str2;
protected String str1;
protected String str2;




public abstract class LevelMapper {
@Mapping( target = "secondLvlDTO", source = "list" )
public abstract FirstLvlDTO map(FirstLvl lvl);
// used by the manual implementation to continue mapping.
@Mapping( target = "thirdLvlDTO.fourthLvlDTO", source = "thirdLvl.fourthLvl.fithLvl" )
protected abstract SecondLvlDTO map(SecondLvl lvl);
// manually implementation for getting the first object from the list and converting it.
protected SecondLvlDTO getFirst(List<SecondLvl> list) {
return map( list.get( 0 ) );
// the reverse

@Mapping( target = "list", source = "secondLvlDTO" )
public abstract FirstLvl map(FirstLvlDTO lvl);
// used by the manual implementation to continue mapping.
@Mapping( target = "thirdLvl.fourthLvl.fithLvl", source = "thirdLvlDTO.fourthLvlDTO" )
protected abstract SecondLvl map(SecondLvlDTO lvl);
// manually implementation for creating the the list and filling it with the converted dto.
protected List<SecondLvl> asList(SecondLvlDTO dto) {
return Arrays.asList( map( dto ) ); // or any other way to create a list.
