r语言 - 如何解决"选择":不能子集列错误?



> structure(Hawaii_Lease_Housing)
# A tibble: 4 × 96
Researcher Status `New?` Parse D…¹ DealI…² Resea…³ No. o…⁴ Is co…⁵ MTA D…⁶ MTA D…⁷ Deal …⁸ Prope…⁹ Prope…˟ CASS_…˟ Prope…˟ Suite CASS_…˟ CASS_…˟ CASS_…˟   Lat
<lgl>      <lgl>  <lgl>  <chr>       <dbl> <lgl>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <lgl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
1 NA         NA     NA     2022-09-… 1049616 NA            2 No      2022-1… Approv… Lease   Housin… Azure … 641 Ke… NA          4 Honolu… HI        96814  21.3
2 NA         NA     NA     2022-09-…  978216 NA            2 No      2021-1… Approv… Lease   Housin… Ae'o S… 1001 Q… NA        104 Honolu… HI        96814  21.3
3 NA         NA     NA     2022-09-…  807512 NA            2 No      2020-0… Comple… Lease   Housin… Ae'o-W… 1001 Q… NA        101 Honolu… HI        96814  21.3
4 NA         NA     NA     2021-09-…  597457 NA            0 No      NA      NA      Lease   Housin… 1314 S… 1314 S… NA         NA Honolu… HI        96814  21.3
# … with 76 more variables: Lon <dbl>, Region <chr>, True_Market <chr>, `Tenant / Buyer` <chr>, `Landlord / Seller` <chr>,
#   `Landlord/Seller Parent Company` <lgl>, `Lease Transaction Type` <chr>, Sublease <chr>, `Square feet` <dbl>, `Lease signed date` <chr>,
#   `Lease commencement date` <chr>, `Lease occupancy date` <chr>, `Lease expiration date` <chr>, `Lease term (months)` <dbl>, `Time Considered` <dbl>,
#   `Effective Rent per sqft` <dbl>, `Considerations (Base rent)` <chr>, `Considerations (Raw data)` <chr>, `Lease agreement type` <chr>, `Space Type` <chr>,
#   `Tenant improvement allowance ($/sqft)` <dbl>, `Tenant improvements detail` <lgl>, `Operating expenses per sqft` <dbl>,
#   `Electric included in operating expenses` <chr>, `Electric expenses per sqft` <dbl>, `Future Actions` <lgl>, `Manual_Tenant / Buyer represented by` <chr>,
#   `Tenant / Buyer represented by agent` <chr>, `Derived_Tenant / Buyer represented by` <chr>, `Manual_Landlord / Seller represented by` <chr>, …
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names


select(Researcher, Status, `New?`, parse_date, deal_iq_id, `Research Notes`,
any_of("No. of changes"), is_confidential, mta_deal_id, mta_deal_status, deal_type, property_type, property_name, property_floor, suite, CASS_City, cass_state, cass_zip, lat, lon, region, true_market, 
tenant_buyer:square_feet, lease_signed_date, lease_commencement_date, lease_occupancy_date, 
lease_expiration_date, lease_term_months, time_considered, effective_rent_sqft, 
considerations_base_rent, considerations_raw_data, 
contains("tenant_buyer_rep"), contains("landlord_seller_rep"),
brokers:division, everything())



> dput(head(Hawaii_Lease_Housing,1))
structure(list(Researcher = NA, Status = NA, `New?` = NA, `Parse Date` = "2022-09-16", 
`DealID` = 1049532, `Research Notes` = NA, `No. of changes` = 2, 
`Is confidential` = "No", `Deal ID` = "2022-185041", 
`Deal Status` = "Approved", `Deal type` = "Lease", `Property type` = "Housing - Mixed Use Housing", 
`Property name` = "Moana", CASS_AddressPlusSuite = "641 Keanu St", 
`Property floor` = NA, Suite = 4, CASS_City = "Honolulu", 
CASS_State = "HI", CASS_ZIP = 96814, Lat = 21.294097418955, 
Lon = -157.841846807443, Region = "Pacific Southwest", True_Market = "Honolulu", 
`Tenant / Buyer` = "GENERAL RESTAURANT, INC.", `Landlord / Seller` = "MOANA, LLC", 
`Landlord/Seller Parent Company` = NA, `Lease Transaction Type` = "New", 
Sublease = "No", `Square feet` = 1150, `Lease signed date` = "2022-03-01", 
`Lease commencement date` = "2022-05-01", `Lease occupancy date` = "2022-05-01", 
`Lease expiration date` = "2032-04-30", `Lease term (months)` = 120, 
`Time Considered` = 120, `Effective Rent per sqft` = 7.28, 
`Considerations (Base rent)` = "($0 for 2 months) // ($7 for 10 months) // ($7.21 for 12 months) // ($7.43 for 12 months) // ($7.65 for 12 months) // ($7.88 for 12 months) // ($8.11 for 12 months) // ($8.36 for 12 months) // ($8.61 for 12 months) // ($8.87 for 12 months) // ($9.13 for 12 months)", 
`Considerations (Raw data)` = "Free Monthly Rent ($0.00 for 2 months) // Monthly Rent ($8050.00 for 10 months) // Monthly Rent ($8291.50 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($8540.25 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($8796.45 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($9060.35 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($9332.16 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($9612.12 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($9900.48 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($10197.50 for 12 months) // Monthly Rent ($10503.42 for 12 months)", 
`Lease agreement type` = "Net / Net / Net", `Space Type` = "New/Existing", 
`Tenant improvement allowance ($/sqft)` = 75, `Tenant improvements detail` = NA, 
`Operating expenses per sqft` = 1.83, `Electric included in operating expenses` = "Yes", 
`Electric expenses per sqft` = NA_real_, `Future Actions` = NA, 
`Manual_Tenant / Buyer represented by` = "CREW", `Tenant / Buyer represented by agent` = "Kanye Backman", 
`Derived_Tenant / Buyer represented by` = "CREW", `Manual_Landlord / Seller represented by` = "Colliers", 
`Landlord / Seller represented by agent` = "Emalia Star", 
`Derived_Landlord / Seller represented by` = NA_character_, 
`Brokers` = "Kanye Backman (1711405), Both // Peter Griffin (286639), Both // Jie Xie (1677391), Both", 
`Tenant's / Buyer's industry` = "Full-Service Restaurants", 
`Account-driven ?` = "No", `Agile deal ?` = "No", `Number of seats` = NA, 
`Cost per seat` = NA, `Warehouse rent ($/sqft)` = NA, `Office rent ($/sqft)` = NA, 
`Prior property Address` = NA, `Prior Space sqft` = NA, `Sale price` = NA, 
`Sale price per sqft` = NA, `Cap rate` = NA, `Building Total sqft` = NA_real_, 
`Parking ratio` = NA, `Parking expenses ($/space)` = NA, 
`Managing Office Name` = "Hawaii", Division = "US-West Region", 
effective_rent_per_sqft = NA, initial_base_rent = 0, `Derived_Tenant / Buyer outside brokers` = NA, 
`Derived_Landlord / Seller outside brokers` = NA, `General comments` = NA, 
`Voucher Notes` = NA_character_, `Voucher submitter` = "Wayne Bruce (wayne.bruce@cre.com) // Operations Manager (984608)", 
`Date voucher submitted` = "2022-04-09 01:55:37 UTC", `Voucher ID` = "ONA4YYDKLD5", 
`Free Rent` = 2, `Base Rent` = 84, `Tax Amount` = 0, `Rent Escalation IS Custom` = "No", 
`Rent Escalations` = "3%", `Is Early Invoice` = "No", `Lead broker` = "Kanye Backman (17118205), Both", 
`Office Area` = NA, `Clear Height` = NA, `Power AMPs` = NA, 
`Power Volts` = NA, `GL Door Count` = NA, `DH Door Count` = NA, 
`Truckwell Count` = NA, `Cross Dock Count` = NA, `Rail Serviced` = NA, 
`MTA Modified` = "2022-09-02 06:15:13 UTC"), row.names = c(NA, 
-1L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))


