

set ran.num 50 ; there are 50 tables for juveniles 
ask turtles[
let num.file random (ran.num) + 1
set unique.num.file num.file ; I added this line so that turtles keep the same table number among stages. 
; I tried this to gain on speed and memory, but it did not change so much
let file.name (word "juvenile_file_" num.file ".csv")
if( file-exists? file.name = FALSE )
[ user-message "Warning: input file  with num does not exist in the current directory!" ]
set juvenile.input csv:from-file file.name
set index 1 ; to read the firs row of the table. index in increased at each time step.
[other code lines]
set sex item 16 item index juvenile.input ; read column 17, first numerical row of the table (very first row has headings)
set stage item 17 item index juvenile.input
set exposure.surv item 18 item index juvenile.input
set reproduction-period item 19 item index juvenile.input


if Length >= 0.95 * L-max and stage = "juvenile"
set stage "adult" 
set juvenile.input 0
let file.name (word "adult_" choice.GUTS "_file_" unique.num.file ".csv")
if( file-exists? file.name = FALSE )
[ user-message "Warning: input file  with num does not exist in the current directory!" ]
set adult.input csv:from-file file.name




