


create table #example (ID varchar(50), startdate datetime2, enddate datetime2)
insert into #example
('4CF662A3-57EE-446B-9FC3-3F105219F253',      '2021-05-07 21:45:00.000',              '2021-05-15 08:46:32.000')
,('8B58294D-C20E-4E87-8B9C-186EFB3DCF19',      '2021-04-29 08:52:00.000',              '2021-05-06 20:02:58.000')
,('6177A53C-B285-4087-9F03-BF3324992DEE',      '2021-05-20 10:47:00.000',              '2021-05-27 22:05:30.000')
,('26E3A73E-9D5A-472C-890A-57D51B038C79',      '2021-05-04 20:24:00.000',              '2021-05-12 09:11:47.000')
,('ECC7DB03-A2D9-4D03-AC8D-47B5204C5512',      '2021-05-13 20:24:00.000',              '2021-05-21 10:29:03.000')
,('0A673471-CA22-4AA5-8024-EEF7CEBA8A0D',      '2021-05-10 20:24:00.000',              '2021-05-18 11:03:41.000')
,('27ADB272-A9E0-42ED-AE3C-E42F051C60DF',      '2021-05-03 20:06:00.000',              '2021-05-11 10:59:29.000')
,('5B9D97EC-A994-45E3-BB18-E583C9702389',      '2021-05-11 18:39:00.000',              '2021-05-19 09:56:18.000')
,('DE88A793-4F1C-479D-BB28-4245D9D30606',      '2021-05-10 20:07:00.000',              '2021-05-18 11:48:17.000')
,('42962CBB-79AF-44CB-8EB9-565A75EEA565',      '2021-04-26 21:35:00.000',              '2021-05-04 13:16:25.000')
,('62A980BF-D6B5-47F3-A671-D7F3DE046747',      '2021-05-20 18:08:00.000',              '2021-05-28 10:06:56.000')
,('E1D89979-7D77-4D63-983E-8127A1CB81FA',      '2021-05-18 20:28:00.000',              '2021-05-26 12:27:32.000')
,('D3D923AC-21E0-401E-A9DB-7BE1BE87A6B1',      '2021-05-13 19:56:00.000',              '2021-05-21 11:55:22.000')
,('364F5BF9-55A3-430E-9F41-F3EB41D30633',      '2021-05-13 19:58:00.000',              '2021-05-21 12:09:43.000')
select * from #example drop table #example




declare @DateFrom as datetime2 = '2021-05-17 19:06:00.000';
declare @DateTo as datetime2 = '2021-05-31 17:59:51.000';
-- Switches things around
if @DateFrom > @DateTo
@T datetime2 = @DateTo
, @F datetime2 = @DateFrom
select @DateFrom = @T
, @DateTo = @F
declare @temptable table (
CalendarDate datetime2 not null primary key
, DayID as (datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]))
, isHoliday as 
-- New Year's Day, Observed 1st Day of Year
when month([CalendarDate]) = 1  and day([CalendarDate]) = 1 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) in (2,3,4,5,6) then 1 --New Year’s Day
when month([CalendarDate]) = 12  and day([CalendarDate]) = 31 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =6 then 1 --New Year’s Day
when month([CalendarDate]) = 1  and day([CalendarDate]) = 2 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =2 then 1 --New Year’s Day
-- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Observed 3rd Monday of January
when month([CalendarDate]) = 1  and day([CalendarDate]) >= 15 and day([CalendarDate]) <= 21 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) = 2 then 1
-- Presidents' Day, Officially Washington’s Birthday, Observed 3rd Monday of February
when month([CalendarDate]) = 2  and day([CalendarDate]) >= 15 and day([CalendarDate]) <= 21 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) = 2 then 1 
-- Memorial Day, Observed Last Monday of May
when month([CalendarDate]) = 5  and day([CalendarDate]) >= 25 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) = 2 then 1
-- Independence Day, July 4th
when month([CalendarDate]) = 7  and day([CalendarDate]) = 4 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) IN (2,3,4,5,6) then 1
when month([CalendarDate]) = 7  and day([CalendarDate]) = 3 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =6 then 1
when month([CalendarDate]) = 7  and day([CalendarDate]) = 5 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =2 then 1
-- Labor Day, Observed First Monday of September
when month([CalendarDate]) = 9  and day([CalendarDate]) <= 7 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) = 2 then 1
-- Thanksgiving Day, Observed Fourth Thursday of November
when month([CalendarDate]) = 11 and day([CalendarDate]) >= 22 and day([CalendarDate]) <= 28 AND datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) = 5 then 1
-- Christmas Day, Observed 25th of December
when month([CalendarDate]) = 12 and day([CalendarDate]) = 25 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) IN (2,3,4,5,6) then 1
when month([CalendarDate]) = 12 and day([CalendarDate]) = 24 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =6 then 1
when month([CalendarDate]) = 12 and day([CalendarDate]) = 26 and datepart(weekday,[CalendarDate]) =2 then 1
else 0
-- Fill the Calendar table
declare @D datetime2 = @DateFrom
while @D <= @DateTo
insert into @temptable (CalendarDate)
select @D
set @D = dateadd(hour, 1, @D)
@Count as int = 0
, @Date as datetime2 = @DateFrom
@Date <= @DateTo
if ((datepart(weekday, @Date) in (1, 7))
or exists
(select *
from @temptable
where CalendarDate = @Date
and isHoliday = 1
and (DayID <> 7 or DayID <> 1)))
select @Count = @Count + 1
select @Date = dateadd(hour, 1, @Date)
select convert(decimal(38,2) , (datediff(hour, @DateFrom, @DateTo) - (@Count)) / 24.0) as [TAT]


受此启发,我开始思考某种基于集合的函数https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/the-joy-of-numbers以及Itzik Ben Gan的T-SQL查询,关于填充数字表的第216-218页。经过一些实验,我得到了这个查询:

@TotalTimeDiff int
, @low int
, @DateFrom datetime2
, @DateTo datetime2;
set @DateFrom = '2021-05-17 19:06:00.000';
set @DateTo = '2021-05-31 17:59:51.000';
set @low = 1;
set @TotalTimeDiff = (datediff(hour, @DateFrom, @DateTo))
L0 as (select C from (values(1),(1)) as D(c)),
L1 as (select 1 as c from L0 as A cross join L0 as B),
L2 as (select 1 as c from L1 as A cross join L1 as B),
L3 as (select 1 as c from L2 as A cross join L2 as B),
L4 as (select 1 as c from L3 as A cross join L3 as B),
L5 as (select 1 as c from L4 as A cross join L4 as B), -- Up to 4,294,967,296 rows

Nums as (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by (select null)) as rownum from L5),
Times as (select top (@TotalTimeDiff) @low + rownum - 1 as n from Nums)
[TAT] = isnull(((count(BusinessHours.n) - sum(BusinessHours.NonBusinessHours)) / 24.0), datediff(minute, @DateFrom, @DateTo) / 1440.0)
from (
select tms.n
, [NonBusinessHours] = 
when datename(dw, dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) in ('Sunday', 'Saturday') then 1

-- New Year's Day, Observed 1st Day of Year
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 1  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 1 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) in (2,3,4,5,6) then 1 --    New Year’s Day
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 12  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 31 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =6 then 1 --New Year’s    Day
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 1  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =2 then 1 --New Year’s  Day
-- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Observed 3rd Monday of January
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 1  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) >= 15 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) <= 21 and datepart(weekday,dateadd (hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2 then 1
-- Presidents' Day, Officially Washington’s Birthday, Observed 3rd Monday of February
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) >= 15 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) <= 21 and datepart(weekday,dateadd (hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2 then 1 
-- Memorial Day, Observed Last Monday of May
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 5  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) >= 25 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2 then 1
-- Independence Day, July 4th
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 7  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 4 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) IN (2,3,4,5,6) then 1
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 7  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 3 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =6 then 1
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 7  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 5 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =2 then 1
-- Labor Day, Observed First Monday of September
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 9  and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) <= 7 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 2 then 1 
-- Thanksgiving Day, Observed Fourth Thursday of November
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 11 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) >= 22 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) <= 28 AND datepart(weekday,dateadd (hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 5 then 1
-- Christmas Day, Observed 25th of December
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 12 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 25 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) IN (2,3,4,5,6) then 1
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 12 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 24 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =6 then 1
when month(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 12 and day(dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) = 26 and datepart(weekday,dateadd(hour, tms.n, @DateFrom)) =2 then 1
else 0 end
from Times as tms) as [BusinessHours]

该查询在转换为标量UDF后,在17秒内计算出了这43057行的业务TAT,这与循环查询相比有了明显的改进。(顺便说一句,这都是SQL Server 2017。(





  • 如果某件事是在周日完成的呢
  • 我们怎么知道实际工作了几天
  • 他们星期六也工作吗

