




_dic = {
"N": (-1, 0),
"S": (1, 0),
"E": (0, 1),
"W": (0, -1),







# Recursive backtracking function that takes a posx and posy as position of the cell to visit
def _backtrack(self, posx, posy):
self._map[posx][posy] = 'V' # Mark the cell as visited
while True:
# hasNeighbors returns a empty list if no valid neighbors ar found
# but returns a list of cardinal directions corresponding to valid neighbors if found such as ["N", "E"]
# if there si a valid neighbor on the right and beneath.
dir = self._hasNeighbors(posx, posy) 
lenght = len(dir)
# If there is no valid neighbors this is a dead end then return to backtrack
if lenght == 0:

# select a random direction to move to and remove it from the list
toBreak = dir.pop(dir.index(random.choice(dir)))
# Replace '#' by '.'
self._map[posx + self._dic[toBreak][0]][posy + self._dic[toBreak][1]] = '.'
# If there is only one valid neightbor break the wall and update posx and posy
# It uses the while loop to keep visiting cells without recursion as long as there is only one choice
if lenght == 1:
posx += self._dic[toBreak][0] * 2
posy += self._dic[toBreak][1] * 2
self._map[posx][posy] = 'V'
#recursive call of the backtrack function with the position of the cell we want to visit
self._backtrack(posx + self._dic[toBreak][0] * 2, posy + self._dic[toBreak][1] * 2)


def _hasNeighbors(self, posx, posy):
result = []
# Checking neighbors in each direction
for dir in self._dic.keys():
# If the indexes doesn't exceed the size of the maze
if 0 <= posx + self._dic[dir][0] < self._size * 2 - 1 and 0 <= posy + self._dic[dir][1] < self._size * 2 - 1:
# If the neighbor hasn't been visited
if self._map[posx + self._dic[dir][0] * 2][posy + self._dic[dir][1] * 2] == '.':
#Append this direction to the list of valid neighbors
return result


PS C:UserspierrTravailCodeAmazing-Maze> python -m amazingmaze
Please entre the size of the maze : 100
PS C:UserspierrTravailCodeAmazing-Maze>


您的递归函数_backtrack适用于尾调用优化。尾调用优化允许无限递归(如果适用(。但是,由于Python的开发人员Guido van Rossum在这里解释的原因,Python并没有开箱即用。

  • 但是,我们可以使用Chris Penner的方法添加它
    • 在函数定义中添加尾部递归装饰器
    • 使用递归函数的递归
  • 使用这种方法,我可以修改github存储库中的代码,以运行大小为100的矩阵
  • 下面的代码显示了您发布的代码所需的MOD


# Tail recursion decorator (could place in file tail_recursion.py)
class Recurse(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def recurse(*args, **kwargs):
raise Recurse(*args, **kwargs)

def tail_recursive(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
while True:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Recurse as r:
args = r.args
kwargs = r.kwargs
return decorated
# Recursive backtracking function that takes a posx and posy as position of the cell to visit
@tail_recursive  # add recursive decorator
def _backtrack(self, posx, posy):
self._map[posx][posy] = 'V' # Mark the cell as visited
while True:
# hasNeighbors returns a empty list if no valid neighbors ar found
# but returns a list of cardinal dir_ections corresponding to valid neighbors if found such as ["N", "E"]
# if there is a valid neighbor on the right and beneath.
dir_ = self._hasNeighbors(posx, posy)  # refactor dir to dir_ to avoid overwriting builtin function
lenght = len(dir_)
# If there is no valid neighbors this is a dead end then return to backtrack
if lenght == 0:

# select a random direction to move to and remove it from the list
toBreak = dir_.pop(dir_.index(random.choice(dir_)))
# Replace '#' by '.'
self._map[posx + self._dic[toBreak][0]][posy + self._dic[toBreak][1]] = '.'
# If there is only one valid neightbor break the wall and update posx and posy
# It uses the while loop to keep visiting cells without recursion as long as there is only one choice
if lenght == 1:
posx += self._dic[toBreak][0] * 2
posy += self._dic[toBreak][1] * 2
self._map[posx][posy] = 'V'
#recursive call of the backtrack function with the position of the cell we want to visit
# Replace call with tail recursive call
# self._backtrack(posx + self._dic[toBreak][0] * 2, posy + self._dic[toBreak][1] * 2)
recurse(self, posx + self._dic[toBreak][0] * 2, posy + self._dic[toBreak][1] * 2)
