我有一个ToDo List项目,使用链表作为其数据结构。我在头文件的addTask((中遇到问题,行为:
if (head != NULL)
current = head;
while (current->link != NULL)
current = current->link; //error happens here
current->link = n; //another error here
- '='无法从'list*'转换为'list::taskPTR'
- "="无法从"list::task*"转换为"list*">
#ifndef linkedList
#define linkedList
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class list
struct task
string taskDue;
string taskDesc;
string taskCourse;
string day;
string mon;
string year;
list* link;
typedef struct task* taskPtr;
taskPtr head;
taskPtr current;
taskPtr temp;
void printByDue();
void printByCourse();
void printByStatus();
void addTask(string addTaskDue, string addTaskDesc, string addTaskCourse, string addDay, string addMon, string addYear);
void delTask(string delTaskDue, string delTaskDesc, string delTaskCourse, string delDay, string delMon, string delYear);
list::list() //constructor
head = NULL;
current = NULL;
temp = NULL;
void list::addTask(string addTaskDue, string addTaskDesc, string addTaskCourse, string addDay, string addMon, string addYear)
struct task* n = new task;
n->link = NULL;
n->taskDue = addTaskDue;
n->taskDesc = addTaskDesc;
n->taskCourse = addTaskCourse;
n->day = addDay;
n->mon = addMon;
n->year = addYear;
if (head != NULL)
current = head;
while (current->link != NULL)
current = current->link;
current->link = n;
head = n;
void menu()
char option;
cout << " Welcom to the ToDo List Program by ACGR";
cout << "n" << endl;
cout << "What would you like to do? n" << endl;
cout << "t[a]dd a new task" << endl;
cout << "t[c]omplete a task" << endl;
cout << "t[d]isplay tasks" << endl;
cout << "t[q]uit" << endl;
cout << "nEnter choice here: ";
#endif // !linkedList.h
list* link;
// Should be
task* link;
#include <iostream>
// Where is <string> ? Include what you use.
using namespace std; // Bad practice, **especially** in a header
class list
struct task // A task has nothing to do with a list
string taskDue;
string taskDesc;
string taskCourse;
string day;
string mon;
string year;
list* link; // This has nothing to do with a task.
// And now you've forced yourself to include Rule of 5 in your task.
typedef struct task* taskPtr; // Subjective; I prefer `using taskPtr = task*;`
// More subjective; I wouldn't do this at all.
// taskPtr is longer than task*, I fail to see the point.
taskPtr head; // Prefer default member initialization.
taskPtr current; // Likely part of the todo list, which has no bearing on a list data structure
taskPtr temp; // ??? Why should a temp get permenant residence as class data?
void printByDue(); // Should be getters. Let the caller print if and how they want.
void printByCourse();
void printByStatus();
// If the task and list were separate from each other, this could be simplified quite a bit.
void addTask(string addTaskDue, string addTaskDesc, string addTaskCourse, string addDay, string addMon, string addYear);
void delTask(string delTaskDue, string delTaskDesc, string delTaskCourse, string delDay, string delMon, string delYear);
// Use the initializaton section of constructors, or better yet default member initialization.
list::list() //constructor
head = NULL;
current = NULL;
temp = NULL;
// Where is the destructor? This shouldn't be compiling at all
void list::addTask(string addTaskDue, string addTaskDesc, string addTaskCourse, string addDay, string addMon, string addYear)
struct task* n = new task;
n->link = NULL;
n->taskDue = addTaskDue;
n->taskDesc = addTaskDesc;
n->taskCourse = addTaskCourse;
n->day = addDay;
n->mon = addMon;
n->year = addYear;
if (head != NULL)
current = head;
while (current->link != NULL)
current = current->link;
current->link = n;
head = n;
// This function has no business being here at all.
void menu()
char option;
cout << " Welcom to the ToDo List Program by ACGR";
cout << "n" << endl;
cout << "What would you like to do? n" << endl;
cout << "t[a]dd a new task" << endl;
cout << "t[c]omplete a task" << endl;
cout << "t[d]isplay tasks" << endl;
cout << "t[q]uit" << endl;
cout << "nEnter choice here: ";
#include <utility> // std::swap
template <typename T>
class SList {
SList() = default;
SList(const SList& other);
SList(SList&& other) noexcept;
void add(T val);
void erase(T val);
// Employing copy-swap idiom; that's why the parameter is taken by value
SList& operator=(SList rhs);
friend void swap<>(SList<T>& lhs, SList<T>& rhs);
// This function is for convenience and demonstration; I don't want to be
// bothered implementing the minimal iterator required for a range-based
// for loop.
void print() const;
struct Node {
T data;
Node* next = nullptr;
Node(T d) : data(d) {}
Node* head = nullptr;
Node* tail = nullptr;
// Helper
std::pair<Node*, Node*> find_node_and_before(T val);
// Implementation
template <typename T>
SList<T>::SList(const SList& other) {
Node* walker = other.head;
while (walker) {
walker = walker->next;
template <typename T>
SList<T>::SList(SList&& other) noexcept : SList() {
swap(*this, other);
template <typename T>
SList<T>::~SList() {
while (head) {
Node* tmp = head;
head = head->next;
delete tmp;
tail = nullptr;
template <typename T>
void SList<T>::add(T val) {
if (!head) {
head = new Node(val);
tail = head;
tail->next = new Node(val);
tail = tail->next;
template <typename T>
void SList<T>::erase(T val) {
auto toBeErased = find_node_and_before(val);
if (toBeErased.second == head) {
Node* tmp = head;
head = head->next;
delete tmp;
(toBeErased.first)->next = (toBeErased.second)->next;
if (toBeErased.second == tail) {
tail = toBeErased.first;
delete toBeErased.second;
template <typename T>
SList<T>& SList<T>::operator=(SList rhs) {
swap(*this, rhs);
return *this;
template <typename T>
void swap(SList<T>& lhs, SList<T>& rhs) {
using std::swap;
swap(lhs.head, rhs.head);
swap(lhs.tail, rhs.tail);
template <typename T>
void SList<T>::print() const {
Node* walker = head;
while (walker) {
std::cout << walker->data << ' ';
walker = walker->next;
std::cout << 'n';
template <typename T>
std::pair<typename SList<T>::Node*, typename SList<T>::Node*>
SList<T>::find_node_and_before(T val) {
if (head->data == val) {
return {nullptr, head};
Node* walker = head;
while (walker->next) {
if (walker->next->data == val) {
return {walker, walker->next};
walker = walker->next;
return {nullptr, nullptr};
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "slist.hpp"
struct task {
std::string name;
task() = default;
task(const char* t) : name(t) {}
bool operator==(const task& lhs, const task& rhs) {
return lhs.name == rhs.name;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& sout, const task& t) {
return sout << """ << t.name << """;
int main() {
SList<task> one;
one.add("walk the dog");
one.add("tidy up");
one.erase("tidy up");
"trash" "dishes" "walk the dog" "tidy up"
"trash" "walk the dog" "tidy up"
"trash" "walk the dog"
"walk the dog"
#include <chrono>
#include <list>
#include <string>
// using namespace std; <== NO
// a task is just that, it isn't the linked list so should not have any list info in it, like a next pointer
struct task final
task() = default;
task(const std::string& new_due, const std::string& new_desc, const& std::string new_course, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& new_time) :
due{ new_due },
desc{ new_desc },
course{ new_course },
time{ new_time }
~task() = default;
task(const task&) = default; // default copyable
task& operator=(const task&) = default; // default copy assignable
task(task&& task) = default; // default movable
task& operator=(task&&) = default; // default move assignable
std::string due; // no need to repeat name of struct in members
std::string desc;
std::string course;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time; // use chrono for times
// print by due etc will need to be free functions, it is not the task of a task
// to know how to print itself. And if you have a list, you can use std::sort(tasks.begin(),task.end(),sort_function) to sort in any order you like
// before doing a print.
int main()
std::list<task> tasks;
// this is how easy it can be to add a task to a list
tasks.emplace_back("new due", "new desc", "new course", std::chrono::system_clock::now()); // will call constructor for task.
struct task {
string taskDue;
string year;
std::list<task> tasks;
tasks.emplace_back(addTaskDue, addTaskDesc, ...);