Node js中箭头函数array/json输出的键值对返回值


const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
/** find instance Operating System for OS tag */
var instances = await Promise.all( => getInstanceInfo({ InstanceIds: [x.instanceId] })));
var newTags = [];
*if (event.detail.userIdentity.type === 'Root') {
*    newTags.push({ Key: 'Owner', Value: 'Root' });
*} else {
*    newTags.push({ Key: 'Owner', Value: event.detail.userIdentity.arn.split('/').pop() });
newTags.push({ Key: 'Created', Value: event.detail.eventTime });
//newTags.push({ Key: 'OS', Value: instanceos });
//newTags.push({ Key: 'ImageId', Value: instance.OS });
/** handling our logic specific to ec2 and run instances. We can add in other logic here */
if (event.source === 'aws.ec2' && event.detail.eventName === 'RunInstances') {
/** calling the update function for each instance */
var instances = await Promise.all( => getInstanceInfo({ InstanceIds: [x.instanceId] })));

/** calling the update function for each instance */
await Promise.all( => ec2Update(x, newTags)));
} else if (event.source === '') {
// place logic for other service here!
return "tags have been set!";
var ec2Update = (instance, tags) => new Promise(async (resolve) => {
/** creating a new list of myTags since they are unique to this instance */
var myTags = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tags));
/** setting tag keys that we want to ignore and setting all to lowercase */
var ignoreKeysLowerCase = ['name','aws:cloudformation:stack-name','aws:cloudformation:stack-id','aws:cloudformation:logical-id'];
/** Getting the tags from the VPC to pass onto the instance */
var vpc = await getVpc({ VpcIds: [instance.VpcId] });
/** Getting Ignoring keys that we do not want to passed to the instance */ => { if (!ignoreKeysLowerCase.includes(x.Key.toLowerCase())) { myTags.push(x) } });
/** Getting Ignoring keys that we do not want to passed to the instance */
await setTags(instance.InstanceId, myTags);
var InstanceIds = (params) => new Promise((resolve) => {
var aws = new AWS.EC2({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }).describeInstances(params);
aws.on('success', r => {
}).on('error', e => {
console.log('error in describeInstances', e.message);
var getVpc = (params) => new Promise((resolve) => {
var aws = new AWS.EC2({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }).describeVpcs(params);
aws.on('success', r => {
}).on('error', e => {
console.log('error in describeVpcs', e.message);
var setTags = (instanceId, tags) => new Promise((resolve) => {
var params = { Resources: [instanceId], Tags: tags };
console.log('setting the following tags', params);
var aws = new AWS.EC2({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }).createTags(params);
aws.on('success', r => {
}).on('error', e => {
console.log('error in setTags', e.message);


2022-12-16T05:54:10.721Z  d8de6c17-3152-463c-8b84-69b30bd740f5    INFO    {
InstanceIds: [
instanceId: 'i-02bfe033b04b2af74',
imageId: 'ami-0e863061578d3e9fb',
currentInstanceBootMode: 'bios',
instanceState: [Object],
privateDnsName: '',
amiLaunchIndex: 0,
productCodes: {},
instanceType: 't2.micro',
launchTime: 1671170046000,
placement: [Object],
platform: 'windows',
monitoring: [Object],
subnetId: 'subnet-0b401fb2972ca8fda',
vpcId: 'vpc-02854f577f73bb8de',
privateIpAddress: '',
stateReason: [Object],
architecture: 'x86_64',
rootDeviceType: 'ebs',
rootDeviceName: '/dev/sda1',
blockDeviceMapping: {},
virtualizationType: 'hvm',
hypervisor: 'xen',
tagSet: [Object],
clientToken: '098b4f57-1a79-46a8-ac63-d0cb6d7fa618',
groupSet: [Object],
sourceDestCheck: true,
networkInterfaceSet: [Object],
ebsOptimized: false,
enaSupport: true,
cpuOptions: [Object],
capacityReservationSpecification: [Object],
enclaveOptions: [Object],
metadataOptions: [Object],
maintenanceOptions: [Object],
privateDnsNameOptions: [Object]


var instances = await Promise.all( =>getInstanceInfo({instanceid: [x.]instanceId]}, x.platform)));



var instances = await Promise.all( => getInstanceInfo({ InstanceIds: [x.platform] })));

,它返回输出"window "但是这个函数失败了,因为过滤器正在寻找InstanceId。



抱歉,如果这是不正确的格式或我没有提供足够的信息提前。虽然我经常使用Stack Overflow,但我还没有发布任何问题。


var InstanceIds = (params) => new Promise((resolve) => {
var aws = new AWS.EC2({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }).describeInstances(params);
aws.on('success', r => {
}).on('error', e => {
console.log('error in describeInstances', e.message);

