Python,MyPy:如何在泛型的限制中"exclusive OR"类型?


我将使用不变式List作为示例。我想有一个别名C = List[A | B]识别List[A]List[B]作为有效的子类型,而不必在任何地方做C = List[A] | List[B],因为工会需要歧视才能在我的效用函数中正常工作。我希望ABGenericAorB所取代,如果我有List[A]List[B]在我的实用程序中自动推断。

我从这里得到了灵感,因为这似乎是我所需要的: type-variables-with-value-restriction


from typing import TypeVar, List
GenericStringOrFloat = TypeVar("GenericStringOrFloat", str, float)
ListStringOrFloat    = List[GenericStringOrFloat]
my_list : ListStringOrFloat
my_list = [12.0, 13.0]       # Fine
my_list = ["hello", "world"] # Fine
my_list = ["hello", 13.0]    # Also fine... what ? shouldn't mypy return an error for this ?


GenericStringOrFloat = TypeVar("GenericStringOrFloat", str, float)

GenericStringOrFloat = TypeVar("GenericStringOrFloat", str | float)


我想要一个排他或,而不是包括,在给我的泛型类型限制的类型之间。用数学的方式表达(尽管不是严格的),我想要一种函子,它可以做类似ListUnionMapper : (A | B) -> List[A] | List[B]的事情(也适用于Dicts)。







from typing import TypeVar, List
GenericStringOrFloat  = TypeVar("GenericStringOrFloat", str, float)
ListFloat             = List[float]
ListString            = List[str]
ListStringOrFloat     = List[GenericStringOrFloat]
ListStringOrListFloat = ListString | ListFloat
my_list1A : ListStringOrFloat[      float] = [12.0,    13.0   ]  # Good as expected
my_list1B : ListStringOrFloat[      float] = ["hello", "world"]  # Error as expected: not float
my_list2A : ListStringOrFloat[str        ] = ["hello", "world"]  # Good as expected
my_list2B : ListStringOrFloat[str        ] = [12.0,    13.0   ]  # Error as expected: not str
my_list3  : ListStringOrFloat[str | float] = ["hello", 13.0   ]  # Good as expected
my_list4A : ListStringOrListFloat          = ["hello", "world"]  # Good as expected
my_list4B : ListStringOrListFloat          = [12.0,    13.0   ]  # Good as expected
my_list4C : ListStringOrListFloat          = ["hello", 13.0   ]  # Error as expected: not List[str] or List[float]
my_list4B                                  = ["hello", "world"]  # NB: doesn't infer/discriminate between List[str] and List[float], since union, so can be reassigned
my_list5A  : ListStringOrFloat[int]        = ["hello", 13.0   ]  # Error as expected: neither List[str} nor List[float]
my_list5B  : ListStringOrFloat[int]        = [1,       2      ]  # UNEXPECTED GOOD: this means that the type restriction basically doesn't work...
my_list_extra : ListStringOrFloat[GenericStringOrFloat] = ["hello", "world"]  # Error: Type variable GenericStringOrFloat is unbound

def return_first_element(lst: ListStringOrFloat[GenericStringOrFloat]) -> GenericStringOrFloat:
assert len(lst) > 0
return lst[0]

my_float_A : float = return_first_element(my_list1A)  # Good as expected
my_float_B : str   = return_first_element(my_list1A)  # Error: correctly infers that the function's return type is float
my_str_A   : float = return_first_element(my_list2A)  # Error: correctly infers that the function's return type is str
my_str_B   : str   = return_first_element(my_list2A)  # Good as expected
my_int_A   : float = return_first_element(my_list5B)  # Error: expects List[float] (and not List[Generic_Value]...)
my_int_B   : str   = return_first_element(my_list5B)  # Error: expression has type float + expects List[float] (and not List[Generic_Value]...)
my_int_C   : int   = return_first_element(my_list5B)  # Error: expression has type float + expects List[float] (and not List[Generic_Value]...)

问题不在于TypeVar,而是我如何解释my_list : ListStringOrFloat。因为没有指定元素类型,所以使用object。例如,您的代码也通过ListStringOrFloat[object],尽管我同意这似乎与GenericStringOrFloat的含义相矛盾。一般来说,单独的TypeVar没有什么意义,所以我并不太惊讶它会做一些奇怪的事情。

如果你只使用List[A] | List[B],你可以别名ListX = List[A] | List[B],然后使用ListX[str, float],这会引发["hello", 13.0]的错误。