




Sub CreatePeople()
Dim p1 As New clsPersons, p2 As New clsPersons, p3 As New clsPersons
With p1
.FirstName = "Rita"
.LastName = "Smith"
End With
With p2
.FirstName = "Sue"
.LastName = "Jones"
End With

With p3
.FirstName = "Bob"
.LastName = "Brown"
End With

Debug.Print p1.FirstName, p1.LastName, p1.FullName
Debug.Print p1.FullName, p2.FullName, p3.FullName
End Sub
Sub CreatePersonsCollectionSafer()
Dim Persons As New clsPersons
Persons.Add "Rita", "Smith"
Persons.Add "Sue", "Jones"
Persons.Add "Bob", "Brown"

Dim Person As clsPersons
Dim PersonNumber As Integer
Debug.Print Persons.Count
For PersonNumber = 1 To Persons.Count
Debug.Print Persons.Item(PersonNumber).FullName
Next PersonNumber

Dim LastName As String
LastName = "Brown"
Debug.Print "Last Name = " & LastName & " & First Name = " & Persons.ItemByLastName(LastName).FirstName

End Sub


Option Explicit
Private Persons As New Collection
Private Person As clsPersons
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Sub Add(FirstName As String, LastName As String)
Dim p As New clsPersons

p.FirstName = FirstName
p.LastName = LastName
Persons.Add p
End Sub
Sub Remove(NameOrNumber As Variant)
Persons.Remove NameOrNumber
End Sub
Property Get Count() As Long
Count = Persons.Count
End Property
Property Get Item(Index As Variant) As clsPersons
Set Item = Persons(Index)
End Property
Property Get FullName() As String
FullName = FirstName & " " & LastName
End Property
Property Get Items() As Collection
Set Items = Persons
End Property
Property Get ItemByLastName(LastName As String) As clsPersons
Dim PersonsIndex As Integer
For PersonsIndex = 1 To Persons.Count
Debug.Print Persons.Item(PersonsIndex).LastName
If Persons.Item(PersonsIndex).LastName = LastName Then
Set ItemByLastName = Persons(PersonsIndex)
Exit For
End If
Next PersonsIndex
End Property


Sub Add(FirstName As String, LastName As String)
Dim p As New clsPersons

p.FirstName = FirstName
p.LastName = LastName
Persons.Add p, LastName 
End Sub
Property Get ItemByLastName(LastName As String) As clsPersons
Set ItemByLastName = Persons(LastName)
End Property





Option Explicit
Private m_firstName As String
Private m_lastName As String
Private m_initialized As Boolean
Public Function Init(ByVal firstName_ As String, ByVal lastName_ As String) As Boolean
If m_initialized Then
Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me) & ".Init", "Already initialized"
End If
If firstName_ = vbNullString Or lastName_ = vbNullString Then Exit Function 'Returns False

m_firstName = firstName_
m_lastName = lastName_
m_initialized = True

Init = True
End Function
Property Get FirstName() As String
FirstName = m_firstName
End Property
Property Get LastName() As String
LastName = m_lastName
End Property
Property Get FullName() As String
FullName = m_firstName & " " & m_lastName
End Property
Public Function Self() As Person
Set Self = Me
End Function


Option Explicit
Private m_persons As New Collection
Public Function Add(ByVal p As Person) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next 'Name can already exist
m_persons.Add p, p.LastName 'Or maybe full name would be better as multiple persons can share the same last name
Add = Err.Number = 0
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Function AddFromValues(ByVal firstName_ As String, ByVal lastName_ As String) As Boolean
With New Person
If Not .Init(firstName_, lastName_) Then Exit Function
AddFromValues = Me.Add(.Self)
End With
End Function
Public Sub Remove(ByVal indexOrLastName As Variant)
m_persons.Remove indexOrLastName
End Sub
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = m_persons.Count
End Property
Property Get Item(ByVal indexOrLastName As Variant) As Person
Set Item = m_persons(indexOrLastName)
End Property
Property Get Items() As Collection
Set Items = m_persons
End Property
Public Function Exists(ByVal lastName_ As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
m_persons.Item lastName_
Exists = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function


Option Explicit
Public Sub CreatePeople()
Dim p1 As New Person
Dim p2 As New Person
Dim p3 As New Person

p1.Init "Rita", "Smith"
p2.Init "Sue", "Jones"
p3.Init "Bob", "Brown"

Debug.Print p1.FirstName, p1.LastName, p1.FullName
Debug.Print p1.FullName, p2.FullName, p3.FullName
End Sub
Public Sub CreatePersonsCollectionSafer()
Dim myPersons As New Persons
myPersons.AddFromValues "Rita", "Smith"
myPersons.AddFromValues "Sue", "Jones"
myPersons.AddFromValues "Bob", "Brown"
Dim tempPerson As Person
For Each tempPerson In myPersons.Items
Debug.Print tempPerson.FullName
Next tempPerson
Dim lastNameToSearch As String

lastNameToSearch = "Brown"
Debug.Print "Last Name = " & lastNameToSearch & " & First Name = " _
& myPersons.Item(lastNameToSearch).FirstName
End Sub


Private PersonsIndexDic As Object
Sub Add(FirstName As String, LastName As String)
Dim p As New clsPersons

p.FirstName = FirstName
p.LastName = LastName
Persons.Add p

PersonsIndexDic.Add Key:=LastName, Item:=PersonsIndexDic.Count + 1
End Sub
Property Get ItemByLastName(LastName As String) As clsPersons
Set ItemByLastName = Persons(PersonsIndexDic(LastName))
End Property


Dim LastName As String
LastName = "Brown"
Debug.Print "Last Name = " & LastName & " & First Name = " & Persons.ItemByLastName(LastName).FirstName
