
我目前在我的react应用程序中使用docx.js,我已经设置了AWS Amplify(节点后端)。我正在生成多个文档,并使用打包器单独保存它们以生成文档作为blob,然后使用filesver .js的saveAs函数下载。参见下面的代码示例:

const aDoc = new Document();
const bDoc = new Document();
const cDoc = new Document();
// Code that adds content to each doc
// Use packer to generate document as blob and download using FileSaver
Packer.toBlob(aDoc).then((blob) => {
// saveAs from FileSaver will download the file
FileSaver(blob, "aDoc.docx");
Packer.toBlob(bDoc).then((blob) => {
// saveAs from FileSaver will download the file
FileSaver(blob, "bDoc.docx");
Packer.toBlob(cDoc).then((blob) => {
// saveAs from FileSaver will download the file
FileSaver(blob, "cDoc.docx");


看看如何使用JSZip - https://www.npmjs.com/package/jszip


var JSZip = require('jszip')
const Demo = () => {
const demoClick = () => {
var zip = new JSZip()
const zipFilename = 'test.zip'
const blobs = []
Packer.toBlob(aDoc).then((blob) => {
// repeat if needed
var urlArr = blobs // this will be your set of blobs you are downloading on their own right now.
urlArr.forEach(function (url) {
var filename = 'test.docx'
zip.file(filename, url, { binary: true })
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then(function (content) {
// you may need to work the content into a zip blob like this depending how FileSaver takes it
const zipContents = URL.createObjectURL(content)
const zipContents = new Blob([content], {
type: 'application/zip'
// saveAs from FileSaver will download the file
FileSaver(content, zipFilename)
return <button onClick={demoClick}>demo</button>


const zipContents = URL.createObjectURL(content)
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(content, zipFilename)
} else if (isIOS && isChrome) {
window.open(zipContents, '_blank')
} else {
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = zipContents
link.target = '_blank'
link.download = zipFilename
