
我正试图将数据框转换为我可以在DB中存储为JSON blob的字典。我的代码如下:

import json
from yahooquery import Ticker
ticker_collection = ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'NIO']
for ticker in ticker_collection:
ticker = Ticker(ticker)
stock_history = ticker.history(period='ytd', interval='1d')
dictionary = {
n: grp.loc[n].to_dict('index')
for n, grp in stock_history.set_index(['symbol', 'date']).groupby(level='date')

print("n" * 5)
print (json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4))


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:UsersXXXXXgitXXXXXXXXXX_4DDE_historical.py", line 23, in <module>
for n, grp in stock_history.set_index(['symbol', 'date']).groupby(level='date')
File "C:UsersXXXXXAppDataRoamingPythonPython39site-packagespandascoreframe.py", line 4724, in set_index
raise KeyError(f"None of {missing} are in the columns")
KeyError: "None of ['symbol', 'date'] are in the columns"


open     volume        high       close         low    adjclose  dividends
symbol date
AAPL   2021-01-04  133.520004  143301900  133.610001  129.410004  126.760002  129.216919      0.000
2021-01-05  128.889999   97664900  131.740005  131.009995  128.429993  130.814514      0.000
2021-01-06  127.720001  155088000  131.050003  126.599998  126.379997  126.411102      0.000
2021-01-07  128.360001  109578200  131.630005  130.919998  127.860001  130.724655      0.000
2021-01-08  132.429993  105158200  132.630005  132.050003  130.229996  131.852966      0.000
2021-01-11  129.190002  100620900  130.169998  128.979996  128.500000  128.787552      0.000
2021-01-12  128.500000   91951100  129.690002  128.800003  126.860001  128.607819      0.000
2021-01-13  128.759995   88636800  131.449997  130.889999  128.490005  130.694702      0.000
2021-01-14  130.800003   90221800  131.000000  128.910004  128.759995  128.717667      0.000
2021-01-15  128.779999  111598500  130.220001  127.139999  127.000000  126.950294      0.000
2021-01-19  127.779999   90757300  128.710007  127.830002  126.940002  127.639267      0.000
2021-01-20  128.660004  104319500  132.490005  132.029999  128.550003  131.832993      0.000
2021-01-21  133.800003  120529500  139.669998  136.869995  133.589996  136.665771      0.000
2021-01-22  136.279999  114459400  139.850006  139.070007  135.020004  138.862503      0.000
2021-01-25  143.070007  157611700  145.089996  142.919998  136.539993  142.706757      0.000
2021-01-26  143.600006   98390600  144.300003  143.160004  141.369995  142.946396      0.000
2021-01-27  143.429993  140843800  144.300003  142.059998  140.410004  141.848038      0.000
2021-01-28  139.520004  142621100  141.990005  137.089996  136.699997  136.885452      0.000
2021-01-29  135.830002  177180600  136.740005  131.960007  130.210007  131.763107      0.000
2021-02-01  133.750000  106239800  135.380005  134.139999  130.929993  133.939850      0.000
2021-02-02  135.729996   83305400  136.309998  134.990005  134.610001  134.788589      0.000
2021-02-03  135.759995   89880900  135.770004  133.940002  133.610001  133.740158      0.000
2021-02-04  136.300003   84183100  137.399994  137.389999  134.589996  137.184998      0.000
2021-02-05  137.350006   75524000  137.419998  136.759995  135.860001  136.759995      0.205
2021-02-08  136.029999   71297200  136.960007  136.910004  134.919998  136.910004      0.000
2021-02-09  136.619995   76774200  137.880005  136.009995  135.850006  136.009995      0.000
2021-02-10  136.479996   73046600  136.990005  135.389999  134.399994  135.389999      0.000
2021-02-11  135.899994   64154400  136.389999  135.130005  133.770004  135.130005      0.000
2021-02-12  134.350006   60029300  135.529999  135.369995  133.690002  135.369995      0.000
2021-02-16  135.490005   80206200  136.009995  133.190002  132.789993  133.190002      0.000
2021-02-17  131.250000   97918500  132.220001  130.839996  129.470001  130.839996      0.000

high        open    volume       close         low    adjclose
symbol date
TSLA   2021-01-04  744.489990  719.460022  48638200  729.770020  717.190002  729.770020
2021-01-05  740.840027  723.659973  32245200  735.109985  719.200012  735.109985
2021-01-06  774.000000  758.489990  44700000  755.979980  749.099976  755.979980
2021-01-07  816.989990  777.630005  51498900  816.039978  775.200012  816.039978
2021-01-08  884.489990  856.000000  75055500  880.020020  838.390015  880.020020
2021-01-11  854.429993  849.400024  59554100  811.190002  803.619995  811.190002
2021-01-12  868.000000  831.000000  46270700  849.440002  827.340027  849.440002
2021-01-13  860.469971  852.760010  33312500  854.409973  832.000000  854.409973
2021-01-14  863.000000  843.390015  31266300  845.000000  838.750000  845.000000
2021-01-15  859.900024  852.000000  38777600  826.159973  819.099976  826.159973
2021-01-19  850.000000  837.799988  25367000  844.549988  833.000000  844.549988
2021-01-20  859.500000  858.739990  25665900  850.450012  837.280029  850.450012
2021-01-21  855.719971  855.000000  20598100  844.989990  841.419983  844.989990
2021-01-22  848.000000  834.309998  20066500  846.640015  828.619995  846.640015
2021-01-25  900.400024  855.000000  41173400  880.799988  838.820007  880.799988
2021-01-26  895.900024  891.380005  23131600  883.090027  871.599976  883.090027
2021-01-27  891.500000  870.349976  27334000  864.159973  858.659973  864.159973
2021-01-28  848.000000  820.000000  26378000  835.429993  801.000000  835.429993
2021-01-29  842.409973  830.000000  34990800  793.530029  780.099976  793.530029
2021-02-01  842.000000  814.289978  25391400  839.809998  795.559998  839.809998
2021-02-02  880.500000  844.679993  24346200  872.789978  842.200012  872.789978
2021-02-03  878.080017  877.020020  18343500  854.690002  853.059998  854.690002
2021-02-04  856.500000  855.000000  15812700  849.989990  833.419983  849.989990
2021-02-05  864.770020  845.000000  18524800  852.229980  838.969971  852.229980
2021-02-08  877.770020  869.669983  20161700  863.419983  854.750000  863.419983
2021-02-09  859.799988  855.119995  15157700  849.460022  841.750000  849.460022
2021-02-10  844.820007  843.640015  36216100  804.820007  800.020020  804.820007
2021-02-11  829.880005  812.440002  21580700  811.659973  801.729980  811.659973
2021-02-12  817.330017  801.260010  23701700  816.119995  785.330017  816.119995
2021-02-16  821.000000  818.000000  19686700  796.219971  792.440002  796.219971
2021-02-17  799.840027  779.090027  25996500  798.150024  762.010010  798.150024

high       open     volume      close        low   adjclose
symbol date
NIO    2021-01-04  54.450001  51.200001  213109700  53.490002  50.669998  53.490002
2021-01-05  53.750000  51.970001  147474800  53.200001  50.400002  53.200001
2021-01-06  55.279999  54.020000  176397700  50.500000  49.080002  50.500000
2021-01-07  54.610001  53.049999  119429200  54.279999  52.349998  54.279999
2021-01-08  59.310001  57.759998  218512800  58.919998  55.880001  58.919998
2021-01-11  66.989998  64.949997  279770300  62.700001  62.189999  62.700001
2021-01-12  64.129997  61.419998  184854200  62.040001  60.419998  62.040001
2021-01-13  64.410004  62.939999  116059200  62.150002  61.410000  62.150002
2021-01-14  63.230000  62.630001   99338400  60.869999  60.040001  60.869999
2021-01-15  60.220001  59.840000  132247900  56.270000  55.669998  56.270000
2021-01-19  59.009998  58.209999   99561100  58.439999  56.410000  58.439999
2021-01-20  60.090000  59.849998   94983600  57.709999  56.189999  57.709999
2021-01-21  58.580002  57.020000   73119500  58.340000  55.880001  58.340000
2021-01-22  62.169998  58.950001  133918100  61.950001  58.320000  61.950001
2021-01-25  64.519997  64.050003  111986400  59.990002  58.349998  59.990002
2021-01-26  60.669998  60.040001   70393300  60.310001  58.639999  60.310001
2021-01-27  59.790001  57.950001   73078300  57.150002  56.599998  57.150002
2021-01-28  59.459999  56.759998   73955100  58.369999  55.150002  58.369999
2021-01-29  60.709999  59.029999   78678200  57.000000  56.439999  57.000000
2021-02-01  59.119999  59.070000   79878700  56.990002  54.369999  56.990002
2021-02-02  57.540001  57.060001   66234100  55.770000  54.509998  55.770000
2021-02-03  58.720001  55.959999   80122300  57.980000  54.840000  57.980000
2021-02-04  59.200001  58.790001   48667900  57.599998  57.110001  57.599998
2021-02-05  57.980000  57.740002   42892500  56.669998  56.009998  56.669998
2021-02-08  59.520000  57.080002   64030100  59.070000  56.180000  59.070000
2021-02-09  63.099998  58.950001   97246500  62.840000  58.240002  62.840000
2021-02-10  64.599998  62.549999   90366700  61.259998  60.330002  61.259998
2021-02-11  63.060001  61.689999   55615500  60.270000  59.810001  60.270000
2021-02-12  61.049999  60.259998   39973800  59.849998  59.099998  59.849998
2021-02-16  62.139999  60.400002   54914800  59.230000  58.650002  59.230000
2021-02-17  58.029999  57.919998   63971200  57.320000  55.900002  57.320000



"APPL": {
"2021-01-04": {
"open" : "133.520004",
"adjclose" : "133.520004",
"low" : "133.520004",
"high" : "133.520004"
"2021-01-05": {
"open" : "133.520004",
"adjclose" : "133.520004",
"low" : "133.520004",
"high" : "133.520004"



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