目标:使用Next.js 13(基于应用程序文件夹)处理服务器端授权。某些路由应该受到保护,并且只能由具有特定角色的某些用户访问。
- 每个人都应该可以访问GET/login
- 仅针对授权用户的GET/仪表板
- GET/accounting仅适用于具有accounting角色的用户
- GET/admin仅适用于具有admin角色的用户
export async function middleware(req: NextRequest, res: NextResponse) {
// get all the cookies
let cookies = req.cookies.getAll();
// read those cookies. based on cookies you decide which paths can be visited
const isAuthorized="define logic if the the user authorized"
console.log("req.pathname", req.nextUrl.pathname);
const currentPath = req.nextUrl.pathname;
if (currentPath==="/dashboard" && isAuthorized ){
// you allow the user to visit this page
return NextResponse.next()
// similarly add logic for other cases