

data Atom = Atom {
atomValue :: String
, atomType :: String
, atomDataType :: Maybe String
, atomLanguage :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show)

我想要一个IRI类型,在Atombnode中强制atomType = "iri"atomType = "bnode"

An RDF triple consists of three components:
the subject, which is an IRI or a blank node
the predicate, which is an IRI
the object, which is an IRI, a literal or a blank node
An RDF triple is conventionally written in the order subject, predicate, object.
The set of nodes of an RDF graph is the set of subjects and objects of triples in the graph. It is possible for a predicate IRI to also occur as a node in the same graph.
IRIs, literals and blank nodes are collectively known as RDF terms.


data RDF = RDF Subject Predicate Object
data Subject = SubjectIRI IRI | SubjectBlank 
newtype Predicate = Predicate IRI
data Object = ObjectIRI IRI | ObjectLiteral | ObjectBlank 
newtype IRI = IRI Text -- up to the documentation and IRI is an Unicode string with some properties

