


const ordersData = [
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-14",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "1234", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "123", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "198", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "125", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",

const pickingOrder = {
ordersPickedAndDone: {
orderCount: 0,
rows: [],
ordersPickedAndPaid: {
orderCount: 0,
rows: [],
ordersPickedCanStart: {
orderCount: 2,
rows: [
orderHasAlcohol: false,
orderId: "123",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
orderId: "198",
ordersPickingProgress: {
orderCount: 2,
rows: [
pickingRun: 1,
partitions: [
orderHasAlcohol: false,
orderId: "125",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
orderId: "1234",

// This is my expected arrays output
const expectedArrays = [
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-14",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "1234", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "123", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
orderHasAlcohol: false,
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "198", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "125", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
orderHasAlcohol: false,


我不知道Ramda,但是使用native js应该是这样的:


let pickingOrderSimplified = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(pickingOrder).map(key => {
return  pickingOrder[key].rows.length > 0 && pickingOrder[key] ?  
pickingOrder[key] => row.partitions).flat() : 
}).flat().map(el => [el.orderId, el.orderHasAlcohol]));


let res = => ({,
orderHasAlcohol: pickingOrderSimplified[]


let alcoholContentMap = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(pickingOrder)) {
const orderCount = pickingOrder[key].orderCount;
if (orderCount > 0) {
for (const index = 0; index < orderCount; index++) {
const currentOrder = pickingOrder[key].rows[index];
if ('partitions' in currentOrder) {
for (const partition of currentOrder)
alcoholContentMap[partition.orderId] = partition.orderHasAlcohol;
} else {
alcoholContentMap[currentOrder.orderId] = partition.orderHasAlcohol;
const expectedArrays = => {
if (order.orderId in alcoholContentMap) {
return {
orderHasAlcohol: alcoholContentMap[order.orderId]
} else return order;




const ordersData = [{additionalInfo: null,comment: null,deliveryDate: "2022-07-14",deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",deliveryTime: "10-12",discountCode: null,id: "1234",orderStatus: "NEW",paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",storeId: "12345",},{additionalInfo: null,comment: null,deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",deliveryTime: "10-12",discountCode: null,id: "123",orderStatus: "NEW",paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",storeId: "12345",},{additionalInfo: null,comment: null,deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",deliveryTime: "10-12",discountCode: null,id: "198",orderStatus: "NEW",paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",storeId: "12345",},{additionalInfo: null,comment: null,deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",deliveryTime: "10-12",discountCode: null,id: "125",orderStatus: "NEW",paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",storeId: "12345",},];
const pickingOrder = {ordersPickedAndDone: {orderCount: 0,rows: [],},ordersPickedAndPaid: {orderCount: 0,rows: [],},ordersPickedCanStart: {orderCount: 2,rows: [{orderHasAlcohol: false,orderId: "123",},{orderHasAlcohol: true,orderId: "198",},],},ordersPickingProgress: {orderCount: 2,rows: [{pickingRun: 1,partitions: [{orderHasAlcohol: false,orderId: "125",},{orderHasAlcohol: true,orderId: "1234",},],},],},};
// Yield objects from given data structure that have "orderId" property
function* iterOrderInfo(obj) {
if (Object(obj) !== obj) return;
if (obj.orderId) yield obj;
for (const value of Object.values(obj)) {
yield* iterOrderInfo(value);
// Key the main data by order id
const map = new Map( => [, {...obj}]));
// Associate objects retrieved from picking order by id and merge them into the data
for (const {orderId,} of iterOrderInfo(pickingOrder)) {
Object.assign(map.get(orderId), rest);
// Retrieve the results 
const result = [];


const re = /"orderHasAlcohol":(true|false),"orderId":("d+")/g;
let alco = [...JSON.stringify(pickingOrder).matchAll(re)]
.reduce((acc, entry) => {
const key = entry[2].replaceAll('"', ""); /// this could be more elegant
acc[key] = entry[1] === "true";
return acc;
}, {});
ordersData.forEach(order => order.hasAlcohol = alco[] ? ? false)
const ordersData = [{
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-14",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "1234", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "123", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "198", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
additionalInfo: null,
comment: null,
deliveryDate: "2022-07-23",
deliveryMethod: "PICKUP",
deliveryTime: "10-12",
discountCode: null,
id: "125", // orderId
orderStatus: "NEW",
paymentMethod: "ON_DELIVERY",
paymentStatus: "UNAVAILABLE",
storeId: "12345",
const pickingOrder = {
ordersPickedAndDone: {
orderCount: 0,
rows: [],
ordersPickedAndPaid: {
orderCount: 0,
rows: [],
ordersPickedCanStart: {
orderCount: 2,
rows: [{
orderHasAlcohol: false,
orderId: "123",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
orderId: "198",
ordersPickingProgress: {
orderCount: 2,
rows: [{
pickingRun: 1,
partitions: [{
orderHasAlcohol: false,
orderId: "125",
orderHasAlcohol: true,
orderId: "1234",
}, ],
