Swift Scope -从函数返回if和for结果


let userInputInteger = 9
func squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger: Int) -> Int {
for i in 1...100 {
let userInputInteger = i * i
if i == userInputInteger {
return i


func squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger: Int) -> Int {
var result = 0 // this is to keep the result
for i in 1...100 {
let powerOfTwoResult = i * i
if powerOfTwoResult == userInputInteger {
result = i // assign result variable based on the logic
return result // return result

显示的错误是因为如果for循环结束而没有击中if语句,则函数将无法返回任何Int。这就是为什么编译器会生成&;no global return&;错误。


enum InputError: Error {
case invalidInteger
func squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger: Int) throws -> Int {
if userInputInteger < 1 || userInputInteger > 10000 {
throw InputError.invalidInteger

// calculate square root
return resultOfSquareroot
// and to handle the error, you could encapsulate the squareRootCheckpoint4 function in a do-catch statement
do {
let squareRootResult = try squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger: 4)
} catch InputError.invalidInteger {
// handle your error here


func validate(_ input: Int) -> Bool {
if userInputInteger < 1 || userInputInteger > 10000 {
return false
return true
func squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger: Int) -> Int {
// calculate square root
return resultOfSquareroot
var input: Int = 9
if validate(input) {
let squareRootResult = squareRootCheckpoint4(input)
} else {
// handle when input is invalid



  • 函数参数名称userInputInteger不应该被用来实例化一个新对象。这是令人困惑的。我这样做是因为我正在学习,认为这是必要的。
  • 应该将i乘以i(或i的平方)赋值给一个新对象。
  • if语句应该等于这个新对象,而不是i
  • 函数应该返回一些东西。当iif语句中返回时,它在for循环之外的任何地方都不可用。代码示例中的print语句有助于解释在这些不同作用域中可用的内容以及不可用的内容。
  • i返回时,for循环停止。当猜测(i)等于输入(userInputInteger)时,就会发生这种情况。
  • 如果输入没有平方根,for循环将持续到100。
  • 函数应该返回if语句试图猜测的正确数字,但是您必须告诉它(使用return语句)并在正确的位置执行。这是"全局返回"。错误。但是,由于问题中的这种方法设置得很差,没有错误处理,因此只有具有平方根的Integer才能正确返回。在这种情况下,函数的全局返回无关紧要;Swift只是要求返回一些东西,不管它是否被使用。


import Cocoa
let userInputInteger = 25
let doesNotMatter = 0
print("sqrt((userInputInteger)) is (sqrt(25))") //correct answer for reference

func squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger2: Int) -> Int {
var j: Int
for i in 1...100 {
print("Starting Loop (i)")
j = i * i
if j == userInputInteger2 {

print("i if-loop (i)")
print("j if-loop (j)")
return i
print("i for-loop (i)")
print("j for-loop (j)")
//print("i func-end (i)") //not in scope
//print("j func-end (j)") //not in scope
//return i                 //not in scope
//return j                 //not in scope
print("Nothing prints here")

// but something must be returned here
return doesNotMatter
print("Input was (userInputInteger)")
print("The Square Root of (userInputInteger) is (squareRootCheckpoint4(userInputInteger2: userInputInteger))")


import Cocoa
enum ErrorMsg : Error {
case outOfBoundsError, noRootError
func checkSquareRoot (Input userInputInteger2: Int) throws -> Int {
if userInputInteger < 1 || userInputInteger > 10_000 {
throw ErrorMsg.outOfBoundsError

var j : Int
for i in 1...100 {
print("Starting Loop (i)")
j = i * i
if j == userInputInteger2 {
print("i if-loop (i)")
print("j if-loop (j)")
return i
print("i for-loop (i)")
print("j for-loop (j)")
throw ErrorMsg.noRootError
let userInputInteger = 25
print("Input was (userInputInteger)")
do {
let result = try checkSquareRoot(Input: userInputInteger)
print("The Square Root of (userInputInteger) is (result)")
} catch ErrorMsg.outOfBoundsError {
print("out of bounds: the userInputInteger is less than 1 or greater than 10,000")
} catch ErrorMsg.noRootError {
print("no root")
print("Swift built-in function for reference: sqrt((userInputInteger)) is (sqrt(25))") //correct answer for reference
