

val fieldType = "int" // we know what is the type of field
val value1 = "1" // can be double/int/long/float etc.
val value2 = "2" // can be double/int/long/float etc.
val operator = "=" // can be >, >=, <, <= etc.
def compare(operator, value1, value2): Boolean = {}




private def apply(fieldType: String, operator: String, value1: String, value2: String): Boolean =
operator match {
case ">" =>
compare(fieldType, value1, value2) > 0
case ">=" =>
compare(fieldType, value1, value2) >= 0
case "<" =>
compare(fieldType, value1, value2) < 0
case "<=" =>
compare(fieldType, value1, value2) <= 0
case "==" =>
compare(fieldType, value1, value2) == 0
private def compare(fieldType: String, value1: String, value2: String): Int =
fieldType match {
case "string"     => value1.compareTo(value2)
case "int"        => value1.toInt.compareTo(value2.toInt)
case "long"       => value1.toLong.compareTo(value2.toLong)
case "float"      => value1.toFloat.compareTo(value2.toFloat)




T : Ordering表示上下文绑定-这避免了在方法中显式使用隐式参数,并让Scala在方法体中需要的地方自动提供Ordering[T]类型的参数。



def compareBy(fieldType: String)(
op: String,
a: String,
b: String
): Boolean = {
def compare[T: Ordering](op: String, a: T, b: T): Boolean =
op match {
case "==" => implicitly[Ordering[T]].eq(a, b)
case "<"  => implicitly[Ordering[T]].lt(a, b)
case "<=" => implicitly[Ordering[T]].lteq(a, b)
case ">"  => implicitly[Ordering[T]].gt(a, b)
case ">=" => implicitly[Ordering[T]].gteq(a, b)
case _    => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("op not supported!")
fieldType match {
case "byte"   => compare(op, a.toByte, b.toByte)
case "short"  => compare(op, a.toShort, b.toShort)
case "int"    => compare(op, a.toInt, b.toInt)
case "long"   => compare(op, a.toLong, b.toLong)
case "float"  => compare(op, a.toFloat, b.toFloat)
case "double" => compare(op, a.toDouble, b.toDouble)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("fieldType not supported!")
val a = "10"
val b = "2"
val op = ">"
val intFieldType = "int"
val compareInts = compareBy(intFieldType) _
println(compareInts(op, a, b))     // true


  • 我们可以把任何数字当作Double,因为将较小的类型Float转换为Double或将整型转换为Double不会损失精度。

  • 在我们想要使用整型比较作为浮点字符串字面量给出的两个数字的情况下,我们使用longValue放弃精度,然后将它们转换回Double,以消除对泛型方法的需要。通过先使用toDoubleOption,在将浮点字符串文本解析为整型时也可以删除NumberFormatException

    def compareBy(
    fieldType: String
    )(op: String, a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
    def compare(op: String, a: Double, b: Double): Boolean = {
    op match {
    case "==" => a == b
    case "<"  => a < b
    case "<=" => a <= b
    case ">"  => a > b
    case ">=" => a >= b
    case _    => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("op not supported!")
    val x: Double = a.toDoubleOption.getOrElse(
    throw new NumberFormatException(s"given $a is not parsable as $fieldType")
    val y: Double = b.toDoubleOption.getOrElse(
    throw new NumberFormatException(s"given $b is not parsable as $fieldType")
    fieldType match {
    case "byte" | "short" | "int" | "long" =>
    compare(op, x.longValue.toDouble, y.longValue.toDouble)
    case "float" | "double" => compare(op, x, y)
    case _ =>
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("fieldType not supported!")
    val a = "10.1"
    val b = "10.2"
    val op = "=="
    val intFieldType = "int"
    val compareInts = compareBy(intFieldType) _  
    println(compareInts(op, a, b))    // true


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