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height: 300px;
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background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/food/");
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width: 100%;
background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/animal/");
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background-size: cover;
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opacity: 0.5;
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<div id="container">
<div id="background"></div>
<div id="text"><a href="http://www.google.ca">Google</a></div>



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width: 50%;
height: 300px;
position: relative;
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font-size: 3em;
z-index: 5;
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background-image: url("https://picsum.photos/id/1015/300/300");
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width: 100%;
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background-size: cover;
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opacity: 0.5;
position: absolute;
<div id="container">
<div id="text"><a href="http://www.google.ca">Google</a></div>
<div id="background"></div>


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background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/");

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background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/food/");
<div id="container">
<div id="background">abc</div>
<div id="text"><a href="http://www.google.ca">Google</a></div>



#containerGen {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
position: relative;
#one {
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
#alive {
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
top: 9em;
#alight {
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
top: 9em;
left: 3em;
#and {
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
top: 9em;
left: 6.25em;
#alone {
position: absolute;
z-index: 5;
top: 9em;
left: 8em;
#follow {
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z-index: 4;
top: 9em;
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background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/city/");
#alone:hover~#background {
background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/nature/");
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width: 100%;
background-image: url("http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/1/");
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<div id="containerGen">
<div id="one">
M. "Em" Savage has awoken to find herself in what can only be called a stone sarcophagus. Woken up with no memory of who she is (save for the name on her "tomb") she must free the others trapped with them, discover not only who, but where they are, and
lead their way out of whatever has them trapped in the dark.
<div id="alive"><a class="bold wavyLine" href="https://scottsigler.com/book/alive/">Alive,</a> </div>
<div id="alight"><a class="bold wavyLine" href="https://scottsigler.com/book/alight/">Alight,</a> </div>
<div id="and">and</div>
<div id="alone"><a class="bold wavyLine" href="https://scottsigler.com/book/alone/">Alone</a> </div>
<div id="follow">
<span style="margin-left:10.75em;">follow</span> the "birthday children" as they discover who they are, where they came from, and the malevolent purpose for why they are there!
<p>The author of this page makes a guest appearance as a gunner during a battle in "Alone." It is unknown at this point if I survived.</p>
<div id="background"></div>
