不理解eBay API的itemdetails错误


import ebaysdk
import csv
from ebaysdk.trading import Connection as Trading
from ebaysdk.exception import ConnectionError
from item_description import code_block
from item_definition import myitem
def addItem():
api = Trading(config_file='ebay.yaml')
# Open our CSV file that has individual auction item details.
with open("auction_data.csv") as auction_data_file:
auction_item = csv.reader(auction_data_file)
# Skip headers.
next(auction_item, None)
for row in auction_item:
myitem["Item"]["Title"] = row[0]
# HTML item description template is stored in separate file. Only the item Title will be populated dynamically.
myitem["Item"]["Description"] = code_block.format(row[0])
myitem["Item"]["PrimaryCategory"]["CategoryID"] = row[1]
myitem["Item"]["StartPrice"] = row[2]
myitem["Item"]["ShippingPackageDetails"]["WeightMajor"] = row[3]
myitem["Item"]["ShippingPackageDetails"]["WeightMinor"] = row[4]
myitem["Item"]["ShippingPackageDetails"]["PackageDepth"] = row[5]
myitem["Item"]["ShippingPackageDetails"]["PackageWidth"] = row[6]
myitem["Item"]["ShippingPackageDetails"]["PackageLength"] = row[7]
myitem["Item"]["ScheduleTime"] = row[8]
# Delete all values from our PictureURL list from previous iterations.
myitem["Item"]["PictureDetails"]["PictureURL"] = []
myitem["Item"]["ItemSpecifics"]["NameValueList"].append({'Name': 'Sport', 'Value': row[9]})
myitem["Item"]["ItemSpecifics"]["NameValueList"].append({'Name': 'Graded', 'Value': row[10]})
# Last column in CSV file contains list of images delimited by pipe.
item_images = row[11].split('|')
# Upload each image to eBay and retrieve the site hosted URL, then append that to PictureURL list.
for image in item_images:
files = {
'file': ('EbayImage', open(image, 'rb'))
api.execute('UploadSiteHostedPictures', files=files)
# After adding auction item, print out Title and Item # for tracking.
api.execute('AddItem', myitem)
print (row[0] + ' - ' + api.response.dict()["ItemID"])
except ConnectionError as e:


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jay/Desktop/Random Docs/eBay Selling/eBay - Baseball Cards/list_item.py", line 59, in <module>
File "/Users/jay/Desktop/Random Docs/eBay Selling/eBay - Baseball Cards/list_item.py", line 36, in addItem
myitem["Item"]["ItemSpecifics"]["NameValueList"].append({'Name': 'Sport', 'Value': row[9]})
KeyError: 'ItemSpecifics'


Card Name, Category, Price, Pounds, Ounces,  Depth, Width, Length, Start Time, Sport, Graded, Images
Joe Jurevicius Auto,261328,.99,0,2,1,6,9,2023-04-11 00:00:00,Baseball,No, 1.jpg


'AddItem: Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 21919303, The item specific Sportxa0is missing. The item specific Sportxa0is missing.xa0Add Sport to this listing, enter a valid value, and then try again., Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 21919303, The item specific Gradedxa0is missing. The item specific Gradedxa0is missing.xa0Add Graded to this listing, enter a valid value, and then try again.'


"ItemSpecifics": {
"NameValueList": []
