3 1.031253
之间的差异来定义所需的组,尝试使用SQL Server语法:
with cte1 as -- Step 1: using the difference between two row_numbers approach, create groups for consecutive similar values of Size.
select *,
row_number() over (partition by id order by number) -
row_number() over (partition by id, size order by number) grp
from table_name
cte2 as -- Step 2: get the counts for each group defined in the previous step
select id, min(number) number, size, grp, count(*) cnt
from cte1
group by id, size, grp
-- Step 3: use string_agg and concat functions to get the desired format
select id,
(-- use a case expression to not include (1x) when count = 1
case when cnt > 1 then concat(size, ' (x', cnt, ')') else cast(size as varchar(20)) end, ' x '
) within group (order by number) Size
from cte2
group by id
order by id
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