在Java中使用Azure Cosmos数据库发布/订阅的示例

我需要一个Azure Cosmos DB的pub/sub事件消息系统。我使用的是Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4。



  • 饲料收集/容器继续增长。当所有活动节点都收到事件后,如何删除该事件?
  • 事件延迟似乎比较大。大约一分钟。
  • 只有一个节点接收事件。这看起来很有趣的负载平衡,但这不是我的用例。

使用4.12.0版本的Java SDK,下面的代码片段适合我。但它使用的是驱动程序的测试版代码。它可以在未来改变。

private static final String                CHANNEL = "events";
private CosmosContainer                    collection;
private boolean                            stopped;
void start( String clientID ) {
CosmosContainerProperties props = new CosmosContainerProperties( CHANNEL, "/type" );
// delete all events after 60 seconds. All nodes should receive it in the meantime.
props.setDefaultTimeToLiveInSeconds( 60 );
collection = getOrCreateContainer( props );
Thread thread = new Thread( () -> {
String[] continuation = new String[1];
try {
while( !stopped ) {
// sample code: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/cosmos/azure-cosmos/src/test/java/com/azure/cosmos/CosmosContainerChangeFeedTest.java
CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions options = continuation[0] == null ? //
CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions.createForProcessingFromNow( FeedRange.forFullRange() ) : // initial value
CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions.createForProcessingFromContinuation( continuation[0] ); // continue value
Iterator<EventPOJO> it = collection //
.queryChangeFeed( options, EventPOJO.class ) //
.handle( ( response ) -> continuation[0] = response.getContinuationToken() ) //
while( it.hasNext() ) {
EventPOJO event = it.next();
if( event.client != clientID ) {
// filter the own events
onMessage( event );
// poll interval
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
} catch( Throwable th ) {
if( !stopped ) {
PersistenceLogger.LOGGER.error( th );
thread.setDaemon( true );
<T> void send( T event, String clientID ) {
EventPOJO evt = new EventPOJO();
evt.id = ...
evt.client = clientID;
evt.type = event.getClass().getName();
evt.message = ...
collection.createItem( evt );
