
  • 本文关键字:问题 c# winforms graphics
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private Square SnakeFood = new Square();
private void generateSnakeFood()
int maxXPosition = pictureBox1.Size.Width / GameSetting.Width;
int maxYPosition = pictureBox1.Size.Height / GameSetting.Height;
SnakeFood = new Square { X = random.Next(0, maxXPosition), Y = random.Next(0, maxYPosition) };
private void UpdateGame(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics canvas = e.Graphics
new Rectangle(
SnakeFood.X * GameSetting2.Width2,
SnakeFood.Y * GameSetting2.Width2,
GameSetting2.Width2, GameSetting2.Height2


是的。即使你做了一个new Square你仍然重新激活了相同的变量。代码的绘制部分只是读取1个变量并绘制1个Square。您将需要使用某种类型的集合,以便您可以有不同的计数。这也意味着你需要改变你的代码,你检测碰撞和你吃食物的地方,并删除它。


private List<Square> SnakeFoods = new List<Square>();
private void generateSnakeFood()
// create new random food using the new method
// doesn't mean it's valid yet
Square newFood = GenerateRandomFood();
// you need to make sure there is not another food at that same location
// in the collection or else you have a duplicate.
// if there is a duplicate you need to generate a new one until it's unique.
// Here I use linq, a feature available on List to check if
// you already have a food at that location in order to prevent doubles
// While it find ANY item in the collection that has the same X and Y it regenerate a new random food. 
while(SnakeFoods.Any(snakeFood => snakeFood.X == newFood.X && snakeFood.Y == newFood.Y))
newFood = GenerateRandomFood();

// when the code get's here the loop above had taken care that 
// newFood is not a duplicate so we can add it
// this will just return a new random food without storing it as we dont know if it's good
private Square GenerateRandomFood()
int maxXPosition = pictureBox1.Size.Width / GameSetting.Width;
int maxYPosition = pictureBox1.Size.Height / GameSetting.Height;
// just return new random food
return new Square { X = random.Next(0, maxXPosition), Y = random.Next(0, maxYPosition) };


private void UpdateGame(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics canvas = e.Graphics

// one minor change is to loop to draw all foods (squares)
foreach(Square SnakeFood in SnakeFoods)
new Rectangle(
SnakeFood.X * GameSetting2.Width2,
SnakeFood.Y * GameSetting2.Width2,
GameSetting2.Width2, GameSetting2.Height2));



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