

let intervals = [10];
let count;
let frameWidth;
let distance;
let diam1;
let col1;
let sat1;
let bri1;
let speed;
function setup() {

createCanvas(800, 800);  

colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1);

//initiate draw variables

count = random(intervals);

frameWidth = (width*0.8);

distance = (frameWidth/count);

col1 = random(360);

diam1 = distance*0.5;  

speed = 0.005;

function draw() {

background(0, 0, 0, 1);
// draw grid of circles

for (let x = width * 0.1; x <= width * 0.9; x += distance) {

for (let y = height * 0.1; y <= height * 0.9; y += distance) {

sat1 = 100;

bri1 = 100;


fill(col1, sat1, bri1, 1);


col1 = col1 + speed

if (col1 >= 360) {

col1 = 0




let speed, colors, rows, columns;
function setup() {
// [...]
columns = Math.round(frameWidth / distance) + 1; 
rows = Math.round(frameWidth / distance) + 1; 
colors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j ++) {
speed = 1;


let intervals = [10];
let count, frameWidth, distance;
let sat1, bri1;
let speed, colors, rows, columns, diameters;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 800);  
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1);
//initiate draw variables
count = random(intervals);
frameWidth = (width*0.8);
distance = (frameWidth/count);  

columns = Math.round(frameWidth / distance) + 1; 
rows = Math.round(frameWidth / distance) + 1; 
colors = [];
diameters = []
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j ++) {
speed = 1;
function draw() {
background(0, 0, 0, 1);
// draw grid of circles
for (let i = 0; i < columns; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j ++) {
sat1 = 100;
bri1 = 100;
fill(colors[i][j], sat1, bri1, 1);
let d = distance * (0.5 + 0.4 * sin(diameters[i][j]));
ellipse(width * 0.1 + i * distance, height * 0.1 + j * distance, d);
colors[i][j] = (colors[i][j] + speed) % 360;
diameters[i][j] = diameters[i][j] + 0.05;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.0/p5.min.js"></script>






colourShiftingCircles({ ctx, rad, numX, numY, saturation=100, lightness=50, huePerSec=30 })
  • ctx:画布上下文
  • rad:圆半径(像素)
  • numX:穿过
  • 的圈数
  • numY:圈数下降(numX×numY圈的总数)
  • saturation: control how " colorful& quot;或";nongrey"颜色为
  • lightness:控制转向黑/白颜色是
  • huePerSec:如何快速循环色调

let canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
// This just ensures the canvas is a reasonable size; it's optional
let resize = () => {
let { width, height } = canvas.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
if (width.toString() !== canvas.getAttribute('width')) canvas.setAttribute('width', width);
if (height.toString() !== canvas.getAttribute('height')) canvas.setAttribute('height', height);
window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
let colourShiftingCircles = ({ ctx, rad, numX, numY, saturation=100, lightness=50, huePerSec=30 }) => {

// This value allows the animation to be ended at some point in the future
let control = { run: true, end: () => control.run = false };

// Animation loop runs inside an `async` function:
(async () => {

// An array of size `numX` x `numY` items, defining initial hue values for circles
let data = [ ...new Array(numX) ].map(() => [ ...new Array(numY) ].map(() => {
return { hue: Math.random() * 360 };

// Mark the start time; this will allow us to tell how much time has passed later
let startTime = performance.now();

while (control.run) {

// Wait for animation frame; this is a basic principle of canvas animations
await new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));

// Figure out how much the hue has shifted by at this point in time
let totalHueShift = ((performance.now() - startTime) / 1000) * huePerSec;

// Draw every circle:
for (let y = 0; y < numY; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < numX; x++) {

// Calculate the hue based on the circle's initial colour, and the amount
// of hue shifted due to passage of time
let hue = data[x][y].hue + totalHueShift;

// Simply draw a circle with an hsla fill colour
ctx.fillStyle = `hsla(${Math.floor(hue) % 360}deg ${saturation}% ${lightness}%)`;
ctx.arc((rad * 2 * x) + rad, (rad * 2 * y) + rad, rad, 0, Math.PI * 2);




return control;

let { end } = colourShiftingCircles({ ctx: canvas.getContext('2d'), rad: 20, numX: 5, numY: 5 });
// If you ever want to end the animation just call `end()`!
/* Just getting the canvas to display in a reasonable way; this is optional */
html, body, canvas { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
canvas { outline: 1px solid black; }


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