cout with pointers c++


using namespace std;
int main() {
int v = 65;
int* q = &v;
char** o = (char**)&q;
cout <<  o << endl;  // output: 012FFCAC
cout <<  *o << endl; // output: A
cout << **o << endl; // output: A
printf("%c",*o);     // cause an error
printf("%p",*o);    // works and the output=&v


using namespace std;
int main() {
char v = 65;
cout <<  &v << endl;  // output: A╠╠╠╠▀?╞«4°O 



int v = 65;  // Byte pattern on most machines [65,0,0,0] 
int* q = &v; 
char** o = (char**)&q; // *o now points to [65,0,0,0] ==> ['A','','',''] ==> "A"
std::cout <<  o << std::endl;  
// input:      char** 
// printed as: pointer 
// result:     012FFCAC
std::cout <<  *o << std::endl;  // Undefined Behaviour
// input:      char*
// printed as: null terminated string
// result:     "A"
std::cout <<  **o << std::endl; // Undefined Behaviour 
// input:      char
// printed as: single character
// result:     'A'
printf("%c",*o);    // %c expects a [char] type but is given [pointer to char]      ERROR
printf("%p",*o);    // %p expects a [pointer] type and is given a [pointer to char] OK


char v = 65;
std::cout << &v << std::endl;  // &v is not a well-formed null terminated string: Undefined Behaviour
// input:      char*
// printed as: null terminated string
// result:     "A<whatever other data is around v in memory>"
