
module CounterApp
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Reactive.Linq
open System.Reactive.Disposables
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
/// Subscribers
let do' f c = f c; Disposable.Empty
let prop s v c = Observable.subscribe (s c) v
let event s f c = (s c : IEvent<_,_>).Subscribe(fun v -> f c v)
let children clear add set (v1 : IObservable<IObservable<IObservable<_>>>) c = // Note: The previous versions of this have bugs.
let v2_disp = new SerialDisposable()
new CompositeDisposable(
v1.Subscribe(fun v2 ->
clear c
v2_disp.Disposable <- 
let v3_disp = new CompositeDisposable()
let mutable i = 0
new CompositeDisposable(
v2.Subscribe (fun v3 ->
let i' = i
v3_disp.Add <| v3.Subscribe (fun v -> if i' < i then set c i' v else i <- add c v + 1)
:> IDisposable
let ui_element_collection v1 c = children (fun (c : UIElementCollection) -> c.Clear()) (fun c -> c.Add) (fun c i v -> c.RemoveAt i; c.Insert(i,v)) v1 c
/// Transformers
let control'<'a when 'a :> UIElement> (c : unit -> 'a) l = 
Observable.Create (fun (sub : IObserver<_>) ->
let c = c()
let d = new CompositeDisposable()
List.iter (fun x -> d.Add(x c)) l
d :> IDisposable
let control c l = control' c l :?> IObservable<UIElement>
let stack_panel' props childs = control StackPanel (List.append props [fun c -> ui_element_collection childs c.Children])
let stack_panel props childs = stack_panel' props (Observable.ofSeq childs |> Observable.single)
let window props content = control' Window (List.append props [prop (fun t v -> t.Content <- v) content])
/// The example
type Model = {
Count : int
Step : int
TimerOn : bool
type Msg =
| Increment
| Decrement
| Reset
| SetStep of int
| TimerToggled of bool
| TimedTick
let init = { Count = 0; Step = 1; TimerOn=false }
let pump = Subject.broadcast
let dispatch msg = pump.OnNext msg
let update =
|> Observable.scanInit init (fun model msg ->
match msg with
| Increment -> { model with Count = model.Count + model.Step }
| Decrement -> { model with Count = model.Count - model.Step }
| Reset -> init
| SetStep n -> { model with Step = n }
| TimerToggled on -> { model with TimerOn = on }
| TimedTick -> if model.TimerOn then { model with Count = model.Count + model.Step } else model 
|> Observable.startWith [init]
let timerCmd() =
|> Observable.map (fun x -> x.TimerOn)
|> Observable.distinctUntilChanged
|> Observable.combineLatest (Observable.interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)))
|> Observable.subscribe (fun (_,timerOn) -> 
if timerOn then Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(fun () -> dispatch TimedTick)
let view =
window [ do' (fun t -> t.Title <- "Counter App")]
<| control Border [
do' (fun b -> b.Padding <- Thickness 30.0; b.BorderBrush <- Brushes.Black; b.Background <- Brushes.AliceBlue)
prop (fun b v -> b.Child <- v) <|
stack_panel [ do' (fun p -> p.VerticalAlignment <- VerticalAlignment.Center)] [
control Label [
do' (fun l -> l.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center; l.HorizontalContentAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center; l.Width <- 50.0)
prop (fun l v -> l.Content <- v) (update |> Observable.map (fun model -> sprintf "%d" model.Count))
control Button [
do' (fun b -> b.Content <- "Increment"; b.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center)
event (fun b -> b.Click) (fun b arg -> dispatch Increment)
control Button [
do' (fun b -> b.Content <- "Decrement"; b.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center)
event (fun b -> b.Click) (fun b arg -> dispatch Decrement)
control Border [
do' (fun b -> b.Padding <- Thickness 20.0)
prop (fun b v -> b.Child <- v) <|
stack_panel [do' (fun p -> p.Orientation <- Orientation.Horizontal; p.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center)] [
control Label [do' (fun l -> l.Content <- "Timer")]
control CheckBox [
prop (fun c v -> c.IsChecked <- Nullable(v)) (update |> Observable.map (fun model -> model.TimerOn))
event (fun c -> c.Checked) (fun c v -> dispatch (TimerToggled true))
event (fun c -> c.Unchecked) (fun c v -> dispatch (TimerToggled false))
control Slider [
do' (fun s -> s.Minimum <- 0.0; s.Maximum <- 10.0; s.IsSnapToTickEnabled <- true)
prop (fun s v -> s.Value <- v) (update |> Observable.map (fun model -> model.Step |> float))
event (fun s -> s.ValueChanged) (fun c v -> dispatch (SetStep (int v.NewValue)))
control Label [
do' (fun l -> l.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center)
prop (fun l v -> l.Content <- v) (update |> Observable.map (fun model -> sprintf "Step size: %d" model.Step))
control Button [
do' (fun b -> b.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center; b.Content <- "Reset")
prop (fun b v -> b.IsEnabled <- v) (update |> Observable.map (fun model -> model <> init))
event (fun b -> b.Click) (fun b v -> dispatch Reset)
let main _ = 
let a = Application()
use __ = view.Subscribe (fun w -> a.MainWindow <- w; w.Show())
use __ = timerCmd()


let timerCmd() =
|> Observable.map (fun x -> x.TimerOn)
|> Observable.distinctUntilChanged
|> Observable.combineLatest (Observable.interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)))
|> Observable.subscribe (fun (_,timerOn) -> 
if timerOn then Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(fun () -> dispatch TimedTick)


use __ = timerCmd()






let model = { Count = 0; Step = 0; TimerOn = false }
let update = Subject.behavior model
|> Observable.distinctUntilChangedKey (fun x -> x.TimerOn)
|> Observable.map (fun x -> 
if x.TimerOn then 
|> Observable.switch
|> Observable.subscribe (fun i -> printfn "Tick %d" i)
|> ignore
while true do
printfn "Start (y)?"
let switch = Console.ReadLine()
|> Subject.onNext( { model with TimerOn = switch = "y" })
|> ignore


Start (y)?
Start (y)?
Tick 0
Tick 1
Tick 2
Tick 3
Start (y)?
Start (y)?
Tick 0
Tick 1

