




Month    Fund_number    Cluster_ref_INPUT      Expected_output
1        1              1                      1
2        1              1                      1
3        1              3                      1
4        1              1                      1
1        3              2                      NA
2        3              NA                     NA
3        3              NA                     NA
4        3              NA                     NA
1        8              4                      5
2        8              5                      5
3        8              5                      5
4        8              5                      5








exdata <- fread(text = "
Month    Fund_number    Cluster_ref_INPUT      Expected_output
1        1              1                      1
2        1              1                      1
3        1              3                      1
4        1              1                      1
1        2              2                      NA
2        2              NA                     NA
3        2              NA                     NA
4        2              NA                     NA
1        3              4                      5
2        3              5                      5
3        3              5                      5
4        3              5                      5")
# You can read you data directly as data.table using fread or convert using setDT(exdata)
exdata[, newvar := Cluster_ref_INPUT[.N], by = Fund_number]
> exdata
Month Fund_number Cluster_ref_INPUT Expected_output newvar
1:     1           1                 1               1      1
2:     2           1                 1               1      1
3:     3           1                 3               1      1
4:     4           1                 1               1      1
5:     1           2                 2              NA     NA
6:     2           2                NA              NA     NA
7:     3           2                NA              NA     NA
8:     4           2                NA              NA     NA
9:     1           3                 4               5      5
10:     2           3                 5               5      5
11:     3           3                 5               5      5
12:     4           3                 5               5      5


#Your data
df <- data.frame(Month = rep_len(c(1:4), 12), 
Fund_number = rep(c(1:3), each = 4), 
Cluster_ref_INPUT = c(1, 1, 3, 1, 2, NA, NA, NA, 4, 5, 5, 5), 
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Create an empty data frame in which the results will be stored
outdat <- data.frame(Month = c(), Fund_number = c(), Cluster_ref_INPUT = c(), expected_input = c(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Using a for loop
#Iterate through the list of unique Fund_number values
for(i in 1:length(unique(df$Fund_number))){
#Subset data pertaining to each unique Fund_number
curdat <- subset(df, df$Fund_number == unique(df$Fund_number)[i])
#Take the value of Cluster_ref_Input from the last row
#And set it as the value for expected_input column for all rows
curdat$expected_input <- curdat$Cluster_ref_INPUT[nrow(curdat)]
#Append this modified subset to the output container data frame
outdat <- rbind(outdat, curdat)
#Go to next iteration
#Remove non-essential looping variables
rm(curdat, i)
#    Month Fund_number Cluster_ref_INPUT expected_input
# 1      1           1                 1              1
# 2      2           1                 1              1
# 3      3           1                 3              1
# 4      4           1                 1              1
# 5      1           2                 2             NA
# 6      2           2                NA             NA
# 7      3           2                NA             NA
# 8      4           2                NA             NA
# 9      1           3                 4              5
# 10     2           3                 5              5
# 11     3           3                 5              5
# 12     4           3                 5              5



rm(list = ls())
#Library for benchmarking
#Your data
df <- data.frame(Month = rep_len(c(1:12), 79167), 
Fund_number = rep(c(1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 22), each = 158334), 
Cluster_ref_INPUT = sample(letters, size = 950004, replace = TRUE), 
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Data in format for data.table
df_t <- data.table(Month = rep_len(c(1:12), 79167), 
Fund_number = rep(c(1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 22), each = 158334), 
Cluster_ref_INPUT = sample(letters, size = 950004, replace = TRUE), 
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Base R solution

#Using a for loop
#Iterate through the list of unique Fund_number values
base_r_func <- function(df) {
#Create an empty data frame in which the results will be stored
outdat <- data.frame(Month = c(), 
Fund_number = c(), 
Cluster_ref_INPUT = c(), 
expected_input = c(), 
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(i in 1:length(unique(df$Fund_number))){
#Subset data pertaining to each unique Fund_number
curdat <- subset(df, df$Fund_number == unique(df$Fund_number)[i])
#Take the value of Cluster_ref_Input from the last row
#And set it as the value for expected_input column for all rows
curdat$expected_input <- curdat$Cluster_ref_INPUT[nrow(curdat)]
#Append this modified subset to the output container data frame
outdat <- rbind(outdat, curdat)
#Go to next iteration
#Remove non-essential looping variables
rm(curdat, i)
#This return is needed for the base_r_func function wrapper
#this code is enclosed in (not necessary otherwise)

#Tidyverse solution
dplyr_func <- function(df){
df %>% #For actual use, replace this %>% with %<>%
#and it will write the output back to the input object
#Group the data by Fund_number
group_by(Fund_number) %>%
#Create a new column populated w/ last value from Cluster_ref_INPUT
mutate(expected_input = last(Cluster_ref_INPUT))
#Data table solution
dt_func <- function(df_t){
#For this function, we are using
#dt_t (created above)
#Logic similar to dplyr solution
df_t <- df_t[ , expected_output := Cluster_ref_INPUT[.N], by = Fund_number]
dt_func_conv <- function(df){
#Converting data.frame to data.table format
df_t <- data.table(df)
#Logic similar to dplyr solution
df_t <- df_t[ , expected_output := Cluster_ref_INPUT[.N], by = Fund_number]
bm_vals <- microbenchmark(base_r_func(df), 
dt_func_conv(df), times = 8)
# Unit: milliseconds
#              expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
#   base_r_func(df) 618.58202 702.30019 721.90643 743.02018 754.87397 756.28077     8
#    dplyr_func(df) 119.18264 123.26038 128.04438 125.64418 133.37712 140.60905     8
#     dt_func(df_t)  38.06384  38.27545  40.94850  38.88269  43.58225  48.04335     8
#  dt_func_conv(df)  48.87009  51.13212  69.62772  54.36058  57.68829 181.78970     8

可以看出,如果速度是必要的,那么使用data.table将是可行的。即使考虑了将常规data.frame转换为data.table的开销,data.table也比dplyrbase R快(参见dt_func_conv()的结果(。

编辑:根据Carlos Eduardo Lagosta的评论,使用setDT()dfdata.frame强制为data.table,使所述强制的开销接近于零。下面的代码段和基准值。

#This version includes the time taken
#to coerce a data.frame to a data.table
dt_func_conv <- function(df){
#Logic similar to dplyr solution
#setDT() coerces data.frames to the data.table format
setDT(df)[ , expected_output := Cluster_ref_INPUT[.N], by = Fund_number]
# Unit: milliseconds
#              expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
#   base_r_func(df) 271.60196 344.47280 353.76204 348.53663 368.65696 435.16163     8
#    dplyr_func(df) 121.31239 122.67096 138.54481 128.78134 138.72509 206.69133     8
#     dt_func(df_t)  38.21601  38.57787  40.79427  39.53428  43.14732  45.61921     8
#  dt_func_conv(df)  41.11210  43.28519  46.72589  46.74063  50.16052  52.32235     8


df %>% #For actual use, replace this %>% with %<>%
#and it will write the output back to the input object
#Group the data by Fund_number
group_by(Fund_number) %>%
#Create a new column populated w/ last value from Cluster_ref_INPUT
mutate(expected_input = last(Cluster_ref_INPUT))

