

dic = {"IDs": ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','k','l','m'],
"names": ['Ailbhe Yowa',
'Hannah Kirst',
'Morris Hunt',
'Flavia Quor in the UK',
'Sarah Smith and Alexandra Libman',
'Flavia Morris, Mark Torre, Ann Moor',
'Rowena Freez',
'Adam Lion in USA',
'Mahmood Jade  in Europe',
'Morris Tool and  Francois Lopin']

test = pd.DataFrame(dic)
results = [[{'name': 'Ailbhe', 'count': 17}],
[{'name': 'Mahmood', 'count': 2818}],
[{'name': 'Debbie', 'count': 11493}],
[{'name': 'Arthur', 'count': 20587}],
[{'name': 'Clive', 'count': 2703}],
[{'name': 'Flavia', 'count': 10166}],
[{'name': 'Alexandra', 'count': 1939}],
[{'name': 'Sarah', 'count': 88388}],
[{'name': 'Morris', 'count': 3194}],
[{'name': 'Cameron', 'count': 3334}]]


IDs names                               results
0   a   Ailbhe Yowa                         [{'name': 'Ailbhe', 'count': 17}]
1   b   Hannah Kirst    
2   c   Morris Hunt                         [{'name': 'Morris', 'count': 3194}]
3   d   Flavia Quor in the UK               [{'name': 'Flavia', 'count': 10166}]
4   e   Sarah Smith and Alexandra Libman    [{'name': 'Sarah', 'count': 88388}, {'name': 'Alexandra', 'count': 1939}]
5   f   Flavia Morris, Mark Torre, Ann Moor [{'name': 'Flavia', 'count': 10166}]
6   g   Rowena Freez    
7   k   Adam Lion in USA    
8   l   Mahmood Jade in Europe              [{'name': 'Mahmood', 'count': 2818}]
9   m   Morris Tool and Francois Lopin      [{'name': 'Morris', 'count': 3194}]


name_dict = {l[0]["name"]: l[0] for l in results}
reg = "(%s)" % "|".join(list(name_dict))
test["results"] = test["names"].str.findall(reg).apply(lambda x: [name_dict[i] for i in x])


IDs                                names  
0   a                          Ailbhe Yowa   
1   b                         Hannah Kirst   
2   c                          Morris Hunt   
3   d                Flavia Quor in the UK   
4   e     Sarah Smith and Alexandra Libman   
5   f  Flavia Morris, Mark Torre, Ann Moor   
6   g                         Rowena Freez   
7   k                     Adam Lion in USA   
8   l              Mahmood Jade  in Europe   
9   m      Morris Tool and  Francois Lopin   
0                  [{'name': 'Ailbhe', 'count': 17}]  
1                                                 []  
2                [{'name': 'Morris', 'count': 3194}]  
3               [{'name': 'Flavia', 'count': 10166}]  
4  [{'name': 'Sarah', 'count': 88388}, {'name': '...  
5  [{'name': 'Flavia', 'count': 10166}, {'name': ...  
6                                                 []  
7                                                 []  
8               [{'name': 'Mahmood', 'count': 2818}]  
9                [{'name': 'Morris', 'count': 3194}]  
resultsToAdd = []
for index, row in test.iterrows():
for result_row in results:
isFound = False
for result in result_row:
if result['name'] in row['names']:
isFound = True
if isFound:
if isFound:
else :
resultsToAdd.append(" ")
test["results"] = resultsToAdd        
