

from z3 import *
color = Int('color')
nationality = Int('nationality')
beverage = Int('beverage')
cigar = Int('cigar')
pet = Int('pet')
house = Int('house')
color_variations = Or(color==1, color==2, color==3, color==4, color==5)
nationality_variations = Or(nationality==1, nationality==2, nationality==3, nationality==4, nationality==5)
beverage_variations = Or(beverage==1, beverage==2, beverage==3, beverage==4, beverage==5)
cigar_variations = Or(cigar==1, cigar==2, cigar==3, cigar==4, cigar==5)
pet_variations = Or(pet==1, pet==2, pet==3, pet==4, pet==5)
house_variations = Or(house==1, house==2, house==3, house==4, house==5)
s = Solver()
# This is not right
#s.add(Distinct([color, nationality, beverage, cigar, pet]))
s.add(And(Implies(nationality==1, color==1), Implies(color==1, nationality==1))) #the Brit (nationality==1) lives in the red (color==1) house
s.add(And(Implies(nationality==2, pet==1), Implies(pet==1, nationality==2))) #the Swede (nationality==2) keeps dogs (pet==1) as pets
s.add(And(Implies(nationality==3, beverage==1), Implies(beverage==1, nationality==3))) #the Dane (nationality==3) drinks tea (beverage=1)
s.add(And(Implies(color==2, beverage==2), Implies(beverage==2, color==2))) #the green (color==2) house's owner drinks coffee (beverage==2)
s.add(And(Implies(cigar==1, pet==2), Implies(pet==2, cigar==1))) #the person who smokes Pall Mall (cigar==1) rears birds ([pet==2])
s.add(And(Implies(color==4, cigar==2), Implies(cigar==2, color==4))) #the owner of the yellow (color==4) house smokes Dunhill (cigar==2)
s.add(And(Implies(house==3, beverage==3), Implies(beverage==3, house==3))) #the man living in the center (hause==3) house drinks milk (beverage==3)
s.add(And(Implies(nationality==4, house==1), Implies(house==1, nationality==4))) #the Norwegian (nationality==4) lives in the first house (house==1)
s.add(And(Implies(cigar==3, beverage==4), Implies(beverage==4, cigar==3))) #the owner who smokes BlueMaster (cigar==3) drinks beer (beverage==4)
s.add(And(Implies(nationality==5, cigar==4), Implies(cigar==4, nationality==5))) #the German (nationality==5) smokes Prince (cigar==4)
# I can't figure our this part, so I can keep it short and efficient
# the green (color==2) house is on the left of the white (color==3) house





from z3 import *
# Sorts of things we have
Color      , (Red     , Green   , White     , Yellow   , Blue)   = EnumSort('Color'      , ('Red'     , 'Green'   , 'White'     , 'Yellow'   , 'Blue'))
Nationality, (Briton  , Dane    , Swede     , Norwegian, German) = EnumSort('Nationality', ('Briton'  , 'Dane'    , 'Swede'     , 'Norwegian', 'German'))
Beverage   , (Tea     , Coffee  , Milk      , Beer     , Water)  = EnumSort('Beverage'   , ('Tea'     , 'Coffee'  , 'Milk'      , 'Beer'     , 'Water'))
Pet        , (Dog     , Horse   , Cat       , Bird     , Fish)   = EnumSort('Pet'        , ('Dog'     , 'Horse'   , 'Cat'       , 'Bird'     , 'Fish'))
Sport      , (Football, Baseball, Volleyball, Hockey   , Tennis) = EnumSort('Sport'      , ('Football', 'Baseball', 'Volleyball', 'Hockey'   , 'Tennis'))
# Uninterpreted functions to match "houses" to these sorts. We represent houses by regular symbolic integers.
c = Function('color',       IntSort(), Color)
n = Function('nationality', IntSort(), Nationality)
b = Function('beverage',    IntSort(), Beverage)
p = Function('pet',         IntSort(), Pet)
s = Function('sport',       IntSort(), Sport)
S = Solver()
# Create a new fresh variable. We don't care about its name
v = 0
def newVar():
global v
i = Int("v" + str(v))
v = v + 1
S.add(1 <= i, i <= 5)
return i
# Assert a new fact. This is just a synonym for add, but keeps everything uniform
def fact0(f):
# Assert a fact about a new fresh variable
def fact1(f):
i = newVar()
# Assert a fact about two fresh variables
def fact2(f):
i = newVar()
j = newVar()
S.add(i != j)
S.add(f(i, j))
# Assert two houses are next to each other
def neighbor(i, j):
return (Or(i == j+1, j == i+1))
fact1 (lambda i   : And(n(i) == Briton,     c(i) == Red))                       # The Briton lives in the red house.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(n(i) == Swede,      p(i) == Dog))                       # The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(n(i) == Dane,       b(i) == Tea))                       # The Dane drinks tea.
fact2 (lambda i, j: And(c(i) == Green,      c(j) == White, i == j-1))           # The green house is left to the white house.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(c(i) == Green,      b(i) == Coffee))                    # The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(s(i) == Football,   p(i) == Bird))                      # The person who plays football rears birds.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(c(i) == Yellow,     s(i) == Baseball))                  # The owner of the yellow house plays baseball.
fact0 (                 b(3) == Milk)                                           # The man living in the center house drinks milk.
fact0 (                 n(1) == Norwegian)                                      # The Norwegian lives in the first house.
fact2 (lambda i, j: And(s(i) == Volleyball, p(j) == Cat,      neighbor(i, j)))  # The man who plays volleyball lives next to the one who keeps cats.
fact2 (lambda i, j: And(p(i) == Horse,      s(j) == Baseball, neighbor(i, j)))  # The man who keeps the horse lives next to the one who plays baseball.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(s(i) == Tennis,     b(i) == Beer))                      # The owner who plays tennis drinks beer.
fact1 (lambda i   : And(n(i) == German,     s(i) == Hockey))                    # The German plays hockey.
fact2 (lambda i, j: And(n(i) == Norwegian,  c(j) == Blue,     neighbor(i, j)))  # The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
fact2 (lambda i, j: And(s(i) == Volleyball, b(j) == Water,    neighbor(i, j)))  # The man who plays volleyball has a neighbor who drinks water.
# Determine who owns the fish
fishOwner = Const("fishOwner", Nationality)
fact1 (lambda i: And(n(i) == fishOwner, p(i) == Fish))
r = S.check()
if r == sat:
m = S.model()
print("Solver said: %s" % r)


$ python a.py




在CCD_ 5的情况下。此打印:

[v5 = 4,
v9 = 1,
v16 = 2,
v12 = 5,
v14 = 1,
v2 = 2,
v0 = 3,
v10 = 2,
v18 = 4,
v15 = 2,
v6 = 3,
v7 = 1,
v4 = 5,
v8 = 2,
v17 = 1,
v11 = 1,
v1 = 5,
v13 = 4,
fishOwner = German,
v3 = 4,
nationality = [5 -> Swede,
2 -> Dane,
1 -> Norwegian,
4 -> German,
else -> Briton],
color = [5 -> White,
4 -> Green,
1 -> Yellow,
2 -> Blue,
else -> Red],
pet = [3 -> Bird,
1 -> Cat,
2 -> Horse,
4 -> Fish,
else -> Dog],
beverage = [4 -> Coffee,
3 -> Milk,
5 -> Beer,
1 -> Water,
else -> Tea],
sport = [1 -> Baseball,
2 -> Volleyball,
5 -> Tennis,
4 -> Hockey,
else -> Football]]

