



const crypto = require('crypto');

// This two value (ivValueEn , ivValueDe) should be same, to decode the text properly!
// you can generate any strong value and past it at the same place of you can have it from the config value.
const ivValueEn = "c5949f09a7e67318888c5949f09a7e6c09ca51e602867318888c5949f09a7e6c09ca51e602867318888"; 
const ivValueDe = "c5949f09a7e6c09ca51e602867318888c5949f09a7e6c09ca51e602867319ca51e602867318888";
// insert your key here, better to chose a strong key  
const keyValue = "c5949f09a7e6c09a7e6c09ca51e602867318888c5949f09a7e6c09ca51e602867318888";
// slicing are not required you can remove the slice(0,64) part & the console.log as well
const alog = 'aes-256-gcm'
const ivEn = ivValueEn.toString('hex').slice(0,64); console.log(ivEn);
const ivDe = ivValueDe.toString('hex').slice(0,64); console.log(ivDe);
// The one that working with me correctly is to slicing the key to (32) characters. 
const key = keyValue.slice(0,32);
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(alog,key,ivEn);
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv (alog,key,ivDe);
